Recently I have become interested in the subject of "Designer biosynthesis" via mushrooms, after reading the below from the erowid site...
> "Designer biosynthesis" via mushrooms is a largely uncharted territory.
> An interesting direction is the formulation of a growth medium that enables psilocybian fungi to biosynthesize tryptamines that are usually created artificially in a laboratory, like 4-hydroxy-DET, 4-hydroxy-DPT, and their phosphoryloxy counterparts.
> Other interesting psychoactive compounds that could possibly be biosynthesized this way are ergine. 4-hydroxy-aMT, non-phosphoryl esters of methylated alkyl tryptamines, and 5-substituted alkyl tryptamines.
> For these experiments the sclerotia-forming grassland psilocybians Conocybe cyanopus, Inocybe aeruginascens, Psilocybe mexicana, P. semilanceata and P. tampanensis as well as some non-sclerotia-formers like P. azurescens, Panaeolus cyanescens, P. tropicalis, and Pluteus salicinus might be very useful.
> Yet none of these species currently has a simple, established, well-performing, non-sterile in vitro method of cultivation.
> In Pharmacotheon J. Ott makes short mention of the fact that Psilocybian cultures are capable of hyderoxylating indoles that have been feed to them & that CZ-74 & CY-19 have been Bio-Synthesized by feeding Psilocybe Cubensis mycelial cultures synetheic DET.
He gives ( Chilton, 1979 ) & ( Gartz 1985, 1989 ) as references.
I'd like to learn more about this, but can-not find much info!!!
Is anyone aware of research being done on this subject?
"It is only when we step away from the actual & begin to explore the Possible that life's infinities begin to reveal themselves to us."
- James Kent.