I'm getting close to 40 now and I've been a fan of psychedelics since I was a very young man and spent most of a summer on the most wonderful LSD. After that I hitchhiked all over the country for several years, looking for something that was never really out there. I settled in the Pacific Northwest for awhile and experimented with all the psychedelics... except mescaline. I never got my hands on any real mescaline. But, I spent many years trying various combinations of LSD, Psilocybin, MDMA, Ketamine, DMT, GBA and other weird stuff like nutmeg and dried banana peels (neither of which worked, btw - nutmeg likely would have but nobody could get or keep enough of I down). Those were fun days and I learned a lot.
Since then I've mellowed somewhat. I have a family and a business and spend my days doing (what I used to think was boring) everyday stuff.
I'm a happy guy. But, there was always that one experience that eluded me in my youth that I still wanted to have. Mescaline.
So, a year or so ago I looked into it and discovered that you don't have to find peyote or wait years and years to grow it to get the experience. As you guys probably already know, San Pedro is a source.
I went with the traditional tea method the first couple of times, cooking it down to a dense gum and encapsulating it in 00s. The trips were okay, but far too weak each time. The second time I prepared 5lbs fresh for my one dose and it was still weak! Granted, both times I started with half of the pills for starters and then 2-3 hours in when I could feel it wouldn't be strong enough, took the other half. I should have taken that last batch all at once.
My next approach was to extract the alkaloids from the cactus, so I can more accurately determine dosage. However, my chemistry knowledge is limited to what I learned in college, which isn't much. So, it seems wise to network with others doing similar things until I get up to speed.
This looks like the best forum for discussion of this sort of thing. I'm hoping to get a little guidance on extractions here and perhaps also share some of my experiences, post some pics and get some input. Heck, I might even make some friends here. You guys are more like me than most people on forums.
“You may control a mad elephant; You may shut the mouth of the bear and the tiger; Ride the lion and play with the cobra; By alchemy you may earn your livelihood; You may wander through the universe incognito; Make vassals of the gods; be ever youthful; You may walk in water and live in fire; But control of the mind is better and more difficult.”
― Paramahansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi