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Microdosing psilocybin Options
#1 Posted : 5/9/2013 10:41:12 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I just started microdosing psylocybin and cannot believe the effects. Its amazing and i recommend everyone to try it. From what I have read is it is comparable to aderol and other pharms that increase attention as well as similar to mood stabilizers or ssri's. My experience is increased visual and auditory acuity as well as increased attention, attitude and willingness to do things. Im starting a log to keep track of feelings and thoughts throughout the day to try and pin point the main things im benefiting from microdosing. Today went like this:

9:06am Drank and herbal tea with .2g Penis Envy

9:30am Very slight mood lift, noticeable increase in attention. (thoughts "is this placebo?)

9:50am Finished tea, slight gain in motor control, definite visual and auditory increase, mood lift

10:45am Felt feelings of true happiness and real laughter. Felt the need to note this as this is an area im really trying to improve along with general happiness and optimism compared to being pessimistic

1:30pm Feeling like everything has stabilized and am very comfortable, still focused and happy

5:30pm Effects diminishing slightly, no ill effects/comedown effects. Still focused and enlightened mood

9:00pm Went to dinner everything felt more notable and interesting and had a more than normal enjoyable time.

11:30pm Went to see The Great Gatsby and the movie itself was good but my mood during the movie was great I felt allow more empathy than normal for sure

12:50pm Surprisingly enough the effects were still there, I did notice the day seemed to be longer. One thing I did learn recently is if you take in more information time seems to take longer as your brain is processing more info in the same time, so I can account for that in how much more attention I paid towards everything. I definitely retained more yesterday than normal days

I will be dosing .2 once a day or possibly every 3 days depending on further reading... on normal doses your tolerance rebound is 2-3 days, however no studies have been completed that show tolerance rebound on microdoses. I feel like there should be no problems with daily dosing just as a gut feeling from no real comeup or comedown so i feel like such a low dose may not trigger a tolerance buildup. If i dose daily I will more than likely take saturdays and sundays as recovery days. Anyone have input on this??

8:45am Drank tea

9:30am Feeling the onset. "pins may have been stronger:rolleyes:" slight distortion of patterns if i focus intently

9:45 Noticeable mood lift. "pins def stronger"

10:30am Noticeable pupil dilation. Feels like onset of 1g trip.

11:30am Most of the trip feeling subsided, feels similar to yesterday as far as focus and mood lift. Pupils returned to normal.

11:55am Increased visual and auditory senses. Happy!

12:35pm Ate lunch and all side effects of extra potent pins gone

1:00pm Came to the conclusion that feelings earlier seemed like after a nice bong rip from my PHX

5:00pm Second half of day went by quickly, got a lot of work done. Noticed I was able to think outside of the box more easily.

7:00pm Feeling slightly tired and very similar to yesterday. Mood lift, still have increased attention.

10:00pm Tiredness passed, slight in a good mood, realized I avoided being aggressive in conversations multiple times!


9:10am Drinking tea

9:42am Onset, visual and auditory increase obvious. "hand seem to be doing stuff by themselves. They seem to do it just before or at the same instant I think about it."

9:54am Finished tea, can feel slight head buzz/pressure near eyes

12:17pm Can feel my brain is associating more detail/memory to audio

2:13pm Noticed that I felt much less motivated earlier than I do now, I got more work done since lunch than I did all morning

5:00pm Last few hours flew by was doing multiple things simultaneously without error.

8:00pm Went to the gym again, haven't gone for about 7 months and something gave me the urge so I signed up this weekend.

9:00pm Had a great workout and did a 5min almost full speed run. After cooling off the ride home was great I just fell good the whole time!


9:07am Drank tea

9:18am Head buzz, coming up, general

10:30 Head buzz gone, clear thoughts. Better sense of audio tones and increase in color differentiation

3:00pm Work kept me busy, everything went smooth though

9:40pm Noticing Im associating much more to memory than I was before. Time isnt taking as long as when I first tried it, seems to be normal.


8:13am Ate .2 ten minutes after drinking a protein shake and eating breakfast. Should have eaten it first but not too big of a deal.

8:46am Somewhat smoother come up compared to the tea

9:10am Very motivated

9:14am Handled a very annoying Spanish speaking person on the phone who barely understood/spoke English. Got everything sorted out and overall the call went well actually.

12:14pm Mild headache that went from temple-temple

12:30pm Lunch with soda cured headache. (probably the caffeine although I dont drink much soda.)

6:30pm Made dinner and noticed I could smell much better than normal.

9:00pm Got to gym and Pandora was playing some really good songs, had great motivation to lift.


7:30am Woke up and feeling extremely refreshed

8:12am Ate .20

9:00am Noticed I like it better than tea as its less intense.

11:00am Slight temporal headache.

12:45pm Food alleviated headache.

2:45pm Looking back it seems like a very light high but lasts almost all day.

9:00pm Not too much different throughout rest of day, weed high much more intense again.


7:40 Ate .20

9:35am Mild come up

10:15am Feeling good, much better visual acuity

10:40am Pattern seem to have more detail, I can vividly see the pattern in my jeans when looking at my phone in my hand

3:30pm Been yawning all day, although not tired

8:00pm Drank a free pre-workout and felt pretty motivated and lethargic at the gym. Noticed my pupils were very dilated (Ive had those symptoms from most pre-workout)

10:50pm Feel good after comedown, about to smoke a bowl and zone out to some real good music...probably some Mastodon and Tool!!!


9:00am Still feeling last nights dose

11:00am Feeling like a slow day

12:30pm Slight headache and somewhat antsy

6:00pm Headache went away and antsy turned into motivation for gym


07:40am Ate .15

10:00am Thinking outside the box more easily

10:40am Solved a problem we have been working on for a few days

12:00pm Better motivation

3:00pm Day going by fast

4:30pm Noticed Ive been much hungrier in between lunch and dinner

8:30pm Staying very motivated at the gym


7:45am Ate .15

9:30am Time is slow

11:50am Taking more note of thoughts and surroundings

3:00pm Motivated yet time is still going slow

5:30pm Gym closes early today so I decided to skip and smoke a bowl and got super baked

7:00pm I normally load .2 in a bowl and get pretty baked but lately ive been able to split that in two hits that each get me more high than one hit of the entire .2

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#2 Posted : 5/9/2013 10:45:23 PM

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I've always wanted to try it, but haven't gotten around to it yet. I've heard good things though.

Was today your first day?

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#3 Posted : 5/9/2013 10:49:41 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I have tried twice in the past but this is my first day where I will be doing it consistently and recording results
#4 Posted : 5/9/2013 10:53:40 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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the main problem with micro dosing is psylicybin causes a tolerance almost immediately after consumption so one must either take once every few days or you'll need to steadily ramp up the dosage.

i will on occasion take .5g before I get to my day purely for the mood lift, but 2 days is all I can go and still feel the .5g, day 3 the dose basically needs doubled for similar effects.
#5 Posted : 5/9/2013 10:54:49 PM

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i've heard tolerance isn't really an issue with such low doses..same with microdosing lsd. (although .5g is more than most seem to microdose..i would trip at that dose)

i also know people who can dose full amounts 2 days in a row with hardly any tolerance

but i guess everyones different.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#6 Posted : 5/9/2013 11:08:04 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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universecannon wrote:
i've heard tolerance isn't really an issue with such low doses..same with microdosing lsd. (although .5g is more than most seem to microdose..i would trip at that dose)

i also know people who can dose full amounts 2 days in a row with hardly any tolerance

but i guess everyones different.

IME i have never had a good or even worthwhile trip the second day, for me I noticed a difference, I need at least 14 days for my tolerance to reach baseline but only 2-3 days for a micro dose tolerance.

.5 is when I first start to notice something , but 5+g is an average dose for me
#7 Posted : 5/9/2013 11:10:44 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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.5 is too high and not considered microdose. Micro is from .1 to .3 max...like said before no studies have been done on microdose tolerance. For 2 grams tolerance rebound is 3 days. However im taking a 10th of that therefor my rebound should be less as well. Also tolerance is not linear so the higher the dose your tolerance will exponentially get higher. With that said in theory your tolerance rebound should be no longer than the effects of the microdose which seem to be weaning off right now roughly 9 hours later...from the feeling of it it will have completely worn off at about 12-14 hours. I cannot see a tolerance building up anymore than 24hours so I may get a slight tolerance buildup but we will see. I will be dosing once a day and if effects wear off I will go to every other day or possibly go
Mon: .2
Tues: .25
Wed: .3
Thurs: .35
Fri: .4
Sat: recovery
Sun: recovery
#8 Posted : 5/9/2013 11:11:34 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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fry wrote:
universecannon wrote:
i've heard tolerance isn't really an issue with such low doses..same with microdosing lsd. (although .5g is more than most seem to microdose..i would trip at that dose)

i also know people who can dose full amounts 2 days in a row with hardly any tolerance

but i guess everyones different.

IME i have never had a good or even worthwhile trip the second day, for me I noticed a difference, I need at least 14 days for my tolerance to reach baseline but only 2-3 days for a micro dose tolerance.

after a normal trip tolerance rebound is 3 days.
Brock Samson
#9 Posted : 5/10/2013 9:01:29 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I actually just started doing this at the start of the week, and plan on doing it for 30 days. I have been taking 1 mg of dried psilocybin cubensis every morning for the past 5 days. So far I have noticed an overall lift in mood, feelings of wanting to be more sociable, and positive thinking through out the day. Along with more motivation to do things I would normally procrastinate or just avoid all together. But it is most prominent in the morning.

I have not noticed a tolerance build up yet. This weekend I am planning on taking between 1 - 3.5 grams depending on how much I feel like tripping. I have tried 2 grams from this batch a month ago and had a good trip. I should have a decent idea if I have much of a tolerance build up.

Keep us updated fonzi03 I am looking forward to reading someone else's experiences with microdosing psilocybin.
#10 Posted : 5/10/2013 3:49:25 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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so i had hoped for today to be another awesome day in the world of microdosing however i drank my tea with .23 of penis envy pins this morning and wont be doing that again. not realizing that pins are more potent i expected the same results as yesterday and im actually having a very slight trip at work unfortunately. pupils are dilated and feeling are similar to about 1-1.5gs :/ looks like 2 days to recover then back to the study!
#11 Posted : 5/10/2013 4:21:39 PM
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after some thought ive come to realize that his may not be a bad thing. I now know that microdoses dont build tolerance, if they did todays dose would not effect me as much as it is. I will still take a two day break since this dose was higher then i was shooting for and will cause a tolerance rebound
#12 Posted : 5/10/2013 8:43:35 PM

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There was a thread on the shroomery about microdosing mushrooms. From what I can recall, it seemed to being going well for the OP up until the point he disappeared. While that could have been for any reason, I would advise caution... take a break every now and then. That you are having a break at the weekends is a good thing, even if it's only for tolerance purposes.

How long do you plan to do this experiment for, fonzi?

Looking forward to hearing how it goes! It's an interesting idea, for sure.
#13 Posted : 5/10/2013 9:24:51 PM
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Shenzi wrote:
There was a thread on the shroomery about microdosing mushrooms. From what I can recall, it seemed to being going well for the OP up until the point he disappeared. While that could have been for any reason, I would advise caution... take a break every now and then. That you are having a break at the weekends is a good thing, even if it's only for tolerance purposes.

How long do you plan to do this experiment for, fonzi?

Looking forward to hearing how it goes! It's an interesting idea, for sure.

This will be ongoing until I see the changes im looking for...I have close to no empathy which makes things socially awkward a lot of the time, im also a very abrasive person and only see that after the fact. Im hoping this will help me with both of those in that I will be able to feel others emotions and know how to react vs reacting the same no matter what the situation is. Also ive noticed it allows me to be less harsh and more open to others opinions...I will eventually figure out a cycle for it bc yes everyone needs to come back to reality and im hoping this just boost my brain in the right direction and i wont need the assistance of the microdose once i get in the habit of things
#14 Posted : 5/11/2013 1:07:22 AM

John Murdoch IV

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I've always found anything under a gram rather uncomfortable.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#15 Posted : 5/11/2013 3:23:54 AM
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8:45am Drank tea

9:30am Feeling the onset. "pins may have been stronger:rolleyes:" slight distortion of patterns if i focus intently

9:45 Noticeable mood lift. "pins def stronger"

10:30am Noticeable pupil dilation. Feels like onset of 1g trip.

11:30am Most of the trip feeling subsided, feels similar to yesterday as far as focus and mood lift. Pupils returned to normal.

11:55am Increased visual and auditory senses. Happy!

12:35pm Ate lunch and all side effects of extra potent pins gone

1:00pm Came to the conclusion that feelings earlier seemed like after a nice bong rip from my PHX

5:00pm Second half of day went by quickly, got a lot of work done. Noticed I was able to think outside of the box more easily.

7:00pm Feeling slightly tired and very similar to yesterday. Mood lift, still have increased attention.

10:00pm Tiredness passed, slight in a good mood, realized I avoided being aggressive in conversations multiple times!
#16 Posted : 5/11/2013 5:11:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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DMTripper wrote:
I've always found anything under a gram rather uncomfortable.

I ate .6g of a batch of golden teaches last night and went for a solid 7 hours before I was feeling baselinish again..I was even having complex closed eye visions in the dark and when I went outside the whole sky had rainbows in it connecting the stars.

I have always been really sensitive to tryptamines but I did not expect THAT much from .6g. I have eaten doses in excess of 5g before so I definatly understand what thats all about. I had a pretty full spectrum of psychedelic effects last night. Are golden teachers just really potent or something? These mushrooms felt more like how I remember the potency of psilocbe cyans to be..maybe just a bit weaker.

I wanted to try microdosing soon but I will probly start with .1g..

Also, I have taken mushrooms 3 days in a row with very little to no tolerance experienced. I have done that a lot in the past. It is weird that some people have to wait 14 days etc after one experience..I can smoke DMT the next morning also with no tolerance noted..and technically there should be tolerance to DMT after mushrooms for the same durration of time that there is psilocybin tolerance.
Long live the unwoke.
#17 Posted : 5/11/2013 6:42:19 PM
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jamie wrote:
DMTripper wrote:
I've always found anything under a gram rather uncomfortable.

I ate .6g of a batch of golden teaches last night and went for a solid 7 hours before I was feeling baselinish again..I was even having complex closed eye visions in the dark and when I went outside the whole sky had rainbows in it connecting the stars.

I have always been really sensitive to tryptamines but I did not expect THAT much from .6g. I have eaten doses in excess of 5g before so I definatly understand what thats all about. I had a pretty full spectrum of psychedelic effects last night. Are golden teachers just really potent or something? These mushrooms felt more like how I remember the potency of psilocbe cyans to be..maybe just a bit weaker.

I wanted to try microdosing soon but I will probly start with .1g..

Also, I have taken mushrooms 3 days in a row with very little to no tolerance experienced. I have done that a lot in the past. It is weird that some people have to wait 14 days etc after one experience..I can smoke DMT the next morning also with no tolerance noted..and technically there should be tolerance to DMT after mushrooms for the same durration of time that there is psilocybin tolerance.

.1 in tea may be effective, Ive always had a higher tolerance to mushrooms as to get the same level as friends that took and 8th I would need 5gs. My average perfect trip was 7gs where theres was between 3.5 and 5. With that and my research on other microdosers taking between .15 and .30 I decided to take .25. Im going to lower that to .2 and probably stick there as my first dose was .23 and it felt damn near perfect. I am taking today and tomorrow off and will start again with .20 in tea monday morning.

Were the ones you took particularly small? As I noted on my second day I took 3 pins of Penis Envy and the pins kicked my ass (for what I was looking for at least). By weight Mushrooms that do not have a stretching veil are more potent than ones with a visible/torn veil
#18 Posted : 5/14/2013 3:36:33 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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9:10am Drinking tea

9:42am Onset, visual and auditory increase obvious. "hand seem to be doing stuff by themselves. They seem to do it just before or at the same instant I think about it."

9:54am Finished tea, can feel slight head buzz/pressure near eyes

12:17pm Can feel my brain is associating more detail/memory to audio

2:13pm Noticed that I felt much less motivated earlier than I do now, I got more work done since lunch than I did all morning

5:00pm Last few hours flew by was doing multiple things simultaneously without error.

8:00pm Went to the gym again, haven't gone for about 7 months and something gave me the urge so I signed up this weekend.

9:00pm Had a great workout and did a 5min almost full speed run. After cooling off the ride home was great I just fell good the whole time!
#19 Posted : 5/14/2013 4:30:31 AM

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Great stuff, my friend! Dr. James Fadiman, who was a student of Ram Dass and wrote the recent book "The Psychedelic Explorers' Guide" is currently studying the effects of microdosing. You should email him your trip reports. He is currently a professor at Sofia University in Oakland, CA.


The recomended dosing schedule for his study is to take the drug on your first day, then take 2 days off, then take the drug again on the 4th day, then 2 days off, then take the drug again on the 7th day... you get the drift, and to do this for the duration of 10 doses, taking very good notes (which you are clearly already doing).

This guy is legit. I've met him, and he's like your sweet, favorite grandpa... If your grandpa was a "head." He's also trying to do a lot to mainstream psychedelics without totally medicalizing the whole thing, remaining spiritual and "human potential" and all that stuff (which I love).

When I asked him how much to take (as he was discussing LSD dosing), he said "take 1/20th your normal dose, and if it seems like too much, go down from there. As I was going to work on my 1st day dosing, 1/20th of my normal dose (5g), or .25 g seemed a bit much, as erowid listed that as a "threshold" dose. Instead, I looked at how much a "threshold dose" of LSD was according to erowid, then looked at what he was prescribing for that substance (10 micrograms,) and figured that a reasonably equivalent dose of cubies would be about .12-.13 g. So that's what I've been doing.

I had a beloved pet recently die, and on the day I dosed last week, while the pet was in the high point of its suffering, the powerful empathetic effects of this low dose experience became acutely pronounced. All the other experiences had been amazingly pleasant. This day, I had severe diarrhea, the most intense back pain I've had in years (like barely walking, knifed in the back if I turned wrong kind of pain) and a profound sense of exhaustion. Other times, however, it has been a big boon to me, allowing me to be more open and alive with my employees, and giving me a sense of enormous well-being.

Enjoy your research!
"Christians often ask why God does not speak to them, as they believed God did in former days. When I hear such questions, it always makes me think of the Rabbi who was asked how it could be that God was manifest to people in the olden days whereas nowadays nobody ever sees God. The rabbi replied, 'Nowadays there is no longer anybody who can bow low enough.'"
--Carl Jung
#20 Posted : 5/16/2013 11:01:50 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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9:07am Drank tea

9:18am Head buzz, coming up, general

10:30 Head buzz gone, clear thoughts. Better sense of audio tones and increase in color differentiation

3:00pm Work kept me busy, everything went smooth though

9:40pm Noticing Im associating much more to memory than I was before. Time isnt taking as long as when I first tried it, seems to be normal.


8:13am Ate .2 ten minutes after drinking a protein shake and eating breakfast. Should have eaten it first but not too big of a deal.

8:46am Somewhat smoother come up compared to the tea

9:10am Very motivated

9:14am Handled a very annoying Spanish speaking person on the phone who barely understood/spoke English. Got everything sorted out and overall the call went well actually.

12:14pm Mild headache that went from temple-temple

12:30pm Lunch with soda cured headache. (probably the caffeine although I dont drink much soda.)

6:30pm Made dinner and noticed I could smell much better than normal.

9:00pm Got to gym and Pandora was playing some really good songs, had great motivation to lift.
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