Alright, so today I had to serve a In School Suspension for skipping last friday. (Funny how they punish you for missing class by making you miss class some more!)
GOD DMANIT lol i jus now as i'm writing this remembered that I had to stay after school.
Oh well anyways. As I was sitting in this nice cushiony chair with my head laid back I would start to find my self falling asleep and since were not supposed to sleep I jerked out of it.
Well this carried on for probably an hour or two falling asleep probably at times just to wake back up. But eventually I started having this weird feeling as if my body would have an extreme muscle weekness almost paralyzed. It would start off soft and I would enjoy it but then it grew more intense.
I kept doing this with my head still back and eyes closed. Near the end of it all before lunch I raised my head and started having this feeling again. By now I was wondering if I had taken something and forgot and then jumped to the conclusion that the further I let myself slip into this paralysis the closer to death I came until I jerked out of it.
I remember one of the times my jaw would wiggle up and down and up and down and up over and over again but then I snapped out of it.
The strongest, I'll call it phenomenon, phenomenon I had was when I looked over to a desk (I was in the office by myself) and had eyes almost closed. Everything was moving back and forth like a subwoofer on a medium to fast beat. I noticed it was giving me motion sickness so I somehow in my brain slowed it down (there was a audible humming sound going along with the beat). I was high. Yeah I said it I was high off of being fucking tired. There wasn't any sort of euphoria just F**kness (pretty sure thats not a word)
I looked this up and earlier and it sounds almost exactly ,like "Cataplexy" (on wikipedia) with some differences.