During my first session of combining rue tea (ala zen) and vaped n,n,DMT I went to some very strange places..
Unfortunately upon my 'reversing' out of these paths I noticed a literal shower of locks, all gold as gold can be, raining down from the area where I had just reversed out of.
Because of this I have decided I am not going to say anything to anyone about where I went on that particular journey. I get the feeling the locks were a way of telling me not to mention this place and that it can be seen but not spoken about.
I just wondered if anyone had seen similar and if so had they come to same conclusion or maybe something different.
Is a shame as it was one hell of an experience. Only thing I feel I can say is that in included being shown the value of "mudras" and also being within another persons body as a casual viewer of what they were doing (total stranger in the strangest of places).
As I say, due to the shower of locks I don't really want to say anymore, just in case this is some kind of test (team 'omni' style hehehe)