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Dark DMT - the Other Alkaloid Options
#61 Posted : 8/28/2007 5:14:50 PM

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Someone who is not Zero can say with a resounding YES that the white stuff he had was 98%+ DMT and was proven so via GC/MS.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#62 Posted : 8/28/2007 5:40:07 PM

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Zero, does someone who is not you know about what are the remaining 2% ?
#63 Posted : 8/28/2007 6:09:30 PM

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The test his friend did was only accurate up to near the 98-99% range, hence the "+" so he assumes that it was very near 100% pure Dimethyltryptamine. No other compounds were apparent on GC/MS.
#64 Posted : 8/29/2007 3:49:02 AM
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Well, as soon as I meet some faculty at my school that I can trust, I am going to show them my sample (which hopefully contains little or no DMT) and possibly get access to gc/ms. I just transferred to this school though, so it may take a while to get into an undergrad research group under a cool prof. Maybe someone who isn't zero could run some gc/ms on the red jungle spice more easily than me? Smile
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#65 Posted : 8/29/2007 6:37:57 AM
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now we're talking! -z
What if it really [i:92fda18de4]is[/i:92fda18de4] all about the Hokey-Pokey?
#66 Posted : 8/30/2007 9:45:40 PM
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Has anybody in this forum who has extracted the red spice done any bio-assays with it orally? (that lemmiwinks thread at edot is pretty shaky as far as logical conclusions and sanity of posts...) In particular, it would be very interesting to know if: 1) anybody has taken the red spice orally and what were the effects. compare with the effects of syrian rue taken orally. 2) anybody has attempted to create a [i:2cc41779c6]pharmahuasca[/i:2cc41779c6] with the red spice (i.e. combined the red spice with dmt and bio-assayed orally to check if it orally activates the dmt (i.e. is a maoi)). If not, this would be an interesting area of entheogenic research for exploration. -z
What if it really [i:92fda18de4]is[/i:92fda18de4] all about the Hokey-Pokey?
#67 Posted : 8/30/2007 9:55:29 PM

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UNfortunately he no longer has access to that friendly friends resources Sad In regards to Lemmiwinks... anything you read by that cat should be thoroughly and personally researched. I've had interactions with him in another group and he's a twit with some very lofty and presumptuous comments but nothing solid to back them up. Not that I'm judging here.
#68 Posted : 9/2/2007 1:36:51 AM
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Here is what i got from toluene pull from used up base solution (from 1lb of bark). It's been drying for over a week...it's now a thick oily consistency, i dont think it's going to dry much more then this. This stuff looks more brown then red, but it does have a reddish flavor to it when spread out [img:a27de7c728]http://images27.fotki.com/v984/photos/1/186035/686768/IMG_3394-vi.jpg[/img:a27de7c728] Pretty much all the normal spice had been pulled prior to this. Would it matter much to do a naptha pull on this tiny amount?

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#69 Posted : 9/2/2007 6:30:44 AM
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Here you can see the consistency of this stuff my friend found...looks like a bloody booger!!! Excuse his dirty fingernails, i think he was working on a car all day, lol. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=309I94OA He's timid to vaporize as is...not sure if all the solvent has evaporated or what. I told him to stop being a pussy and just do it, but he wont listen! lol

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#70 Posted : 9/2/2007 10:52:27 AM

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Ha ha, I enjoy the clip. Good music choice (obviously Pleased) Look likes really nasty. My friend get something similar from a recystallisation of pretty brown spice (with just naphta), but he was not able to pull it out of the glass tube correctly. I understand that your friend is a bit shy to vaporize it. I bet however that many people here are curious about the result Pleased
#71 Posted : 9/2/2007 4:29:22 PM
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Xeno, that is the stuff your friend is looking for if it came from the toluene pull. To dry it, I would suggest smearing it out to cover the biggest surface area, and then dry it out with an electric fan, then scrape it up again. It may take a few days or even a week to dry out. But that oily lump is fine to smoke IF it does not smell like solvent. It should have that familiar DMT smell, but stronger. Your friend can put that oily stuff on top of his favorite smoking herb and blast off if he doesn't want to wait for it to dry. The taste is actually less harsh than the white DMT and you only need one good rip, maybe two. Also Xeno, if you wash that product with naphtha or heptane you will probably pull some more DMT out and end up with red spice of higher purity that will dry more readily. To do this, place the material in a very small container (test tube), and fill the test tube with *HOT* heptane, and place the tube in a hot water bath until the red spice has melted into a layer of red oil on the bottom. Stir or shake this container until the two layers have mingled thoroughly, then allow them to re-separate in a hot water bath into defined layers. Pour off the solvent layer onto a plate for evaporation (this will yield yellowish DMT that can be further purified), and pour off the red oil layer onto another plate to dry. If it will not pour, place it back in the hot water bath to melt it more. This will be a fairly consistent oil that will harden into a waxy solid in a few hours with the help of a fan blowing cool air. Rinse the test tube with a small amount of Toluene to get the material that sticks to the glass, and pour this out on yet another plate as it will take longer to dry. Smoke about 30mg.
...They all became the river.
#72 Posted : 9/2/2007 4:41:31 PM
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He'll work some magic with it and try to get something a little more solid. The smell is similar to regular dmt...but it kind of has a hint of fritos mixed in, lol.

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#73 Posted : 9/2/2007 6:05:21 PM
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Apparently after wasing with naptha....the red goo is now a beef jerky like substance. And is currently drying out. Kind of reminding of a dried up scab that you peel off when it's done. has a few hairs in it from sitting around drying out all this past week, lol.

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#74 Posted : 9/2/2007 9:59:13 PM
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Excellent, Xeno, you have succeeded! SMOKE IT! Leave your eyes open for a purely visual/sensory experience that leaves the ego intact, OR close your eyes and meditate for a completely out-of-body journey to the center of the universe.
...They all became the river.
#75 Posted : 9/2/2007 10:37:09 PM
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[quote:710ddec945="entheogenist"]Excellent, Xeno, you have succeeded! SMOKE IT! Leave your eyes open for a purely visual/sensory experience that leaves the ego intact, OR close your eyes and meditate for a completely out-of-body journey to the center of the universe.[/quote:710ddec945]Can't wait, hopefully tonight the testing will ensue. There was only about 60mg total yield though. Crying or very sad enough for two tests i suppose

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#76 Posted : 9/3/2007 3:42:38 AM
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From 500g bark? How many pulls did you do with Toluene? For 500g bark in 1 gallon basified solution, I would divide 500ml of toluene into 3-4 pulls, and I would expect at LEAST two grams of red; that's after pulling at least a gram of white through the standard methods. On an extremely good day with some very high quality bark I can get 5 grams from 500 grams. You definitely have some more magic in your basified solution or in the used bark itself, so don't throw anything away. PULL IT OUT! Smile
...They all became the river.
#77 Posted : 9/3/2007 5:31:20 AM
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ALL the white had been pulled, and the solution has been sitting for a few weeks in the cabinet before the toluene was used on it. Used about 450g of toluene total. and probably 3 pulls. with plenty of heat applied, not sure why the yield was low. The solution was still slippery black, so i'm assuming it still holds a high PH. But would adding a bit of lye solution before pulling have any effect?

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#78 Posted : 9/5/2007 9:12:38 PM

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Location: my secret volcano lair, really everyone should have one its so cool
i know someone that is willing to run tests on a sample, i was going to send him some of the red, but i ran out before he contacted me. pm me and we could work something out... just make sure there are no illigal drugs in your sample (as little as posible ne way)
#79 Posted : 9/6/2007 7:02:27 AM

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Xeno - how many naptha pulls were done? And was heat used? And was the extract yellow and oily? I'm thinking that heating the solution and naptha might make a good bit of those red spices soluable in the naptha. Was any white recovered from washing the red? My friend just did a 50g STB and extracted 3X with toulene and got a fuck all yield. Acceptable amount of red, but what washed out with the heptane is way less than the 200mg he expected from this batch of bark. And - he just checked - it's oily yellow. The white he's washed out of red extractions done after a regular NP is white purity. Thats weird. I don't think the toluene pulled much of the white. I want to fly down to Antarctica now and kick his ass for not doing a naptha pull on that solution. Shit.
#80 Posted : 9/7/2007 2:58:55 AM

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[quote:9d24df0b85="entheogenist"] So I'm wondering... The old-school heads at the festivals keep talking about RED or ORANGE DMT from back in the day, and how strong it was. I'm wondering if that old-school spice was actually just a mixture of the 2 alkaloids in one product... because as far as I can tell, pure DMT is white or clear crystals.[/quote:9d24df0b85] Since 1999 there has been the reds also called purple by some, yellow, orange, and white spices available at music festivals, and have been kept underground till recently. At the last SCI shows in Red Rocks CO there was all colors available, being offered quite openly. You could smell that sweet plastic smell every few 1000 feet while walking the lot. Just last year it wasn't like that.
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