Greeting Ryanlawsons,
you mentioned: "I really did not feel any different after the second dose than I did the first dose. I had no profound visions and woke in the morning with a minor headache."
This seems very ODD to me personally. I have never done traditional Ayahausca, but I have done Pharamausca several times even one time taking a very small dose of 20mg DMT although the visions were mild there was for sure visions and closed eye visuals although just not super bright like on 75mg+ Pharma or 30-60mg smoked. (which will blast you out of your body so hard into another realm! As I am sure you have heard correctly from many sources)
Either this Shaman's dose was EXTREMELY mild, or his MAOI didn't do much for you, or you weren't actually drinking Ayahuasca or maybe other things happened.
I sincerely hope you have other chances to experience it. You could always brew your own and test it with a sitter. At least then you know exactly what your putting into your body and the amounts.
Shamans are just guides with experience. It is of my humble opinion that if you have a kind heart and open mind you can become your own shaman and start to explore into other realms within or out on your own.
Best Wishes,
“Accessing your existence before the current one is of no concern, all you need to know is open your Heart and just BE” - A loving Entity from a Breakthrough
“To question is good, but take delight in contentment as well, because always asking “WHY?” too much can create a feedback loop into madness.” - A concern Entity from a Pharma voyage.