I've been searching for information on this subject for a while and I can't seem to come to a definite answer whether or not the combination of harmalas(either smoked or oral) and nitrous oxide is safe.
I've been sharing some of my DMT with a few very close friends. We've extracted together, smoked together and it really brought us closer together. However, some of my friends are avid users of nitrous oxide. Until now I've always held off the harmalas when NOS was involved because I couldn't find whether it's safe or not.
However, it would be nice to have a definite answer to the question. There's always a discussion on whether or not they should try and see if it's safe and this usually results in me being an a-hole to end the discussion in favour of not mixing them. However, it's awkward at times and I rather avoid having these discussions.
So, safe or unsafe to mix?
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