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MAPS Conference (update) Options
#1 Posted : 4/22/2013 2:29:26 AM

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For those interested in knowing, Snozz absolutely killed it at the MAPS conference today. There was a TON of positive buzz around it when he was done and the after-presentation discussion even spilled out of the conference room into the hallway.

Dennis McKenna sat in the front row and even asked a few questions.

After the presentation a conference attendee that was sitting next to me said "Please tell him this is the best session I've attended today."

I hope Snozz will do a writeup from his perspective.

Stake another flag in the map for the Nexus.


"The brain is a reducing valve that restricts consciousness" - A Huxley

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" – Ralph Waldo Emerson…

"Whatever you study you also change" - Heisenberg Uncertainty principle

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#2 Posted : 4/22/2013 2:31:17 AM

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GREAT JOB SNOZZ!!! Thumbs up
3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF!!!!FFO TSALB ...1 ...2 ...3

My grafting guide
#3 Posted : 4/22/2013 2:31:53 AM

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Big grin

Oh fantastic!

How inspiring. I hope he does too! HINT HINT Wut?
"Think more than you speak"
"How do you get rid of the pain of having pain in the first place? You get rid of expectations"
"You are everything that is. Open yourself to the love and understanding that is available."
"To see God, you have to have met the Devil."
"When you know how to listen, everyone becomes a guru."
" One time, I didn't do anything, and it was so empty... Almost as if I wasn't doing anything. Then I wrote about it. It was fulfilling."
#4 Posted : 4/22/2013 2:35:35 AM

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yay snozz Smile
Long live the unwoke.
#5 Posted : 4/22/2013 2:49:12 AM


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Smile Thumbs up Thumbs up Thumbs up Thumbs up Thumbs up

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#6 Posted : 4/22/2013 4:53:25 AM

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beautiful !!
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#7 Posted : 4/22/2013 5:15:13 AM

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"we are not human being's having spiritual experiences, we are spiritual being's having human experience's." (Teilhard de Chardin (1975?)
corpus callosum
#8 Posted : 4/22/2013 5:16:02 AM

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Superb stuff Snozz! Very happy
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#9 Posted : 4/22/2013 5:20:22 AM

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Snozz, my hero! You rock buddy and have many watching your excellent work.

Thumbs up Thumbs up
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
The Traveler
#10 Posted : 4/22/2013 6:49:39 AM

"No, seriously"

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Amazing to hear that Snozz even exceeded our high expectations. Very happy

Well done Snozz! I can't wait to see some of that presentation.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#11 Posted : 4/22/2013 7:08:33 AM

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#12 Posted : 4/22/2013 8:09:19 AM

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That's our boy...right there...Thumbs up
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Parshvik Chintan
#13 Posted : 4/22/2013 8:33:10 AM

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congratulations, snozz
My wind instrument is the bong
#14 Posted : 4/22/2013 9:26:07 AM

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Thanks Snozz for helping me understand how a football supporter must feel when his team kicks ass.

Thank you and congratulations Thumbs up
#15 Posted : 4/22/2013 11:16:46 AM
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Awesome work Snozz!

Onwards i say! Twisted Evil Thumbs up
#16 Posted : 4/22/2013 2:38:06 PM

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Snozz, I know you put an incredible amount of advance prep into this presentation... I'm thrilled to hear that it paid off so well. Thank you for your energy and efforts!
Hyperspace Fool
#17 Posted : 4/22/2013 2:48:15 PM

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Hear Hear!

Hip-Hip Hooooraay.

(the entire Nexus busts into a round of "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow"Pleased
Thumbs up
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#18 Posted : 4/22/2013 3:04:24 PM

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Snozz top-shelf my good fellow... Pleased

Much Peace and Respect
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The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

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#19 Posted : 4/22/2013 3:51:13 PM

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For those of us who've been away for awhile.. what presentation is this and where can it be found?Surprised
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#20 Posted : 4/22/2013 5:07:03 PM

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so happy to hear this!!! the nexus always blows me away with it's depth and humor!
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