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i saw this thing which is pricey but.... http://www.emotiv.com/st...ci/research-edition-sdk/do you guys think it could be valuable to study EEG brain wave patterns during hyperspace visits? this thing comes with pretty serious software that will track and record something like 20 channels of input. seems like it could yield some interesting information. i also like the idea of using it to work on entrainment of brainwave patterns and learn what it physically feels like to be in a given brainwave state. seeing the feedback onscreen would be extremely helpful . anyway just an idea.... The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke http://vimeo.com/32001208
 DMT-Nexus member
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Hehe yep, I also thought about this, but not only this. It has a lot of great features you can play with, including binding your own commands to shortcut keys. Now that's cool. But it's probably just my nerd part of the brain speaking now  You can also use this as an EEG machine (that is, get the raw output, for more professional use perhaps?): https://github.com/daeke...b/master/Announcement.mdBy the way, I believe the EPOC headset works as well, you don't need the researchers edition. Not sure though. The truth...lies within.
 DMT-Nexus member
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I asked someone at Emotiv about the difference between the base $ 300 model and the eeg unit and they said the Epoc vers doesnt send raw eeg data. but your link looks promising The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke http://vimeo.com/32001208
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Yeah, that's why those guys ^ invented that little tool. Because it SHOULD provide the raw EEG data, it's just a marketing scheme that it doesn't, since the machine itself operates on those EEG waves. Makes sense for a big company, but not for a home user. But the researchers edition also exposes they're SDK, so you can build your own apps that use the Emotiv headset. If you're a programmer, that is. The truth...lies within.
DMT-Nexus member
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Sorry to bring this up after a while, but there was a post on reddit from a user with full access to an EEG machine, and has taken readings from a DMT trip. The results are unusual and fascinating, and he posted the raw data as well. Apparently the electrical impulses in the brain normally fire at 8-20hz, but during the onset of a DMT trip they reach up to 2500hz (or more!) and cascade down neurons for the remainder of the trip? EEG of DMT
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SLURREY wrote:Sorry to bring this up after a while, but there was a post on reddit from a user with full access to an EEG machine, and has taken readings from a DMT trip. The results are unusual and fascinating, and he posted the raw data as well. Apparently the electrical impulses in the brain normally fire at 8-20hz, but during the onset of a DMT trip they reach up to 2500hz (or more!) and cascade down neurons for the remainder of the trip? EEG of DMT Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Looking at what that person presents I have great doubt about his findings and motive. His data presented in his files can be hoaxed fairly easily. His findings of over 2500hz are unheard of and have never been measured in other scientific tests with ayahuasca. Also this person describes that he smoked " 100mg of >95% pure DMT (confirmed through MP analysis)". Smoking 100mg in one journey is incredibly hard to pull off, if not impossible. Once you reach a certain limit you will not even know what a toke is anymore let alone that you can pull one off, so before that you have to take in that massive 100mg of DMT. Taking it in one hit with a GVG? I don't think that is possible but maybe someone can explain how this can be done? So there is why I severely doubt this persons data, motive and intentions. It sounds like another person wanting for some attention. If this person wants to get any credibility on the DMT-Nexus he has to answer quite a few questions first. Kind regards, The Traveler
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Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Remember, that's how World War I got started. . . "But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU
 "No, seriously"

Posts: 7324 Joined: 18-Jan-2007 Last visit: 09-Feb-2025 Location: Orion Spur
Pandora wrote:Don't believe everything you read on the internet.
Remember, that's how World War I got started. . . LOL! And on another note, how can you derive the purity of DMT through a melting point test? Let alone 'confirm' it's purity with a melting point test? This sounds more fishy by the minute. Kind regards, The Traveler
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 220 Joined: 11-Apr-2013 Last visit: 06-Oct-2013 Location: The Nexus
Pandora wrote:Don't believe everything you read on the internet.
Remember, that's how World War I got started. . . I so did not know that
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 62 Joined: 24-Apr-2013 Last visit: 25-Jan-2015
Emotive EEG is very cool. Imagine what we can do if we combined it with the Oculas Rift VR!  I want like a psychonaught altered states simulator. Using your mind to manipulate objects in the 3d space. ~ “We have been to the moon, we have charted the depths of the ocean and the heart of the atom, but we have a fear of looking inward to ourselves because we sense that is where all the contradictions flow together.”~ ― Terence McKenna *Psychonaut*
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 57 Joined: 03-Jun-2013 Last visit: 24-Sep-2013
Quote:And on another note, how can you derive the purity of DMT through a melting point test? Let alone 'confirm' it's purity with a melting point test?
This sounds more fishy by the minute. Very easily. Load your tube watch for the melting point. If anything melts before or after then you have impurities. If the MP is wrong then you also have impurities. If something is "cut" it's pretty easy to visually estimate the purity. The EEG post is likely total bs though. EEG amplifiers have low pass and high pass filters. 70 to 200 Hz are common low pass filter values. So unless he has some oddball or specially made fancy gear then he's either full of shit or just doesn't know what he's doing. He might be adjusting the software filtering and sampling rate without understanding that the hardware has it's own filtering. -FF
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Posts: 7324 Joined: 18-Jan-2007 Last visit: 09-Feb-2025 Location: Orion Spur
fastfred wrote:Quote:And on another note, how can you derive the purity of DMT through a melting point test? Let alone 'confirm' it's purity with a melting point test?
This sounds more fishy by the minute. Very easily. Load your tube watch for the melting point. If anything melts before or after then you have impurities. If the MP is wrong then you also have impurities. If something is "cut" it's pretty easy to visually estimate the purity. -FF I am not so sure about that. What happens if you have an impurity in it that has about the same melting point? Another example: salt in water will change the melting point. Now how do you know which salt it is that is changing the mp? One salt might only need little to change the mp while another salt might need a lot, so there you can have big difference in your impurity percentage with the exact same mp as a result. One more example: with about 5-10% NMT in it your DMT crystals can look perfectly white so visual estimates fail there too. I am not convinced. Maybe one of the chemical experts can shine a light on this? Kind regards, The Traveler
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 57 Joined: 03-Jun-2013 Last visit: 24-Sep-2013
If you have a heterogenous mix, like if it was cut or adulterated, it's real easy to tell.
You load a few crystals into a capillary tube and put it in your melt temp apparatus. Then you're looking at them through a big magnifying lense and watching the temp.
If it's a mix of substances you'll see some melt while the other crystals stay solid. You'll record two separate melting points.
If it's a homogenous mix then it's a little harder. If you don't know the mix you can't figure a purity figure. If it's something like salt water you can calculate how pure the water is based on the mp.
I'd imagine the guy got a clean melting point with a few flecks of unmelted solids and estimated it to be less than 5%. While not exactly state-of-the-art, I'd say in many cases it would be good enough to make claims like that.
Where it breaks down is that sometimes, even with a pure/purified substance, you get a "broad melting point". In those cases you can't really say a whole lot.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1055 Joined: 21-Nov-2011 Last visit: 15-Oct-2021
Quote:Emotive EEG is very cool. Imagine what we can do if we combined it with the Oculas Rift VR! I want like a psychonaught altered states simulator. Using your mind to manipulate objects in the 3d space. I'm also very excited by the possibility of extracting images of hyperspace from a users brain. Brain scanning technology has already been used to capture an image of what a subject is seeing. One day, we may be able to digitally record the visual part of our hyperspace trips. Every day I am thankful that I was introduced to psychedelic drugs.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 219 Joined: 07-Jul-2013 Last visit: 19-Apr-2024
I don't know enough about science but this does not seems to concur with the guy from reddit. Only out by a factor of 1000 :-) 20to 40 mg a kg sounds a lot to me. You would have thought that if such a thing is possible the mice would be experiencing quite a profound breakthrough.
"Spectral analysis of mouse EEG after the administration of N,N-dimethyltryptamine.
AuthorsMorley BJ, et al. Show all Journal Biol Psychiatry. 1977 Dec;12(6):757-69.
Affiliation Abstract Mice were implanted with permanent cortical electrodes. The EEG was recorded during the sleep-wake cycle and after the administration of N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Based upon spectral analysis the EEG was classified into three categories: awake, slow-wave sleep (SWS), and rapid eye movement sleep (REM). The dominant frequencies were located below 2 Hz in the case of SWS and between 6 and 9 Hz for REM. When DMT was administered intraperitoneally at 20 or 40 mg/kg, a dose-dependent hypersynchrony at 2.5-4.5 Hz was always observed lasting for up to 60 min. Hypersynchronous activity in the same range was occasionally observed during awake. In this range DMT induced a different but unique frequency for each animal. This individual frequency was closely reproduced by repeated administrations of DMT to the same animal."