I am so happy with SacredSucculents cuttings (Achuma) as the callouses are perfect and I think this one is developing ariel roots too. (see attached photo)
I want to use this one for cutting into 3in chunks for my new garden but since I am so new to cactus work I am unsure where to make my cuts because I don't know where/how the roots are developing inside the cactus.
Should I make my cuts really close to the ariel roots? .5 inches from them? 1 inch?
After I get the right distance answer my next question will be... Should I bury the ariel root or let them lay across the ground and find their way into the soil.
I have asked Sacred these questions also but do not expect a quick reply since they are so busy so I thought I would run it by you folks to see what you think.
My gut instincts are telling me to make my cuts .75 inches below the ariel roots, let new callouses form then plant them so that the ariel roots are laying right on top of the soil.
But again, I am the new guy on the block and any experienced cactus members advise would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Journeymann attached the following image(s):

(68kb) downloaded 75 time(s).