If I dreamt I was you I would do the following
Add a teaspoon or 2 of salt, agitate (shake it/roll til its dissolved)
Add a tablespoon of base (just in case you lost any on first pull / and/or didn't add enough to start with), agitate
Do a pull with naptha and do the whole process I explained in previous post
Evap the pull til about half is left
Stick in the freezer for 2 days
Decant naptha, put lid back on and seal it (or put it on a plate upside down) leave it UPSIDE DOWN in fridge for 2 - 3 hours to allow excess naptha to run off
{The fridge move is to allow it to slowly come to room temp otherwise it will all melt and disappear}
Then just take it out and leave to dry til the naptha smell is gone.
If you got a good amount, do 4 or 5 more pulls, combine them all, evap halfway, freeze etc.
Good luck!
With every great plan comes the pleasure of patience. Take a rest, and grab a suckle off the teat of life!