I am 41 years old and MJ is my favorite. Since I was 15 yrs old I have been burning and started experimenting with shrooms, cid and Beans around 18. Probably tripped and rolled 5 to 6 hundred times in my life. I have tried everything but heroin, DMT, or huffing. I had a long run on opiates since 2001. In 2009 I got sober for myself and to keep my family together. I found kratom to deal with ruptured and herniated discs in my back. It worked way better than any opiates and helped me to get off the pills. After that I really started looking into entheogens.I don't drink alcohol and I rarely burn anymore due to D.O.T. drug tests I have to take for my job producing oil & gas in the Gulf of Mexico. I used to really enjoy my psychedelics and was looking for natural alternitives.This led me to The Nexus. I found a new favorite in cactus. Such a smooth and enjoyable ride. It has really helped me to grow as a person in ways I am so thankful for. It has improved my relationships with my wife and kids. It really opened my eyes in a way to appreciate each of my family members for who they are as individuals and has made me a much calmer person. I can actually say that I truly like who I am as aperson these days. I have started a trichocereus garden and it has become a new passion of mine. Out of the 6 or 7 sights(forums) I have been lurking through for knowledge , you guys here at Nexus seem to be the most knowledgable on a whole array of topics. Not to mention the more mature. Most of the other sights seem to be immature kids or A-holes. I want to thank y'all for the info I have gathered so far and for the knowledge to come. I have about ten different types of trichocereus seeds I want to sprout. Can someone PLEASE tell me the make and model of the best type of light to start from seed. I live in south Louisiana, so my bigger cactus can grow outside. I will let them go dormant in the winter so I don't need any other lighting but for my seeds.
Warm Regards,