Hey all, fellow plant kin and evolverz,
Not too a used to forum based introductions, and shy in e-nature… I'll go by Kai, another soul that fell into these realms and experienced fascination at something that felt so real. I grew up with a close interaction with nature, increasing my love of all things wild… I, like many others kids from the surrounding communities, chose different alkaloids from youth; fungi and ganja in preference to alcohol and puff…
I guess from there we figured that all earthly things have a symbiotic kinnection, but experiencing the realms of spice have been humbling (and at times, not so) and enormously fast and growthful. I attribute this very medicine for my entire being, for the wisdom in such spaces have led me to the nicest of places!
My passions for knowledge like within Permaculture, Alchemy, Mycology and Ethnobotany... as well drinking tea, snowboarding, the moon and all sorts of not totally plant'related things!
I currently study Herbal Medicine at uni, and hope in future to combine this with anthropological studies to become the all knowing! (I kid... a little)...
I'll leave it short and sweet for now, but I have a growing background in plant'based research (am currently studying herbal medicine in uni... ethnobotanical studies are seeming to become a main procrastination source) and have joined nexus not only for alchemical progress ^__- but to contribute to the research collaboration project i was told was going on. Yeah!
Looking forward to contributing and co-creating…
... Experiment... Empower... Evolve...