Here you all are.
Back in December of 2012, I tried Syrian Rue for the first time, and I was instantly in love. Over the months since then, I've experimented with Syrian Rue, Jurema Preta and Chaliponga, but I've yet to try Caapi and Chacruna, although it's certainly something I'm looking forward to. As of this writing, I've had roughly eight journeys, two of whom were challenging when they occurred, but they taught me a lot and I'm deeply thankful for them in retrospect.
I have not tried freebase DMT yet, nor have I tried changa (and I'm still not quite sure what it even is, despite trying to read up on it here on the Nexus), but at the same time, I don't know if I'm ready for it either. I feel that Anahuasca is pushing the limits of my comfort zone as it is, and even though the excited part of me just want to dive in, I'm trying to take it slow.
I've done lots of cannabis in my time, and I've tried DXM, MDMA, LSA, N2O (in copious amounts), but nothing has even begun to compare to Anahuasca. And I don't mean in terms of sheer power, but also in the usefulness and awe-factor. I have a friend whose depression was cured by it from a powerful bad trip, and some of my own insecurities have been eradicated as well. I no longer take any other drugs than Anahuasca, not even alcohol, tobacco or caffeine, and I have no intention or desire to ever do it again either.
I am a person who love the truth, whatever it happens to me, and that's why I see these plants as almost a friend of mine. Having conversations with the objective truth is the greatest hobby/passion of my life, and it's something I do sober all the time as well, so the plants are really just helping.
But my greatest adventures are ahead of me. As to my purpose for being on this forum, it is to learn and to share. But also to dish out sincerely held opinions. I find that there is a wide variety of opinions when it comes to Ayahuasca, more so than any other drug, it seems, and while I don't hold any strong opinions either way, I'm very comfortable in juggling different ideas and challenging uncritically held beliefs.
I see myself as a deeply spiritual and philosophical person. No idea is too controversial to entertain, no behavior is too ridiculous to explore, and no question is too stupid to ask.
I'm also almost a layman scholar when it comes to Near-Death Experiences, and the comparison between NDEs and deep psychedelic states is a deeply fascinating subject of exploration and study on my part.
Well, I guess this will have to for an introduction. Time to dive into the other discussions here
"As my soul left my body, I found myself floating in a swirling ocean of multi-colored light. At the end, I could see and feel an even brighter light pulling me toward it, and as it shined on me, I felt indescribable happiness. I remembered everything about eternity - knowing, that we had always existed, and that all of us are family. Then old friends and loved ones surrounded me, and I knew without a doubt I was home, and that I was so loved." - Christian AndréasonDude, that blonde girl is a total DMT/10.