Good day to everyone !
My name is Patrick, I'm from Poland and currently live in Scotland.
I've spent few years learning and discovering power of human possibilities hidden deep inside our minds.
now after this years I think that I'm ready to try exctract and smoke dmt.
I don't want to use it for fun etc.
in my personal opinion everyone is diffrent, and everyone needs diffrent things to add more sence to life, or show what axacly life is
I don't expect any answers after trying it, in total I don't expect anything that might give me superpowers or sudden " nirvana".
That might be weird, but my dad told me about DMT, he was helping me preparing my mind and controlling it, he gave my my first psychodelics. As I said that may be weird but he's a very smart and loving person with dream about living on desert island, unfortunately he still lives " in controlled society with worst thing ever created by humans - money"
Thats enough about me I guess
sorry about my language it's not my familiar one so it might be difficuilt to read what I meant to