There is no recommended tek. It all depends on what materials you have access to, and which method sounds the best. Read all of them, and choose the one that best fits you, but make sure you understand all of the steps, terminology and procedures. Make sure you have all the safety equipment and a safe place to do so (your parents house, your friends house, etc. are not considered safe places for a number of reasons). Unless you live alone or with people you trust, do not extract. Also make sure the people you live with know that you are extracting. What you are doing is a serious crime where you live, and it's an offense punishable by up to 5-10 years in prison, depending on your record.
BTW, if you're hoping to be a member here, all of your questions are answered in the FAQ. Try your best to search before posting, please.
"In a controversy, the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves" - Buddha