Thanks for the warm welcome.
My experiences, if I am honest revolved around a mis spent teenhood. Fairly vanilla flavored. (In the UK) Shrooms, LSD, etc. More recreational than anything.
I was then in the military for a fair while, where obviously experience was limited.
The DMT thing, unfortuately I fall into that category of newbies. I am going through a particularly challenging time with a custody battle, and I will be honest, 12 months ago it very nearly became unbearable.
I realised upon meeting my son, that infact, I had previously, no real concept of the human condition of love. Now that I have opened that part of my concious up, I need to know what else I have been missing.
At the same time I was doing my own historical research about the Ancient civilisations of South America and North North/East Arica, stumbled across Graham Hancocks work, read some more about him, etc etc etc. Here I am wanting to have that 'change' for the next part of my life and to ensure I can provide the best possible emotional support for my son. I have commited to a trip to South America early next year, with that single purpose in mind. I want that to be as authentic as possible and the first journey, but it doesnt stop me wanting to research/try/test methods in the meantime.
I have always had an active interest in psychology, and having read further theories around the potential effects of DMT releaving symptoms of anxiety, depression etc, well I guess thats my angle.
That and living in Australia and finding out what an abundance of natural fauna are around me, I thought it only fair I try to enter the community with something to offer, rather than just taking.
I have an annoying habit of, when learning of something interesting, I have to study it until I have a vague understanding. I hope these are acceptable motives for being here...
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” : Steve Winterburn