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psilohuasca Options
#1 Posted : 5/5/2013 9:47:26 PM

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ive been reasearching ayahuasca for a while & while attempting to find vendors realized that mosst if not all of the reputable vendors for the light containing plants are outside the u.s. & its becoming increasingly more dangerous to import the needed plant matter.
So. Rather than risk losing money & being busted i ordered some caapi & p. Aquatica seeds to grow my own source of light.
While my grass is growing ive decided since mushrooms are extremely easy to come by for me id prepare for my aya experience by first dosing caapi & mushrooms aka psilohuasca.
Im planning to do a manske type extract on 56g powdered black caapi vine & taking around 35% of the crystals i get with 2.5gs psilocybe cubensis for my first experience.

Would this be a fairly goos dosage for a first time experience with a psych & maoi?
Id like to test the waters before i decide to go full force into what Could potentially be a very overwhelming experience.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 5/5/2013 10:17:19 PM

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Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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mushrooms + harmalas is easily as "full force" as traditional ayahuasca..actaully mushrooms with vine or rue frightens me more than DMT with vine or rue. It is more overwhelming with the mushrooms IME..

If you want to test the waters oral vine or rue with vaped DMT at the peak is a good way..same place pretty much but only lasts abotu 30 minutes. With mushrooms it will be longer than traditional ayahuasca and pretty much just as intense.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 5/6/2013 1:42:06 AM

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Wow. I didnt expect to hear that. In that case psilohuasca would be a good alternative to extracting dmt when theres not any plant source around or im just too lazy.

I do have one question though. Once i have extracted harmala alkaloids from caapi using vinegar, water, & salting out w/ sodium carbonate do i eat the resulting extract or smoke it? I see alot about it bwing freebase & am a little confused on whether or not it has to be eaten or smoked in order to produce effects. Ive never worked with harmalas before.
#4 Posted : 5/6/2013 3:12:29 AM

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you can eat or smoke them..

I should mention when I said mushrooms(cubensis) are taken with caapi or rue that it is very similar in character and intensity for me to ayahuasca..I am referring to ayauhasca made with mimosa or chacruna..chaliponga is a whole other thing IME..

Psilocybin and DMT are about equal in intensity for me..and both bring me to pretty much the same hyperspace..the only different is there is a bit of a mushroom character with mushrooms..they can be a bit more tricky mentally..which is why I think vine with mushrooms is a little bit more difficult of an experience in some ways compared to say, vine and mimosa..for me anyway. The space is essentially the same and mushrooms can def match that intensity..but mentally the pose a greater challenge..chaliponga does as well, though it's different from mushrooms..
Long live the unwoke.
#5 Posted : 5/7/2013 9:00:22 AM

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Ive found the duration of psilohuasca to be very variable, sometimes its like a normal shroom trip and sometimes like lsd..

very weird indeed.
#6 Posted : 5/7/2013 1:12:14 PM

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Tryptamine420 wrote:
...Im planning to do ... caapi vine & ... 2.5gs psilocybe cubensis for my first experience...

I would say that oral MAOIs + 2,5g of Mushrooms would be a very high dose. When I´m fully inhibited by MAOI, the power of Mushroom gets "magnified" about 3 times, so taking 2,5g of Cubensis when MAO inhibited would be something like facing the power of 7g of Mushrooms...

I know everybody´s metabolism and sensitivity is different... but (depending on your experience + how deep you want to travel) you could also reconsider your Mushroom dosage.
#7 Posted : 5/7/2013 3:12:36 PM

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Yup. Go for just 1g to be on the safe side.You can always eat/drink the rest mid way thru if you feel the need but you probably won't.
#8 Posted : 5/7/2013 5:25:20 PM

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Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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.25g of cubes is what I took with caapi..that was enough.
Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 2/11/2015 2:56:12 AM

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Wow thats good potentiation, have you tried with that amount of cubes and just vaping harmalas rather than drinking to boost the effects? Im thinking of trying some vaped rue extract then taking .25g and boosting the shroom effects every now and again by vaping more rue to get into a light but social psychedelic headspace.
#10 Posted : 2/11/2015 3:16:17 AM

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A while ago, I took two fingerprints of the results of an attempt at making THH from rue harmaline. After keeping it under my tongue for a few minutes I swallowed it and some 10 minutes later I ate a bunch of shrooms that I still had that were not as potent as they used to be but were still okay. Then I took my bike and went for a nightly ride.

I had a fantastic ride. None of the harmaline drowsiness and it lasted much longer than rue extract + shrooms. I biked till I saw the sun come up again. Had a really good time.

#11 Posted : 2/11/2015 3:55:17 AM

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I've always vaped the harmalas rather than taking them orally. I typically get very nauseous from oral harmalas, no matter how pure they might seem. Vaping is easier for me to control as well. I can't really speak to the dosage of mushrooms because my tolerance is much higher than most other people, but I almost always vape some harmalas during every mushroom journey I take now.
#12 Posted : 2/13/2015 4:19:00 AM

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Metanoia wrote:
I've always vaped the harmalas rather than taking them orally. I typically get very nauseous from oral harmalas, no matter how pure they might seem. Vaping is easier for me to control as well. I can't really speak to the dosage of mushrooms because my tolerance is much higher than most other people, but I almost always vape some harmalas during every mushroom journey I take now.

Does this mean you ..[smoked ]vaporized] harmalas ..
Was it in a ..[dryed extract powder form?]
How long will vaped harmalas extend a smoked dmt trip?
Is vaped harmalas much safer ..[if one does not fast] compaired to oral?
form is emptiness
#13 Posted : 2/13/2015 9:26:02 AM

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From prior experience, smoked/vaped harmalas have negligable effect on boosting psilocybin, it seems to add a subtle 'buzz' for a few minutes only, whereas oral harmalas can dramatically boost the psilocybin experience. Psilohuasca is IMO really only worth delving into if one already has extensive experience with shrooms or ayahuasca.

If your cubes have been optimally dried and stored, I would recommend no more than 2g of cubes combined with up to 150mg harmalas. This would approach and perhaps surpass a 5g dose. While similar to shrooms alone, psilohuasca is closer to ayahuasca in experience with the harmalas providing their own synergistic effects.

The visionary aspect of psilohuasca can be profoundly different from just psilocybin, but one may feel more dreamy or lethargic, less inclined to get up and move. CEV visuals on (very) high dose psilohuasca are akin to dmt hyperspace, in that one's mind is filled with layers upon layers of crisp high definition abstract moving geometry in full mindblowing technicolour. Simply astonishing. CEV on shrooms alone no matter the dose seem monochrome in comparison.

While on the subject, for those who read this and proceed with delving into psilohusca, but find yourself in too deep and would like to take it down a notch or two, cooling one's brain under a shower of cold water really helps in managing and enduring the experience. From past experiences there seems to be a relationship between brain and overall body temperature and the depth of the experience.
#14 Posted : 2/13/2015 11:23:30 PM

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starway6 wrote:
Does this mean you ..[smoked ]vaporized] harmalas ..
Was it in a ..[dryed extract powder form?]
How long will vaped harmalas extend a smoked dmt trip?
Is vaped harmalas much safer ..[if one does not fast] compaired to oral?

Yes, freebase harmalas. It can have profound effects on a smoked DMT trip. I do find it much nicer to work with because as I said, oral harmalas make me very nauseous. I think I have a relatively high sensitivity to harmalas, and a high tolerance to tryptamines. So my dosages are a bit odd to the average person. I always fast before any oral harmala trip, not for any reason but to cut down on nausea.

form is emptiness wrote:
From prior experience, smoked/vaped harmalas have negligable effect on boosting psilocybin, it seems to add a subtle 'buzz' for a few minutes only, whereas oral harmalas can dramatically boost the psilocybin experience.

While I agree oral harmalas really push the psilocybin experience into different territory, so can smoking/vaping. It just seems to take more when smoking/vaping to get the desired effects. Easier to find the sweet spot in terms of MAO inhibition when vaping for me, without the overwhelming nausea.
#15 Posted : 2/14/2015 9:06:12 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Good info thanks.
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