PRE-CONDITIONS(mind)Set: very happy and just woke from a little sleep before heading out
(physical condition) Set: tip top
Setting : a field
time of day: 3pm
recent drug use: few beers and some brownies and joints yesterday
last meal: BBQ last night
body weight: 80kg
known sensitivities: none
history of use: couple of years of DMT, a year or so of Pharma/Aya
BIOASSAYSubstance(s): Harmine/DMT
Dose(s): 300mg Harmine/70mg DMT
Method of administration: In OJ
EFFECTSAdministration time: 3pm
Duration: 7hrs
First effects: ?
Peak: ?
Come down: ?
Baseline: ?
Intensity: a beautifull 2.5
Evaluation / notes: It was mega
OPTIONALPleasantness: 4
Implesantness: 0
Visual Intensity: 2
Afterglow: 2, feeling good today
Sunshine and Psychedelics
Sunday 9th June 2013
I walked up the hill with an unfeasibly large amount of stuff, a big rucksack on my back, a smaller one on my front and a folding chair under my arm, would I need all this stuff? Probably not, but hell you never know and it’s always good to be prepared.
A new spot in the sun among the ruins of an old farmhouse was to be my home for the day.
Nestled on the side of a hill between trees and ruins I set up my base, I basked in the glory of the sunshine, glasses on shirt off, chilling out on my chair taking in the beauty of the rolling fields and hills of the landscape that stretched out before me.
2 bitter shots separated by some choice musical pieces of genius led me into the world of psychedelic sun worship, I allowed the happiness to fill me but fears would creep in and out as they should during an introspective mission, memories reappear of a spent child hood, spinning around in circles so fast that the world changed into a single moving image of coloured lines with no definition of the things which created them. I held a rock in my hand, a flat smooth angled piece of gods own rock, it felt right, it felt important, it was special, maybe this rock had been waiting for me or me for it, I span it around in my hands and contemplated its importance, I licked it, it tasted bad.
I took some tokes from a magic laced joint which split the landscape into a 2 layer undulating panoramic vision, trees bushes and fields moved back and forth across and over each other and the view seemed to stretch, I had gazed upon this vista before but never had it seemed so stretched. I wonder why???
My psychedelic wobble sound track was going strong, and I gazed upon my fluffy white companions and their cute little offspring that danced, jumped and skipped in the sunshine, for a moment I wanted to be as happy and care free as the little fella’s I gazed upon, and then I realised, I was.
I abandoned my chair and with a bottle of the finest real ale I wondered around the once proud but now fallen farmhouse that was my residence for the day, I walked around on the exposed wall tops looking down onto the collapsed roof that now resided in the front room, I jumped inside and framed myself in the window, I once again looked at my land, I was the master of all I surveyed and it was the master of me.
I strolled through the field for a while and then lay in a small area confined by exquisitely constructed dry stone walls, just me and the sheep, curiously cautious they observed my silliness with a quiet attention and fear that I tried to wish away. I strolled further up the field and found a solitary tree, I stood beneath the tree leaning on its rough barky texture and I gazed up at the rocks above me, weather worn sculptures of majestic timeless beauty, carved by the elements over the ages, they stand before me and hopefully they will stand way after me.
I turned and sat beneath the tree, cross legged with my interlocked fingers in my lap, I was the embodiment of the Buddha, I closed my eyes, my body disappeared and I became the morphing glowing red and orange light, time was lost, the self was lost, everything was lost but I knew I had found what was real, for the first time in meditation I merged.
I opened my eyes and registered the attendance of some new walking cloudy friend, about 6 of them were staring at me, the elders at the back, they knew the score, and the young pretenders at the front testing their bravery. I got as low as I could and began to try to communicate with my new friends “baaaa baa baaa” said I, “ba ba baaaa” came the reply, I slowly swayed side to side and they looked at me sideways, we spoke for some time before I excused myself and wondered back down the hill to my base camp.
Back sat on the grass I ran my fingers through the soft green mini forest of green leaves and before long my toes joined my party, digging and rummaging through the fine textured loveliness, clothes are for fools I thought and then I found myself sat in my birthday suit with every inch of my skin being kissed by the burning celestial glory and every inch of my arse being tickled by the grass, ahhhhhhhhh, life is good.
Again I checked out the fallen farmhouse, it seems the upstairs was the residence of the farmer and his kin and the downstairs used to be the dwelling of my new fluffy cloudy friends, I peered in and my eye’s were captured by a fluorescent green glint, now I was high, but I wasn’t that high, I knew it was real and I ventured into the house to investigate, as I walked into the cool darkness the green glint disappeared, I was disappointed, maybe it wasn’t real and maybe I was that high, but as I bent down it reappeared, it was some kind of moss, it was so bright it looked bioluminescent, it was incredible, I have never seen anything like it with my own eyes.
I went back to my chair, put my headphones back on, and stared into the distance playing with the lingering psychedelic trickery that had been bestowed up me. I sat and gazed upon the sun until it began to set, as it kissed the horizon the whaling glory of Mr Hendix engulfed my ears and 15 minutes of the Voodoo Child filled my soul in the way only Jimi can.
What a day.
it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???
fool of the year