Hello Sagath,
I think it's pretty neat that you approached powerful entheogens as a coherent step when learning to play with the amazing tool we have inside of our skull.
Sagath wrote:During my research I came across some material on neuroplasticity which explained how after several days of using inverted goggles (goggles with prisms that make you see the world upside down) your neurology will change and feed you the images straight up even though your are seeing upside down through the goggles.
And as you know, it's way beyond the visual cortex. The balance between hemispheres, the hippocampus, the range of brainwave frequencies... and even changes in morphology outside of the brain.
Sagath wrote:what about studying and experiencing temporary changes in the chemistry of my brain… this thought led me to read about psychedelics and finally to DMT.
It would be particularly interesting to read research about the effect of powerful psychedelics as catalysts in neuroplasticity. Dramatic transformation for a short period, versus long, continuous repetition and learning. Thanks for bringing that up, and please do share with us your findings.
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"The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts