I was researching The best way to smoke dmt. This site came up and I was immersed instantly. So much valuable information. I would like to add my expierences to this pile in hopes that one of my posts gives someone the info they were looking for to make their decision. .
I noticed a few threads about vaporizers, and since I own a volcano, I checked a few out. Luckily, I came across a few that highly promoted it. After an hour of research on settings and such, I said screw it. I turned my Volcano on, and prepared my toke.
I set the temperature to 6.5. Not because of what I read, but strictly on an intuition. I turned the air on for 2 seconds before attaching the bag, letting the air heat the substance. It was just in time, The bag exploded with a milky white/grey smoke and I went to town. Hit 1 Felt exactly like salvia 50x. I had the sensation of feeling my skin from inside out. And something that reminds me of "Jungle" comes over me. I held it for 20 seconds.
Then went for round 2. This brought me deeper than salvia ever could. Sound slowly dissipated, and all that was left was one single frequency. It seemed to have a direction to it that I could consciously follow. While this was happening, I was experiencing intense tracers, and colour enhancement. Anything I looked at was covered in intricate geometric details, that are not normally there.
I went for round 3. Time became irrelevant, the bag and my hand dropped, my eyes closed and there were no narrative thoughts. in fact all my symbols became nonsense. Then the frequency I was hearing became visible as a thread. My eyes followed the thread and it began to zig zag. As it did so, It became increasingly complex, and would spiral in on itself.. I could see it with my eyes closed or open. I could see everything. I continued to follow the geometric patterns as they grew in complexity.
When finally I reached the centre of a Mandelbrot-like pattern, there was a being. Not a being... a consciousness. At times it was a face at the center of the most complex matrix I could have ever imagined. Other times, it was a light. That was my impression. And I would try to think or say something, and it would take the thought ( i would see it come from the left side of my head, and cross the thread/frequency and it would shatter) then dissect it to it's absolute roots, and reconstruct it in front of me. in what seemed like an instant. maybe less. To best describe it, I would try to think.. "Where am I?" and before I could finish that thought.. It would begin to fall apart.. and in my inner voice, I would hear.. " Whe.. re re re re re rer rerererererrrr...... glitching and looping over itself, until it became that frequency again. Consistent and solid. With specific direction. It was like a railway i could jump on. and again I would be sucked face to face with this consciousness. Eventually I gave in and remained thoughtless while it showed me patterns and syllables that associated with those patterns. I could feel them being programmed into my brain. The neurones firing. After the lesson, I was back... but it wasn't over!
I was now able to communicate with it through silence. I know that sounds strange, but the more still I became, the more profound our conversation. Epiphanies would hit me Without any thought to anchor them, no words or symbols, just the roots. The CORE.
Using the volcano with already vaporized mj, had me over the threshold for nearly 40 minutes. My breathing was heavy and deep. Long full breaths. My heart was pumping, but not enough to scare me. When I returned, and was able to move again,I was in pure Awe... BUT it wasn't over. i could still feel the essence of that consciousness with me. And we were still communicating. It taught me gratefulness. True gratitude. And beyond that i had a sense of the roots that tie everything together. I was seeing the essence of things and the causality behind them. I would poor a glass of water and in my head have a flash of seeing that water traveling from the reservoir and into my glass. Then I would see all the people and variables involved in having that system work, then all the people in past days who developed these system in the first place, then the people who lived before such systems when it was only a dream. all the way to the roots. All in one streamlined thought. .
When I would see orange. It didn't look like the orange I'd usually see. It was the perfect orange. Like seeing inside the colour orange. to a place within the colour that was fresh and unweathered. Saturated with the essence of itself. It left me feeling like the colours we use and see in our daily life, do not even actually exist, but are instead, our interpretation of those real colours. We capture face value representations of the real tones.
I feel like I was in the present moment, the timeless eternity from which all time comes from.... which is normally unattainable consciously, due to the fact that it is pure potentiality. Nothing is in form and yet it is all form. The origin of what we experience, but not exactly what we experience in normal conscious reality.
I imagine that we are conditioned into living a reactionary life, just behind this eternally pulsing now. dmt removed the latency I usually experience due to the 0.06 seconds( or what ever it is) it takes my brain to process my environment, and I could see where all the roots of everything lead. To me it was not so much a place or even a place between places but the origin of all places.
I will be sure to share more experiences soon. Hope u enjoy.
I met God today. That's how I'm feeling. I will return.