This is my 3rd tek, followed the q21q21 pretty much to the letter on 200 grams mhrb.
First pull gave me .75 grams of nice off white waxy fumarate.
Second pull 24 hrs later gave .5 grams of lovely salmon colored material with white sparkly goodness mixed in.
Learning points: when adding the FASI to limonene the tek (BLAB referenced from Q21Q21) advises to add the FASI slowly, a little at a time, until further addition causes no more clouding. Problem: after first addition of FASI the entire solution became so milky I couldn't tell if adding more FASI was doing anything. Waited until next morning, when solution had cleared. Initially I was worried because despite milky appearance the night before, next morning solution was completely clear. But not to worry, by evening a nice solid layer of fumarate had deposited along the bottom of the beaker.
Second learning point: forget turkey basters. The holes are too big and they dribble. Get some proper 10 and 25 ml bulbed pipettes off ebay or amazon. They work much better and don't dribble.
Tried to recrystallize my first pull using absolute ethanol. However after 24 hrs all the ethanol had evaporated (according to smell), leaving behind a clear light straw colored goo the thickness of corn syrup. I decided to salt it using white vinegar, then basified to ph of 12.5 and extracted with methylene chloride. I have that evaporating now we shall see if that gets them back into crystal form.
I like doing spice but I am having almost as much fun doing extraction chemistry.
in love and light