Before I first used Ayahuasca I was under the impression that it would give strong visuals and literally take you off into a different dimension. My experiences are somewhat less earth shattering. Let me share them:
50 grams Ourinhos Caapi and 50 grams Chacruna (Azarius):First two tries. Virtually no effect. A slight buzzing deep in the night after waking up, a few burps and that was it.
However, I read that many people lift off on a dose like this, have strong visuals and don't come back to earth for the first 3 to 4 hours.
150 grams Black Caapi and 100 grams Chacruna (Maya):Took this last week. The Caapi apparently is what causes my typical serpent skin sensations and visuals. Some different type of serpent was peeking in my body for 10 minutes. After that... nothing. Woke up regularly with serpent skin sensations which soon disappeared each time. No messages whatsoever, which is not exactly the norm with my trips.
During my last session a few days ago it
may (not sure at all) have been explained why Chacruna never works with me:
Quote:1:35:20: What you are drinking is [anti-]demon juice [edit]. The Chacruna doesn’t work. You have too many demons. Light, light, light, light. [loud burp] [anti-]demon juice. You have so many demons. [hissing out-breath] Lifetimes of accumulation. Lifetimes. ... Both of you are evil. [scary hissing out-breaths] SS. [scary hissing out-breaths]. SS. [scary hissing out-breaths]. SS. [more hissing].
150 grams Black Caapi and 12-25+ grams Chaliponga (Azarius & Maya):Results guaranteed unless I ignore advise from the serpent. Then she won't give me anything with any dose the next time. Serpent skin sensations and visuals are standard: see what appears to be the outlines of the (huge) scales as a field around my body. Mind-crushing intensity at times, even at 15 grams, but just surrender, trust, and everything is fine.
Other than that: Endless telepathic communication, but no real visuals besides intense thoughts. No dream-like in-your-face visuals. No loss of consciouss awareness of the space I'm in.
Actually, I'm pretty thankful for this. The spiders, insects, demons and other visions I come across look amazingly scary often and I'm glad the visuals and "immersion" aren't that extreme. Otherwise I'd be pretty intimidated taking this stuff.
Duration:15 grams Chaliponga: 1,5 hour trip approximately - 30 minutes very intense.
20 grams Chaliponga: 2,5 hour trip approximately - 45 minutes very intense.
25 grams Chaliponga: 3,5 hour trip approximately - 1 hour very intense.
So, having read so many other accounts, I have a few questions:
1) Do other people actually get immersed into the experience to the point you "see" everything so clearly it's like a dream?
2) How long does your trip last on what amount?
3) What does your average trip consist of? (with me a snake advising me on relationships - and for the rest purging all kinds of dark stuff)
4) When people drink Ayahuasca with shamans they often talk about a thick, gritty, black sludge the size of one or two small cups. Even my 200 gram Black Caapi/40 gram Chaliponga didn't look like that (I started responsibly at 5 to 10 grams Chali). Are Shamanic doses heavier or do they just don't bother filtering their stuff through a basic T-shirt? Even if they don't filter it a second time the next day it's basically free of sludge, at least to the point it's not a "thick, gritty, black" liquid.
(and would love it if my posts can be transferred to the Ayahuasca section of this forum - can't post there)