Wikipedia says, without cited sources, that several echinopsis species contain mescaline.
Doesn't specifically list cristata - that isn't the species?
I am not a cactus expert, only trying to help
Edit: Now you got me reading about cacti so I'll probably be up til 3
"Several cacti in the genus Echinopsis have been demonstrated to contain the psychedelic alkaloid mescaline and have a long history of traditional use for psychotherapeutic, spiritual, and medicinal purposes. An unknown Echinopsis species (likely E. pachanoi or E. bridgesii) sometimes referred to as "The Cactus of the Four Winds" is said to have potently psychedelic effects. This cactus has four ribs, supposedly an indicator of higher potency; however, it is not uncommon for cacti in the genus Echinopsis to change their rib configurations, with some alternating between a four- and six-rib configuration. Modern analysis has not yet shown any link between the number of ribs and alkaloid content. The suggestion that a square (four-ribbed) plant is "more powerful" might be entirely metaphorical and relate to a native cultural value rather than actual alkaloid content."
Yet another edit.
Here's this link, showing a san pedro cactus that looks very close to yours
http://www.cactuspedia.i...us_pachanoi_cristata.htmOh man taxonomy is fun; it looks like there is a species called Echinopsis Cristata, but I can't find anything about it besides a few anecdotes on Wikipedia.
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'movies are for people who lack real drugs.' -anne halonium