Thanks for all the kind compliments!
mailorderdiety wrote:welcome Xapiripe, your location is very fortunate for being interested in these medicines.. also great name. i loved studying the yanomami people in school, i'd love to learn more now that ayahuasca/dmt has become so important to me.
I recommend a book called "Circle of Fires", by french anthropologist Jacques Lizot. Among the many unique things compiled therein, there's a complete description of the hallucinogenic initiation of young shamans, complete with the trip report of the indian who was undergoing the process. It's really amusing, I'd scan if I had the book in english, but I'll see if I post a translation sometime.
jacintochontal wrote:Saludos desde Mexico colega!! bienvenido
Gracias amigo! Desculpa mi español, que no es tan bueno... pero creo que ya pueda imaginarse donde vivo, jeje