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The Essential DMT Guide Options
some one
#1 Posted : 12/8/2012 6:57:53 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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The Essential DMT Guide


This guide explains how to prepare and administer DMT.

The information is meant to reflect the general opinion of the Nexus community. Sources are forum discussions, the Nexus Wiki and additional research. Always obtain more information before you try anything yourself. Please don't misuse this guide for DMT spreading: refrain from handing substances to people not inclined to use, posting teks on social media, performing large scale extractions and financial profiting.


1. Safety first
- 1.1 Set and setting
- 1.2 Dosages
- 1.3 Dietary constrictions
- 1.4 Addictiveness
- 1.5 Metal state
- 1.6 Ceremonies
- 1.7 Law
- 1.8 Smoking

2. Pharmacology
- 2.1 Active alkaloids
- 2.2 Harmala plants
- 2.3 DMT plants
- 2.4 More info

3. Drinking
- 3.1 Ayahuasca
- 3.2 Syrian Rue
- 3.3 Pharmahuasca
- 3.4 More info

4. Extraction info
- 4.1 A/B extraction
- 4.2 STB extraction
- 4.3 Eco friendly extraction
- 4.4 FASX extraction
- 4.5 More info

5. Extraction teks
- 5.1 DMT
- 5.2 Harmala

6. Smoking
- 6.1 Lighting crystals
- 6.2 Enhanced Leaf
- 6.3 Changa
- 6.4 Glass Vapor Genie
- 6.5 Direct e-mesh
- 6.6 e-Cigarettes
- 6.7 Dabbing
- 6.8 Wax vaporizers
- 6.9 More info

7. Additional smoking info
- 7.1 Changa teks
- 7.2 e-Cigarettes info
- 7.3 Dabbing info

8. Other routes
- 8.1 Sublingual Harmala
- 8.2 Sublingual DMT
- 8.3 Insufflating
- 8.4 Buccal
- 8.5 Plugging
- 8.6 IV
- 8.7 More info

1. Safety first

1.1 Set and setting

Traditionally DMT is used in conjunction with Ayahuasca as a medicine by indigenous tribes in a ceremonial setting. When using outside of a ceremony its good to create your own proper set and setting. Be at home or somewhere private. Alone is not recommended especially the first time. Choose people you trust and feel comfortable with. Give yourself time to prepare before and to land afterwards. Listen to your intuition to feel when the time is right to use it. Whichever route of administration you choose, it's good to formulate an intention of why you are using it and what you are trying to achieve by doing so. Avoid using DMT in public places. If you do it outdoors choose a quiet place where you won't get disturbed such as in nature. Stay safe and don't act irresponsible. Don't get caught using it in unlawful or dangerous situations.

1.2 Dosages

The optimal dosage may vary from person to person. It is not possible to overdose on DMT and RIMA. There is no direct (neuro)toxicity on the body. However too much RIMA can make you very sick physically. Too much DMT can be very intense mentally. If this happens try to remember the experience is temporary.

Oral brews

If you are using a new batch of plant material for the first time, start off with a low dose and work your way up in increments.

Caapi: light 50g, moderate 100g, strong 150g
Muricata: light 15g, moderate 30g, strong 45g
Syrian Rue: light 2g, moderate 3g, strong 4g

Mimosa: light 3-5g, moderate 5-7g, strong 7-10g
Acacia: light 5g, moderate 10g, strong 15g
Viridis: light 25g, moderate 50g, strong 75-100g
Chaliponga: light 7g, moderate 10g, strong 15g

Harmala extract

Oral: 100-250mg
Smoking: 15-30mg
Sublingual: 20-40mg

DMT extract

Oral: 50-200mg (DMT salts)
Smoking: 20-30mg (freebase)

1.3 Dietary constrictions

Harmala alkaloids are RIMA's which selectively and reversibly inhibit the enzyme 'Monoamine Oxidase A' (MAO-A). Because of the reversibility and selectivity RIMAs are safer than MAOI's. RIMA's are unlikely to elicit tyramine-mediated hypertensive crisis when combined with tyramine containing foods. A special diet does not need to be so strictly adhered to as with MAOI's. Eating excessively large amounts of tyramine containing foods such as red wine or old cheese within 24 hrs is still not recommended. Research "RIMA vs MAOI" for more info.

Although RIMA's are generally safer than MAOI's they still have highly dangerous interactions when combined with almost any antidepressant, stimulant or SSRI medication. This can cause serotonin syndrome or hypertensive crisis with big consequences. When you are on these types of medication you have to quit before taking any form of Harmalas.

1.4 Addictiveness

DMT and Harmalas are neither psychologically nor physically addictive. Traditionally Ayahuasca is used as a medicine, including to treat various addictions. The experience can be an intense self-confrontation with therapeutic effects. As always it's good practice to integrate lessons learned in life instead of revisiting the experience on a regular basis without doing so.

Usually DMT is smoked occasionally. People who smoke regularly tend to reduce their frequency over time. There are rare reports of people smoking DMT daily for prolonged periods. Almost everyone who ends up doing so usually either gets a "denial of entree" into the DMT realm (no effect), gets "hyper-slapped" (rough experience), or gets told by DMT "entities" to focus more on life.

Almost all DMT users experience "pre-flight anxiety". This is resistance by the ego. Unlike other substances where the ego tricks you into using it, with DMT it tries to trick you not to. One could argue that DMT is not just none-addictive, but actually "anti-additive". Having said that anything can be prone to abuse and this includes DMT.

1.5 Metal state

Ayahuasca is a therapeutic experience known to cure depressions and promote mental and physical health. However, care should be taken by people suffering from mental disorders and instabilities. The chaotic nature of the experience can trigger an escalation of fear. This can lead to an increase of psychological problems in individuals susceptible to such problems. You must be able to rely on yourself to have sufficient mental stability to undergo the experience and face what surfaces.

1.6 Ceremonies

Participating in Ayahuasca ceremonies organized by authentic organizations is a great way to experience how people work with the plants. As there is money to be made there are also risks involved. This questions the knowledge, skills and intentions of many proclaimed healers. It's not uncommon for participants to occasionally become wild or hysteric. An inexperienced practitioner could panic, escalating the situation. Participants can feel overly connected and like minded, leading to a decrease in critical thinking. Power and ego can influence intentions.

1.7 Law

A criteria for a substance to become listed as a high schedule drug is that it has no therapeutic use. Ayahuasca has been used medicinally for generations. This questions the motives of banning safe (no toxicity, not addictive) entheogenics. However.. We are entering a new era of entheogenic renaissance where science is allowed to identify its medicinal properties. General acceptance will follow. Current users are pioneers collecting valuable data. Stay safe and share your experiences!

1.8 Smoking

No scientific data is available regarding the health aspects of smoking DMT. There are no known cases of issues, only some reports of people experiencing temporary wheezing after smoking. Make sure the DMT is as pure quality as possible. Try not to burn it. If it tastes bad, stop and change you smoking technique or device. Don't smoke DMT fumarate as it contains fumaric acid which when partially combusted can become maleic anhydride (toxic).

Some people worry that the condensed crystal residue forming in their pipes continues in the respiratory track. The condensation of the vapor is caused by the relative cold temperature of the glass. The windpipe and lungs are not cold enough to cause this. The humidified nature of the airways does not allow DMT to re-form in a crystallized fashion. Also, DMT is a biological molecule, capable of being metabolized /broken down /excreted.

Inhaling very hot vapor can be harmful. DMT might be converted to DMT-oxide when in the body and cause some irritation. Home extracted DMT can contain chemical contaminants. Smoking produces toxic pyrolised organic matter. However, the increase of toxic pyrolised organic matter produced by Changa compared to vaping freebase, if any of significance, is unknown.

Some studies on e-cigs suggest that toxic and carcinogenic chemicals are emitted at high power outputs. Other debunk these statements saying the liquid was burned dry during the tests. However, no valid studies currently exist showing that high powered e-cigs do not emit unsafe levels of dangerous chemicals Another risk is flavored e-juice, as some studies claim e-juice flavors are toxic.

Update: continue reading below..
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STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 12/9/2012 10:16:03 AM

veni, vidi, spici

Posts: 3642
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Hello some one, how you doing?

Haven't you been busyThumbs up ,

there's a lot of good info there and I'm sure it will be a great help to newcomer's.

A couple things I noticed that might need changing

1. Enhanced leaf/Infused herb has no MAOI/RIMA's in it, its just DMT infused into a herb.

2. Under the changa section there is 5MEO as an additive, I think there is some possibility that 5MEO doesn't go well with MAOI/RIMA's so it may be better to leave it out.

3. I think the dose levels of mhrb might be a little off in the Aya section, 10g can be a fairly hefty dose and could certainly leave one very sockless. Maybe 3/5/10 would be a better ratio.

Maybe it would also be usefull to link a few more relevant threads, minxs All About Aya would certainly be a good addition to the top of your Aya section. You could even have a list of the stickied topics from the different sections of the forum so all those were also in 1 place.

All in all I think you have done a cracking job.


it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#3 Posted : 12/9/2012 10:44:47 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: always on the move
Not sure about the political correctness of your preface, but the compiled info is concise, very useful and well presented.

#4 Posted : 12/9/2012 2:30:14 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 72
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Location: Germany
Thanks for this nice compilation Thumbs up You obviously took much care compiling this.

I agree, it would be even more perfect if you would add some sources/forum links/quotes. Not because it seems inaccurate, which it doesn't but to easy get into more detail on the information.
Al Dimentiz
#5 Posted : 12/9/2012 2:55:43 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Very nice compilation Thumbs up
I agree on the part where you state that for Pharma is better to take the RIMAs & DMT at the same time, to me 100mg of harmalas & 50mg of DMT do the trick.
"The Medicine Will Always Be There For Those Who Seek It"
#6 Posted : 12/9/2012 3:18:57 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Overall it's a good start... I always like seeing complex ideas consolidated.

To elaborate on some of the comments posted so far: I would do away with the entire preamble, simply state the intentions behind this thread and ask for comments on factual accuracy and links to relevant threads or other online resources. Keep editing, cleaning up, consolidating.
some one
#7 Posted : 12/10/2012 11:44:29 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 524
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Update: edited all feedback..
2. Pharmacology

2.1 Active alkaloids


DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine) is a psychedelic compound of the tryptamine family which has a psychedelic effect when ingested. Its presence is widespread throughout the plant kingdom. DMT occurs in trace amounts in mammals including humans where it functions as a neurotransmitter. The significance of its natural presence remains undetermined.


To be able to take DMT orally it needs to be combined with a MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) or a RIMA (Reversible Inhibitors of Monoamine Oxidase A). The role of a MAOI /RIMA is to stop your digestive system from breaking down the DMT molecule. When administering DMT orally, it is the digestive tract where you first and foremost want to have the strongest MAO inhibition. The way to achieve this is by orally consuming MAOI's or RIMA's prior or together with DMT.

The active enzyme inhibitors in plants commonly used in combination with DMT are the Harmala Alkaloids. Harmalas mainly consist of Harmine, Harmaline and Tetrahydroharmine. Besides stopping the breakdown of DMT they also have a psychedelic effect on their own. Other than allowing for oral ingestion of DMT, the combination of DMT + RIMA results in a synergy of effects.

2.2 Harmala Plants (The Force)

Banisteriopsis Caapi (vine)

Aka: Ayahuasca, Caapi, Yaje
Actives: +-2.0% Harmala alkaloids (0.31-8.43% Harmine, 0.03-0.83% Harmaline, 0.05-2.94% Tetrahydroharmine

Banisteriopsis Caapi is a South American jungle vine of the family Malpighiaceae. It is the most commonly used plant to prepare Ayahuasca. It has a a long history of entheogenic uses as a medicine and plant teacher among the indigenous peoples. Shamans of Amazonian tribes use the plant in religious and healing ceremonies.

Some ethnobotanical suppliers use color names to describe the Caapi being sold. The problem is that there is no consensus regarding the classification of different Caapi vines. Some indigenous people may recognize 2 types, in another tribe they may recognize 10. These types may overlap, or they be in contradiction with each other. Botanists don't necessarily agree with these classifications. Some Caapi's have very similar alkaloid/chemical component even if they have different names. Others may have a different content even if they are named the same.

Banisteriopsis Muricata (vine)

aka: Red vine
Actives: Same profile as Caapi

B. Muricata has a similar alkaloid profile to B. Caapi. Users report Muricata to be similar in effect, yet more potent. Others say its is equality potent. This could have to do with batch quality.

Syrian Rue (seeds)

Aka: Peganum Harmala, Harmal, Rue
Actives: +-5.0% Harmala alkaloids (0.44%-4.30% Harmine, 0.25%-5.60% Harmaline, 0.10% Tetrahydroharmine

Sirian Rue is of the family Nitrariaceae. It is native from the eastern Iranian region west to India. Rue may have been used as an entheogen in the Middle East in ancient times. It can be used as an analogue of Caapi to create an ad hoc of Ayahuasca brew.

Passiflora (flowers)

Aka: Passion flowers, passion vines
Actives: unknown (0.2% in P. incarnata according to some studies)

Some Amazonian Ayahuasqueros add Passiflora to Ayahuasca as an admixture. They call it Chontay-huasca and say it adds color to the visions. Passiflora is said to be too weak an RIMA to be used on its own. But the studies on which this is based used poor extracting techniques. More research is needed.

2.3 DMT Plants (The Light)

Psychotria Viridis (leaves)

Aka: Chacruna, Sami Ruca
Actives: 0.1 - 0.6% DMT, MMT, MTHC

Viridis is a traditional Ayahuasca admixture plant. It is sometimes reported to be too weak, but when it works it can have a immerse effect. DMT is present in the leaves. Due to leaves being light with a relatively small percentage of actives, large volumes of water needs to be used to boil the brew.

Mimosa Hostilis (root bark)

Aka: Jurema Preta
Actives: 1-3% DMT

Mimosa is mostly of a consistent quality than Viridis, but some report it makes them feel more toxic when orally administered. Due to its stable consistency Mimosa Hostilis root bark (MHRB) is the plant of choice for DMT extraction.

Acacia Confusa (root and bark)

Aka: Formosahuasca, Chinahuasca, Asian ayahuasca
Actives: 1.4% DMT, 1.2% NMT

Acacia Confusa is a tree native to South-East Asia and containing large amounts of psychoactive tryptamines in its bark and root bark (ACRB). It contains both DMT and NMT. In proportion, more DMT in the bark, more NMT in the root. It also contains Alkaloids with RIMA properties.

Diplopterys Cabrerana (leaves)

Aka: Chaliponga
Actives: 1.7% DMT, 5-HO-DMT

Chaliponga has a powerful psychological effect. It is markedly different from Mimosa and Viridis. A common believe is that this is due to the presence of 5-meo-dmt. Research however shows that there is no significant 5-meo-dmt content present.

2.4 More info

- Topic: MHRB or Psychotria viridis
- Banisteriopsis muricata questions.
- The Caapi Analysis Thread
- Poorly understood family of AYAHUASCA vines
- Alicia anisopetala](Black ayahuasca) & macrodisca and related vines workspace

3. Drinking

3.1 Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca is the name of the brew containing Banisteriopsis vine. It is usually combined in conjuncture with other plants. Adding a DMT containing plant is just one possibility. Pharmacologicall speaking Ayahuasca contains the necessary enzyme inhibitors that allow DMT to be orally active. Banisteriopsis is considered the teacher plant (intelligence) while the DMT plant acts as the activator (not the other way around).


The standard way of brewing the entheogenic plants in question is to powder or grind the plant material containing the actives. This is placed in a stainless steel pan and submerged under water. Preferably use mineral or distilled water. Some tap water can have a too high pH diminishing yields/potency. Don't use aluminum pans. Aluminum dissolves in acidic solutions.

Boil on low heat (simmer). Water always boils at 100 deg C no matter how high the energy input is (fire or electrical power). However if the energy input is too high the water has less capacity to cool the pan making the metal reach higher temperates. This can destroy actives touching it.

Simmer for around 3 hrs then filter the brew (with an old T-shirt) to separate the liquids and solids. Store the liquid separately. Add fresh water to the wet solids and boil them again for 3 hrs. Repeat 3 times. Combine the liquid from the 3 boils together. Reduce the liquid on low fire/simmer to a manageable amount such as 50ml per dose.

Banisteriopsis can be boiled together with a DMT plant, but it's recommended to brew them separately to be able to adjust their ratio according to batch potency.

Potency improvement

Adding acid to the brew can increase the potency (specially for non-powdered plant material). Note that this is not strictly necessary nor the traditional way. Alkaloids in the plant are naturally in water-soluble form. To acidify you can add some white vinegar. Vinegar gives less taste compared to other acids. One tablespoon per liter of water should be plenty. Instead of using an acid you could also leave a container of distilled water in open air for several days (covered with some cloth against dust). The distilled water reacts with the air dropping pH to a relative acidic level. The advantage is no taste degradation.

Taste improvement

To improve structure and taste let the solution settle for a day before reducing the combined boils. Some residue will sink to the bottom. Decant, separate and discard the residue. Heat up the filtered solution and add egg white. Let the egg white harden. This will soak up tannins. Note that the brew must be acidic enough in order not to loose potency when adding egg white.


Traditionally the DMT and RIMA brews are combined into one drink. Additional dosages are taken over several hours.

Tip: Eating something light just prior/after drinking the brew activates the stomach. If your stomach is empty chances are it will not digest the brew. There are plenty reports of people who don't feel effects, give up, have some food and find themselves in for a surprise.


Banisteriopsis Caapi: light 50g, moderate 100g, strong 150g
Banisteriopsis Muricata: light 15g, moderate 30g, strong 45g
Psychotria: light 25g, moderate 50g, strong 75-100g
Mimosa: light 3-5g, moderate 5-7g, strong 7-10g
Chaliponga: light 7g, moderate 10g, strong 15g (some people report they need +20g)


Ayahuasca brew usually contains a relatively high ratio of Harmalas to DMT. The Harmalas and other spectrum of unknown actives in the vine are seen as medicinal. In modern times higher ratios of DMT are common due to the desire for visions. Learning that visions are not the main aspect is part of the process.

High ratios of Harmalas cause heavy body loads. The physical and mental struggle is said to have therapeutic effects. People report that Ayahuasca makes them look at life and see what needs to be fixed.

Onset: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Peak: 2 - 6 hours
After Effects: 2 - 8 hours

3.2 Syrian Rue

Syrian Rue seeds are RIMA's and can be combined for their MAO effects with any DMT plant brew.


Simmer (don't boil) the desired amount of ground up Rue for about 20-30 minutes and strain. An acid such as lemon juice can be added. You can also do three 10 minute steeps, combine them and simmer it down to 50-100ml/dose.


The Rue tea is consumed orally combined with DMT plant brew.


Syrian Rue seeds: light 2g, moderate 3g, strong 4g


Low dosages only have a RIMA effect, while higher dosages also cause a psychoactive effect.

Rue and Banisteriopsis have different ratios of Harmalas. Rue usually has a lot of Harmaline and little Harmine. Banisteriopsis usually has a lot of Harmine and little Harmaline. Banisteriopsis has much more Tetrahydroharmine than Rue. Each also has an unknown amount of other alkaloids /actives. This contributes to a difference in effect.

Some people report feeling more ill with a heavier body load from Rue compared to Banisteriopsis. Others say that those who do should decrease their dose. Some consider Banisteriopsis to be more meaningful and deep than Rue. Others say that such statements are based on superstition.

An interesting comparison is to consider Banisteriopsis more feminine and Rue more masculine. Rue is more forgiving when it comes to letting the DMT do its thing. This can be a good thing for those who wish to experience DMT effects, but it can also be more overwhelming. Rue's teachings can be raw and direct yet caring and intelligent. Some report that the combination of both is better than each on themselves.

Warning: At higher dosages Rue has more MAOI effects (as opposed to RIMA at lower dosages). This means special care should be taken on diet restrictions in order to avoid headaches or worse.

3.3 Pharmahuasca

Pharmahuasca (Pharma) is a pharmaceutical version of the entheogenic brew Ayahuasca. Instead of using plant material, extracted Harmalas and DMT is used. The advantage is that extracted Alkaloids enable to accurately dose the Harmalas and DMT levels. Each traditional brew can have different strengths due to batch variations and cooking quality differences. Pharma is therefor good for accurate dosing and experimentation. The down side is that it takes know-how of how to extract and that you may miss out of the full spectrum entourage effect if the extracts used are isolates.


Harmalas needs to be extracted from plants. Caapi contains +-2% Harmalas. From 10g of Vine you can extract +-200mg of Harmala. Rue contains +-5% Harmalas. From 5g of Rue you can extract +-200mg of Harmala. Harmala can also be taken as a isolated form of Harmine or Harmaline. Most online vendors sell Syrian Rue Harmala extract (around 50/50 Harmine/Harmaline). Harmalas Freebase is not water soluble while Harmalas HCL is. Both can be used for pharma. HCL absorbs better and is more stable for long term storage.

DMT needs to be extracted from plants. The DMT needs to be a salt form. Your stomach can change the freebase into a salt with its HCL acid, but most people report that it's uncomfortable. Better is to change it prior to intake. This can easily be done by dissolving the freebase DMT in vinegar (DMT-acetate), orange juice / lemon juice (DMT-citrate), or Coca-Cola (DMT-phosphate). Another way it to create DMT Fumarate crystals which can be encapsulated. DMT-fumerate is the only DMT salt in solid form.

Another option is to make a traditional Caapi brew for its full spectrum effects and combine it with taking DMT-Fumerate capsules. The Caaoi brew is easy to prepare and has a relatively mild taste. The DMT can be accurately dosed and easily administered. This is the best of both worlds as ingesting isolated Harmalas will miss out of the full spectrum synergy and cause a different effect.


Pharmahuasca can be put in capsules consisting of DMT Fumerate and Harmala. Freebase DMT and Harmala can also be dissolved in an acidic solution and drank.

It is commonly reported that the effect of consuming plants holistically is different than consuming an extract. Pharma is said to miss out of some aspects of the indigenous experience. The common argument is that the plants contain additional active alkaloids and substances other than the isolated compounds alone. And that the effect of these unknown alkaloids are lost in Pharma. In Pharma the proportion of Harmalas is usually kept to a minimum. While in Ayahuasa a bigger proportion of Harmalas is usually present.

Onset: 30 minutes - 1 hour
Peak: 3 - 5 hours
After Effects: 1 - 2 hours

The best is to take DMT and the Harmala together as is traditionally done. However metabolism, diet and personal resistance to Harmala may play a role. Also, Harmine and Harmaline might have different timing effects. You might need to experiment with a time delay if taking them at the same time does not have the desired effect for you. Start by waiting 10-20 min before taking the DMT. 30 min is probably the end of the window before the Harmala passed through the gut.


Usually a dose of one of the following is taken: 200mg of extracted Caapi /Rue Harmala, 100-150 mg Harmaline, or 150-250 mg Harmine. Any of these can be combined with 150-250 mg Tetrahydroharmine. As a rough guide, 100-150mg of Harmala will be sufficient for most people. 200mg is considered a strong dose. Take you time and increase the dosage to find your optimum spot. High Harmala dosages can lead to nausea and stomach cramps. Purging is considered therapeutic in Ayahuasca ceremonies, but too high a dose can make you very sick.

An interesting trivia: if Caapi contains +-2% Harmalas, 50g of Vine contains +-1000mg of Harmalas. Meaning, one dose of Caapi brew contains 5 doses of Pharmauasca. The alkaloid content of Caapi varies so much that it’s impossible to say what’s going on. Some speculate that Caapi brew has something in it that slows or regulates the absorption of Harmalas.

Oral DMT dosages vary extremely from person to person. Some people are overwhelmed with as little as 50mg. Others need 200mg for sufficient effects. There is no correlation between body mass or sensitivity to smoking DMT and using other psychedelics. In general: Low: 50mg, mid: 75-100mg, strong: 100-150mg, very strong: 200mg. Start low and build up. Additional dosages can easily be taken in succession. If after one hour you aren't where you want to be, take another 50mg of Harmalas and 50mg of DMT until you find your optimal dose.


Harmaline is about twice as strong as Harmine. It's more sedative while Harmine is more stimulating. Some people like the sedative effects of Harmaline and find that it helps to make a more relaxed dreamy experience. Most people however prefer the stimulating effects of Harmine. They find it makes a more clear headed experience. Most people who do use Harmaline combine it with Harmine.

Tetrahydroharmine (THH) is reported to be too weak an RIMA and does not orally activate DMT. Combining THH and Harmine / Harmaline results in a clearer, more focused, vivid, enhanced, controlled experience compared to Harmine / Harmaline on its own.

3.4 More info

- All about Aya
- Visual Diagram for Ayahuasca
- The feared and misunderstood purge
- Some thoughts on working with shaman's
- The risks of doing Aya improperly / unsupervised
- Pharmahuasca dosage
- Pharmahuasca vs traditional Ayahuasca brew
- Is Ayahuasca more healing than Pharmahuasca
- Pure Synthetic THH does not activate oral DMT
- Poll: How soon after MAOI do you injest DMT for best results
- How soon do you take your DMT after the MAOI
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some one
#8 Posted : 12/12/2012 4:33:12 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 524
Joined: 02-Dec-2012
Last visit: 22-Feb-2023
4. Extraction info

The entheogenic plants in question are traditionally boiled into brews using water as a medium to dissolve their active elements. Depleted plant matter is discarded and the active solution is reduced to a drinkable volume. Traditional brews can therefor be considered 'extractions' in terms of versus 'eating raw plants directly'. The active elements (alkaloids) can also be extracted (isolated) from the plant matter using modern chemistry. This section goes over the theory and background info, the next section lists the best step-by-step extraction teks.

- Constant potency for accurate dosing
- Enables other routes of administration such as smoking
- Eliminates undesired plant content

- May remove full spectrum compounds and reduce synergistic entourage effects
- Requires some knowledge and effort
- Working with unhealthy products (can be done with food safe products only)


The Nexus is pro small extractions for personal use and is against large extractions for selling. Note that extracting large amounts of material in single containers will lower the yield substantially compared to performing multiple smaller extractions. Trying to save time ends up wasting precious plant material by lowering the efficiency of the extraction and reducing yield.


- Don't use open fire near flammable solvents, use warm water baths or electric stoves
- Work in a well ventilated place and minimize exposure to solvent fumes
- Check that your solvent evaporates clean each time you buy a new batch
- Check solvent msds contents. Online search: 'brand name' 'product name' msds
- Ventilate your DMT yield clean from solvent residue for 2-3 days, the DMT won't oxidate

Acid (low pH) / bases (high pH)
- Wear gloves and eye protection when working with acids/bases
- Don't get any acids/bases in your eyes (by splashing or rubbing with hands)
- Only use stainless steel or glass hardware, no plastic or aluminum

Product grades
Food grade products have high purity and undergo food-safe processing. Lab grade has high purity, yet can be processed in unclean containers with residues of other chemicals. Lab grade can therefore can be toxic even though the product is food safe itself. Technical grade is of low purity and can contain miscellaneous chemicals. Preferably choose food grade. Never choose tech grade, this can ruin the extraction or contaminate the yield.

Product list

The following products can be used for extraction. Some products can be suspicious to order. Preferably use cash in physical stores.

- Acetic acid (buying tip: white vinegar)
- Citric acid (buying tip: vitamin C)
- Fumaric acid (buying tip: used for wine processing)
- Hydrochloric acid (buying tip: used for etching concrete)

- Sodium Hydroxide 'NaO' (lye) - soluble in water (1000g/L @25C) and ethanol, very high pH
- Potassium Hydroxide 'KOH' - soluble in water (121g/100mL @25C) and ethanol, very high pH
- Calcium Hydroxide 'Ca(OH)2' (lime), poorly soluble in water (1.73g/L @20C) not soluble in ethanol
- Sodium Carbonate 'Na2CO3' (soda) - soluble in water (34.07g/100mL @28C) poorly soluble in ethanol
- Sodium Bicarbonate 'NaHCO3' (baking soda) - should be changed to sodium carbonate by heat

- Sodium chloride 'NaCl' (table salt, should have no additives) - used in Cybs ATB Salt Tek
- Magnesium Sulfate (Epson salt, bath salt) - for use as a drying agent

Polar protics
- Water - can be tap water, but preferably filtered or distilled

Polar aprotics
- Acetone '(CH3)2CO' - part of human metabolism and present in fruits in small amounts

- Ethanol 'EtOH' (alcohol) - usually 96% pure (4% water)
- Methanol 'MeOH' - toxic
- Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA, Rubbing Alcohol) - should be >99% pure, less toxic than methanol
- Butanone (MEK) - irritant

Non polar solvents (NPS)
- Naphtha (petroleum ether, C5-C9 distillates, 40-60 and 60-80 fractions) - for freeze-precipitating
- Heptane /Hexane (aliphatic) - for freeze-precipitating, narrow spectrum, can be used for re-x
- Xylene /Toluene (aromatic, paint thinners) - for evaporating and back salting, full spectrum
- d-Limonene (citrus oil) - for evap /back salting /FASX, full spectrum, fumes aren't healthy so ventilate
- Limonene (distilled d-Limonene) - same as above just more refined
- Cooking oil (sun flower oil) - for back salting, full spectrum, prone to emulsions
- Methylene chloride (DCM) - for evap, full spectrum, efficient at lower pH, requires clean-ups
- Octane (petrol) - don't use: explosive, contains benzene and other additives
- Nonane (kerosene) - don't use: unhealthy vapor and additives

4.1 A/B extraction

A/B (Acid/Base) is an extraction method where DMT plant material is placed in an acidic solution. The low pH helps to dissolves the naturally occurring DMT salt from the pant matter into the solution. A base is then added to make the solution alkaline. The high pH turns the DMT salt into freebase DMT. The next step is adding a NPS which floats on top of the aqueous layer. The NPS saturates with DMT by pulling it out of the solution below. The NPS is then separated and depending on which NPS is used either evaporated, freeze precipitated, or back salted to retrieve the DMT.


Step 1 - acidifying
The plant material is submerged in an acidified solution (low pH). Applying heat helps break down the plant material and dissolve the DMT better. Chemistry: DMT is present in plants as water soluble DMT-tannate. Adding water to the plant material dissolves the DMT-tannate, forming protonated DMT ions (DMT.H+) and tannate anions in solution. If vinegar (CH3COOH) is chosen as the acid, the acetic acid will dissociate in acetate anions (CH3COO−) and (H+).

Step 2 - basing
Base (the opposite of an acid) is added to the solution to raise the pH. This turns the DMT salt form into freebase DMT. Freebase DMT is not soluble in water. As soon as it forms the solution goes cloudy. The reason that the DMT needs to be converted to freebase is because its is attracted to the NPS added later. Chemistry: raising the pH converts the protonated DMT ions (DMT.H+) into freebase DMT. If sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used as base the OH- from the NaOH reacts with the H+ from the DMT.H+ to form H2O (water) and freebase DMT. The remaining sodium ions (Na+) and acetate anions (CH3COO-) float around contributing to the ionic strength to push the DMT into the NPS.

Step 3 - salting (optional)
Adding table salt to the solution is said to increase the ionic strength pushing the DMT into the NPS more efficiently. It is also said to help against emulsions, increase yield and reduce the amount of pulls required. Note however that new data suggests a risk of less yield /more oily yield using salt. Preferably do a comparison before going for salting by default.

Step 4 - pulling
Add NPS to the solution. The NPS stays separated floating on top. The NPS attract the DMT into it from the alkaline solution below. When the NPS is saturated with DMT it is separated and new NPS is added. This is repeated multiple times to deplete the alkaline solution of all DMT. After this step the NPS will contain all DMT. Chemistry: freebase DMT is lipophilic (oil-loving) which makes it want to travel from the alkaline solution to the NPS layer above.

Step 5 - washing (recommended)
Wash the DMT containing NPS by mixing it with a sodium carbonate water solution. Shake and discard the basic solution. This step cleans the retrieved NPS from any base residue. Many teks skip this, but it is recommended for obtaining a cleaner and less harsh yield.

Step 6 - retrieving DMT from NPS
Evaporate the NPS to obtain DMT crystals. Naphtha, Heptane and Hexane can be frozen to precipitate DMT (saturates out at freezer temperatures). This works due to a large decrease in saturation (the amount of solids a liquid can dissolve) at freezer temperatures. Leftover solvent can be reused for future extractions.

Step 7 - drying
Ventilate your final DMT yield dry from NPS residue for 2-3 days in open air in a dark airy place. Nearly all smell should vanish. This is needed. Usually people worry that the DMT will oxidate and degrade. This won't happen. Ventilation is required to get rid of any NPS residue, especially if the yield is yellowish and oily. If you choose to perform a clean-up step do that first and dry the yield after the clean-up.

Step 8 - cleaning (optional)
To obtain a cleaner yield (less oily, more white) purify the yield with a clean-up step such as a re-X or mini-A/B. A common scientific practice is to first obtain an non-pure yield by eg. using high temperatures or wide spectrum solvents. This makes sure all actives are depleted from the plant matter. Next is doing a cleanup extraction by using a narrow spectrum solvent such as Heptane to obtain a pure final yield.

Additional information

Acidify for > 2 hrs (optional: freeze overnight and thaw). Basify for > 1 hr. The longer the acidifying and basing, the more DMT enters the solution. You may acidify for a day and base for a day for example. Perform 45-60 minute pulls by letting the content settle for 10 min and carefully steering /rotating 30 seconds at 10 minute intervals (4-5x steering for 30 sec spread over 45-60 min). You can also let the NPS sit for 24 hrs. Occasionally steer the bottle during the day (4-5x total), or do an 60 min steer/settle round. Freeze precipitate for 18-24 hrs. Dry the yield for 1 hr with a fan and let it sit of 3-5 days in a dry, cool and well ventilated space to evaporate out any NPS residue trapped in the crystals and plant fats. Test by smelling.

pH levels
Aim for a pH between 3.5-4.0 for the acidifying stage. A not low enough pH may not break sufficient DMT free from of the bark. A pH too low may cause more plant oils to get extracted (darker yellow and more oily yield). pH 4 is optimal for a white yield. The basing stage should be above pH 12. A much larger amount of base (e.g. Lye) is required than needed to reach pH 12 in order to prevent emulsions. When using Lye, use enough but not too much, or the solution will become too viscous (thick), making it harder for the DMT to travel to the NPS.

Acidifying: 20-90 deg C. Basing: 20-60 C. Pulling: 20-60 C. High heat pulls DMT faster into the NPS (less pulls needed), but also pulls more plant oils (requiring a clean-up step). Warning: high temp pulls cause more solvent fumes. Make extra sure your ventilation is good when doing high temp pulls. The optimal pulling temp is NPS type dependent. For low faction Naptha: 20-40 C. For Hexane/Pentane-Naphtha: 40 C, for Hexane/Heptane-Naphtha: 60 C. You can always go up to 60 C with a clean up step afterwards. Some people pull the last pulls at a higher temp, keeping the purer and less pure yields separate. Note: when heating during pulls, heat the entire solution, not just the NPS. If you only pre-heat the NPS it will cool to same temp as the solution as soon as you add it.

Number of pulls
After 3-6x 45-60 min pulls the alkaline solution should be depleted of all DMT. The amount of pulls needed depends on the temperature, volume, viscosity, NPS type, etc. Different naphtha brands can have different petrochemical mixtures with different pull effects. Keep the last pull separate and check its yield. If significant pull again.

Freeze precipitation
Do not disturb the dish before 18-24 hours are up, the crystals may not form properly otherwise. The higher the saturation and the colder the temperature, the faster the crystallization and smaller the crystals. Very saturated very cold naphtha yields smaller crystals fast. Less saturated less cold naphtha yields larger crystals slower. It takes a very low saturation to not precipitate out any DMT. If in doubt freeze for several days or evaporate the NPS down to a lower volume prior freezing. When separating the DMT from the frozen NPS don't use coffee filters as some DMT might dissolve into them. Simply decant the NPS away for the crystals.

Ratio's and scaling
Per 1g of bark:
10ml - 20ml total solution volume including the bark, acid, base (usually 15ml)
0.25g - 0.75g salt (usually 0.50g)
0.5g - 1.0g Lye (usually 0.75g)
0.5ml - 1.5ml Naphtha (usually 1.0ml)

An efficient method is using 1 liter bottles for the extraction (see Cybs tek in the chapter below). The optimal amount of bark per bottle is 50g to 75g. Using 100g per bottle will result in yield loss compared to 50-75g. To extract more than 75g, use multiple bottles. You may use the ratio (for acid, salt, base, NPS) mentioned in Cybs tek to extract either 50 or 75g of bark per bottle.

Problem solving

If an emulsion forms during the pulling stage add more lye. If that doesn't work add some salt. Heating helps too. Another option is vibrating the emulsion loose. If everything fails, just wait. The first pull can occasionally take up to an hour to separate.

Dark solvent
Sometimes the NPS layer becomes very dark brown. It seems to happen mostly with STB extractions, powdered bark and heated pulls. The exact reason is unknown. Wait a few hours and see if the color settles and the solvent layer gets clearer. If that doesn't help separate the pulls as you would normally and do a sodium carbonate wash. Then freeze precipitate and perform a clean up on the yield such as a re-x or mini a/b.

Oily yield
Too sticky oily yields (not usable) can be caused by a too low pH in the acid step, too high temperatures - especially when pulling, or a bad NPS (product /batch). The latter can happen if Naphta is used which is a mixture of multiple substances. Make sure to check the msds contents of the solvent. Perform a clean-up step to purify the oily yield.

Yield clean-up options

If you want to eliminate any lye or other impurities from the DMT containing NPS, you can do a sodium carbonate wash:

Step 1 - DMT is pulled in a NPS (naphtha /heptane /hexane)
Step 2 - add 5-10 grams of sodium carbonate to 100 ml of water (basic solution)
Step 3 - mix the two solutions above and shake well (emulsions will not form)
Step 4- separate the NPS from the basic solution and discard the basic solution

To clean up oily DMT you can do a re-x (re-crystallization):

Step 1 - add 1g of DMT to 40-50ml of near boiling naptha using a warm water bath
Step 2 - add the DMT and let the naphtha cool down for a couple of minutes
Step 3 - observe impurities start to precipitate out
Step 4 - discard the impurities and freeze/precipitate the naphtha

If you want to remove plant oils and organic substances for whiter DMT do a Mini A/B:
Note: this step is needed when extracting ACRB

Step 1 - combine all NPS pulls together (or dissolve impure dmt into a NPS)
Step 2 - create an acidic solution and add the NPS to it
Step 3 - wait for all the dmt to travel to the acidic solution
Step 4 - separate and discard the yellow NPS
Step 5 - basifiy the solution and pull with fresh NPS
Step 6 - clean the NPS from any remaining lye with a sodium carbonate wash (optional)
Step 7 - freeze, decant, dry

An other way to clean up dirty /impure freebase DMT obtained from an A/B tek is to a FASA wash:

Step 1 - create anhydrous acetone, see "Making anhydrous solvents" under FASX below
Step 2 - convert the DMT into DMT-Fumarate, see "Converting DMT-Freebase into DMT-Fumarate" under FASX
Step 3 - (optional) clean the DMT-Fumerates, see "clean-up steps" under FASX below
Step 4 - convert back to freebase DMT, see "Converting DMT-Fumerate into DMT-Freebase" under FASX

Some teks tell you to do a defat (wash) after the acidification stage. This means adding Naphtha to the acidified solution to extract impurities into the Naphtha which is discarded. This step is now considered outdated as its inefficient at cleaning and wasteful in terms of time, Naphta and yield loss. Another cleanup not advised is washing the NPS with charcoal, this can easily result in yield loss.

4.2 STB extraction

STB stands for Straight To Base. It follows the same procedure as A/B without the acid step. STB converts the DMT in solution directly into freebase DMT. Skipping the acid step increases the amount of time it takes to break apart the cellular plant matter in which the actives are located. Other than taking longer, a STB extraction is just as efficient as A/B. Longer means more time passes, but doesn't mean more work. All stages in STB can be performed at room temperature without heating the solution.

STB vs A/B

- STB takes more time to perform than A/B
- The acid step in A/B can result in more plant fats/oils (STB gives a cleaner yield)
- Mimosa (MHRB) can be extracted using STB.
- Acacia (ACRB) is more fat-laden and needs to be extracted by A/B.


Step 1 - create an alkaline solution (eg. with Sodium Hydroxide)
Step 2 - place the plant material in the solution, stir well and let it sit for 1-2 days
Step 3 - add NPS (batch 1) and let it sit for 24hrs. Occasionally steer the bottle (4-5x total), or do an 60 min steer/settle round
Step 4 - separate NPS batch 1 from the solution and place it in the freezer
Step 5 - add new NPS (batch 2) to the solution and let it sit for 24hrs. Occasionally steer the bottle, or do an 60 min steer/settle round
Step 6 - after 24h remove NPS batch 1 from the freezer and filter the DMT out
Step 7 - separate NPS batch 2 from the solution and place it in the freezer
Step 8 - reuse NPS batch 1 for the next pull, etc
Step 9 - repeat 1 pull/day using the same two batches of NPS until no DMT precipitates out

4.3 Eco friendly extraction

To avoid using unsafe chemicals eco friendly methods can be used with food grade products only. The main challenge is avoiding petrochemical NPS which is able to evaporate or freeze precipitate to retrieve the dissolved DMT. Vegetable cooking oils (refined sun flower oil is known to work well) are an effective NPS and pull full spectrum, but do not evaporate or freeze precipitate.

A backsalting can be performed to retrieve the DMT from the cooking oil. This is done by adding an acidic solution which stays separated under the NPS layer. DMT dissolved in the NPS will travel to the acidic solution below. Similarly to how it travels from the basic solution to the NPS above in an A/B or STB extraction. The DMT depleted NPS is discarded and the acidic solution is evaporated leaving the DMT behind. The retrieved DMT is then purified further to obtain a cleaner yield.

An other option is basing the bark with a food grade base and evaporating it dry, followed by soaking it in ethanol. The ethanol dissolves the DMT, separating it from the plant material. Evaporating the ethanol leaves the DMT behind. The retrieved DMT is then purified further to obtain a cleaner yield.


- IPA / acetone can be used if 96% ethanol (grain alcohol) can't be found.
- Freeze a sodium carbonate /ethanol solution to -20 deg C. Excess sodium carbonate will precipitate.
- Calcium Hydroxide (lime) is less soluble in water /ethanol than sodium carbonate.
- Filtering results gives a cleaner yield.

4.4 FASX extraction

This is an advanced extraction method. FASX (Fumeric Acid Saturated Acetone /IPA /Water) is an extraction method to yield DMT-Fumerate. DMT-Fumerate is one of many DMT salts. It is used for the oral route (Pharmauasca) as freebase DMT can't be consumed orally, or for long term storage as salts are very stable molecules. DMT salts can be converted to freebase DMT, as well as the other way around. Most DMT salts are hygroscopic. They absorb water from the air and are permanently moist (a goo). DMT-Fumerate is the only salt that isn't hygroscopic. It crystallizes making it easy to handle.

FASA stands for Fumeric Acid Saturated Acetone. It's created by adding Fumeric Acid (FA) to Acetone until the Acetone is saturated (SA). The methodology of FASA employs the solubility of freebase DMT, the solubility of Fumaric acid and the insolubility of DMT-Fumarate in Acetone. When FASA is added to Aceton in which freebase DMT is dissolved, the FA salts the freebase DMT into DMT-Fumerate which is not soluble in Aceton and precipitates. As it's the only thing that does it can easily be separated.

This can be used to convert freebase DMT into DMT-Furmarate: dissolve 1000g freebase DMT in 50ml dehydrated Acetone. Dissolve 309 mg of Fumaric acid in another batch of 50 ml of Acetone. DMT Fumarate precipitates out. If the Acetone is not dehydrated (some /all) DMT-Fumarate will stay dissolved in the water. In this case fully evaporate the solution to obtain the yield.

Instead of using Aceton as the DMT carrier solution, some non-polar solvents can also be used. This opens up the possibility to apply FASA to a DMT containing NPS solution used for pulling an A/B or STB extraction. DMT-Fumarate will precipitate and the NPS can be cleaned for re-use. Add water to dissolve excess FA and Acetone, or distillate. d-Limonene, Xylene and Toluene work as NPS.

Always test your solvent: add some FASA to a clean batch of solvent slowly drop wise to see if anything precipitates out. If the solvent stays clear, it's good. Next, dissolve some (25mg) of DMT in an other batch of solvent. Now, add the FASA solvent and DMT solvent together. If clouding forms (DMT-Fumerate precipitation) the solvent is good to use. Naptha does not work as FA precipitates out. If FA precipitates out of your d-Limonene, try adding some Acetone to your Limo (25ml Acetone per 100ml Limo) prior adding the FASA.


Step 1 - follow a Tek of choice and pull with Xylene, Toluene, or d-Limonene
Step 2 - saturate a batch of Acetone with Fumaric acid to create FASA
Step 3 - add the FASA drop wise to the DMT containing solvent
Step 4 - keep adding until cloud forming stops, add some more for good measure
Step 5 - wait 24 hrs to allow all DMT-Fumarate to crash out
Step 6 - seperate the DMT-Fumerate crystals
Step 7 - wash the DMT-Fumerate with a fresh batch of Acetone to dissolve any excess NPS and FA
Step 8 - dry the DMT-Fumerate
Step 9 - clean the NPS for re-use.
Step 10 - convert to DMT-freebase if desired

When adding FASI (Fumaric acid saturated IPA) to DMT containing NPS, a separate layer of IPA forms under the NPS in which the DMT-Fumerate precipitates out. First the NPS is separated then the IPA layer is decanted from the DMT-Fumerate.

With FASW a separate layer of water forms under the NPS in which the DMT-Fumerate is dissolved. First the NPS is separated then the water is evaporated. Some Fumaric acid will remain. This can be separated with an Acetone wash (see below).

CASA stands for Citric Acid saturated Acetone. When CASA + FASA is used, DMT-Fumerate precipitates in the Acetone. This eliminates the need for a basing stage. See the Tek: "The FASA Method". Note: some people report an oily orange layer form on the bottom with this tek. Might be due to their acetone not being anhydrous enough. Dehydrating the bark might help too.

Fumaric acid solubility and DMT Fumerate ratio
The solubility of FA in Acetone and water is 6mg/ml and in IPA 5mg/ml. About 1/3 unit of Fumaric acid (in weight) converts 1 unit of freebase DMT (in weight) to DMT-Fumerate. Using excess FA is not a problem as residue can easily be cleaned from the yield by washing with fresh Acetone.

To estimate how much FASA volume you need to make to use on NPS from a plant extraction, you can use the following guideline: 3% max DMT yield and 0.5 part FA to 1 part DMT. This means 100g bark contains max 3g DMT for which 1500mg FA is needed. This dissolves in 250ml FASA/W or in 300ml FASI. Stop adding when no more clouding occurs.

Clean-up steps

Cleaning excess Fumaric Acid from final yield

Step 1 - obtain anhydrous Acetone, or make anhydrous using a desiccant (see below)
Step 2 - add a fresh batch of anhydrous Acetone to the DMT-Fumerate
Step 3 - excess FA will dissolve in the Aceton, DMT-Fumerate will not
Step 4 - filter and dry the DMT-Fumarate

Purifying final yield using IPA

Step 1 - obtain anhydrous IPA, or make anhydrous using a desiccant (see below)
Step 2 - dissolve 1000 mg of DMT-Fumarate in 30 ml boiling hot IPA (water bath)
Step 3 - quickly filter with cotton (especially if undissolved solids are observed)
Step 4 - put the hot IPA in the freezer and leave for 1-2 days
Step 5 - filter the precipitated DMT-Fumarate and dry
Step 6 - weigh the DMT-Fumerate to check if all precipitated out

Purifying final yield using MEK

Step 1 - Add your yellowish DMT-Fumerate to some MEK and shake
Step 2 - Decant the DMT-Fumerate (it doesn't dissolve), dispose of the MEK solution
Step 3 - Dry the DMT-Fumerate, it will be white


Converting DMT-Fumerate into freebase DMT

Option A - dry method:
Step 1 - mix 1 part DMT-Fumerate with 1 part sodium carbonate
Step 2 - add enough water to turn it into a paste
Step 3 - spread it out and let it dry completely
Step 4 - dissolve it in acetone and filter solids (redo 3x), discard solids
Step 5 - evaporate the acetone dry
Step 6 - scrape of the waxy residue (stays waxy due to trapped moist)
Step 7 - (optional) dissolve the waxy DMT in Naphtha, Heptane, or Hexane and freeze precipitate

Option B - wet method:
Step 1 - add 20g sodium carbonate to 50ml hot water and mix well (you won't use all of this)
Step 2 - decant the saturated solution away from any undissolved sodium carbonate into a new container
Step 3 - put the DMT-Fumarate in a glass container and add some hot water to dissolve it
Step 4 - add a small amount of the sodium carbonate saturated solution until it starts clouding
Step 5 - keep adding until no more clouding or color changes occur, then add a bit more for good measure
Step 6 - store in the fridge of 3-5 days to precipitate all DMT
Step 7 - decant water away from crystals remaining in the container. Use a coffee filter to collect any floating crystals
Step 8 - optional: rinse the collected DMT in fresh water to remove excess sodium carbonate
Step 9 - evaporate dry at room temperature
Step 10 - optional: freeze/thaw remaining solution to check if any more crystals precipitate out

Option C - NPS method:
Step 1 - dissolve DMT Fumerate in water
Step 2 - add a basic solution (pH >11)
Step 3 - pull with Naphtha, Heptane or Hexane
Step 4 - freeze precipitate and ventilate dry

Converting freebase DMT into DMT-Fumarate

Step 1 - dissolve 1g freebase DMT in 10ml anhydrous acetone
Step 2 - filter with a small bit of cotton in a funnel, discard dirty cotton wick
Step 3 - add 600mg Fumaric acid to 100ml anhydrous acetone (FASA) and make sure all dissolves
Step 4 - add 50ml FASA to the DMT acetone solution, wait for the clouding to settle
Step 5 - add additional FASA dropwise until no more clouding forms
Step 6 - separate the solids (DMT-Fumerate) by decanting, discard all liquid
Step 7 - wash the DMT-Fumerate with fresh anhydrous acetone (dissolves excess Fumaric acid)
Step 8 - filter the DMT-Fumerate and dry at room temperature

Converting Sodium Bicarbonate into Sodium Carbonate

Step 1 - weigh your sodium bicarbonate, and put it onto a non-aluminum pan or oven-safe dish
Step 2 - place in the oven at 400 F (200 C) for one hour to one hour and a half to release CO2 and water
Step 3 - alternatively you can put in a stainless steel pot (no other material!) on the stove for for 20mins
Step 4 - let it cool down and compare the weight to before

Note: the resulting material should have lost around 20% of the original mass. If it didn't, leave it for longer in the oven.

Anhydrous solvents

To make a solvent anhydrous you add a desiccant (drying agent). One of these is anhydrous Magesium Sulfate (MgSO4). This can be made by heating Epson Salts (Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate) above 200 C. Anhydrous MgSO4 can absorb 204.7% of it's weight in water. 50g can absorb around 100ml water.

Step 1 - heat some Epson salt on a glass dish in the oven for 2 hours at 200 C
Step 2 - take out and weigh the MgSO4, it should be around half the original weight
Step 3 - store the anhydrous MgSO4 in an air tight container
Step 4 - place 50 grams in a bottle and add 1 liter of solvent to dehydrate
Step 5 - close the bottle and shake vigorously
Step 6 - the MgSO4 will absorb up to 100ml of water and sink to the bottom of the can
Step 7 - let it settle for 2 days in the fridge until the solution is clear
Step 8 - pour the solvent into an other bottle through a funnel with a double coffee filter
Step 9 - store the wet MgSO4 for reuse (can be dried again in the oven)

Using warm acetone with magnesium sulfate increases the chances of condensation reactions of the acetone itself. These reactions generate water. Therefore, dehydrate in a cold place and separate the solution from the MgSO4 when ready. Don't leave acetone standing over MgSO4 in a warm place for any great length of time.

Sodium Sulphate and Calcium sulphate are much weaker Lewis acids and thus much less prone to catalysing condensation reactions in the acetone. But they work a bit slower than MgSO4. Calcium chloride can't be used to dry in acetone.

4.5 More info

- DMT extraction overview
- FAQ for DMT extraction
- The Chemistry of Extraction
- Art of Liquid extraction
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#9 Posted : 12/24/2012 11:18:58 PM

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#10 Posted : 12/28/2012 4:38:42 PM

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Open your Mind () Please read my DMT vaping guide () Fear is the mind killer

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#11 Posted : 12/30/2012 12:36:51 AM

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6. Smoking

Freebase DMT can be smoked in multiple ways. It can be covered by or infused with herbs to be burned in a pipe or bong. It can also be vaporized. Vaporization occurs when a controlled temperature is applied that vaporizes a substance without burning or combusting. 200°C works well for DMT. Usually convection (contact with hot air) is preferable over conduction (contact with hot glass/pipe/material) while combustion (direct fire) should be avoided. Aim for a device and technique with enables you to inhale the full dosage in no more than 3 inhalations. Preferably 2, best is 1. Each inhalation needs to be held in at least 10 seconds. After the second inhalation the effects of the DMT will be strong. A 3rd inhalation is usually difficult to manage.


Light: 15-20mg, moderate: 20-25mg, strong: 25-30mg, extreme: 30-35mg.
If you don't feel anything with 15mg you are not properly vaping the DMT.


DMT melts at 45°C and vaporizes at 160°C
Electronic vapes are usually set to 200°C


Smoking is a very powerful way to administer DMT. The onset is extremely rapid. The effects last 3-10 minutes. The afterglow is very short. You can feel completely sober in 15 minutes. Oral DMT (eg. Ayahuasca) is a stretched out experience, staying within the realm of your ego, usually taken to work on aspects of life. Smoking is an instant ticket to an other universe beyond this world, your identity and personal struggles.

If pharma is a marathon, then vaporized DMT is a sprint.
If pharma is a deep inward journey to the center, then vaporized is a distant journey to the edges.
If pharma shows me my inner-self, vaporized shows me my higher-self.
If pharma helps me in the here and now, vaporized helps “me” in the hereafter.

Note that most people experience 'pre-flight anxiety'.
The best way to deal with this is to preload with Harmalas and start off with a smaller dose.

6.1 Lighting crystals (not advised)

A common mistake people make when smoking DMT for the first time is placing it in a pipe or a bong (on top of herbs) and lighting it up. This type of smoking leads to the break down of DMT and potential toxic nitrogen oxides from impurities. It's harsh, not healthy and there is a significant loss of actives. An better method is the layered approach. Add a thick layer of ashes or thin layer of herbs on the pipe screen. Place the DMT on top of the herbs. Add another layer on top of the DMT. Go easy on the fire.

Don't use glass vape pipes (crack pipes). This is a hit-and-miss route which often burns the DMT instead of vaporizing it. People have constructed their own DIY vaporizers such as "The Machine". Usually there is a lack of adequate buffer between the fire and the alkaloids, also causing hit-and-misses. Discussions about these devices can be considered outdated.

6.2 Enhanced Leaf

Enhanced Leaf is a method of infusing freebase DMT into smokeable herbs. It is best smoked from a bong. Refer to the section 'Additional smoking info' to learn how to made enhanced leaf. The advantage of enhanced leaf is that it can easily be smoked without much learning curve. The disadvantage is that smoking is less efficient than vaping. Another disadvantage is that multiple inhalations are needed to get a breakthough dose in.


To make enhanced leaf melt some DMT into herbs. See "Warm Water Bath Tek" in next chapter for details.


- while inhaling, apply just enough fire until it ignites. When it does let it continue to burn on its own
- keep the lighter far away enough so that it will light up without over-heating your DMT
- inhale slowly and deeply. Try holding the smoke in your lungs for 10 seconds. Exhale and repeat
- you should aim to inhale everything in no more than 3 inhalations
- keep the last inhalation in for as long as you can while sitting back or laying down in position for the journey

Another option is to role a dmt joint (without weed) of Enhanced Leaf and a tobacco alternative:

- fill the rolling paper with a smokable herb or tobacco alternative
- place a dose of Enhanced Leaf packed together at the tip of the joint
- put a bit of tobacco alternative on top which will get lighted first
- after a few puffs the Enhanced Leaf is reached
- it only takes a few inhalations to smoke the dose this way compared to spreading it out over the entire joint.


People report Enhanced Leaf to be just as effective as freebase, easy to dose, smoke and breakthrough. It allows for experimentation with different blends of herbs. The DMT is said to amplify the effect of the botanicals allowing to experience the power of various plants.

6.3 Changa

Changa is Enhanced Leaf with both DMT and Harmalas. The Harmalas can either be full spectrum Caapi extract or isolated alkaloids (usually from Syrian Rue). There are many herbs which can be used and combined for Changa, but the key active ingredients are DMT and Harmalas. Refer to the next section (Additional smoking info) to learn how to make Changa. The advantage of Changa is that it can easily be smoked without much learning curve. The disadvantage is that smoking is less efficient than vaping. Another disadvantage is that multiple inhalations are needed to get a breakthough dose in. Even more as with Enhanced leave as the Harmala contributes to the weight. An good alternative to Changa is taking the Harmala sublingually followed by vaping freebase DMT. This will have the same effect which is an advantage for people who prefer to vaporize.


Melt Harmala alkaloids and DMT into herbs. See "Warm Water Bath Tek" in next chapter for details.


Follow the same procedure as Enhanced Leaf, see above.


The RIMA’s and botanicals work together to give a smoother and "warmer" experience. The intelligent alchemy of the combination between DMT with Harmalas give Changa its unique nature. The duration of effects is around 1.5x longer than that of DMT alone.

6.4 Glass Vapor Genie

The original infamous device used for vaping DMT is the Glass Vapor Genie (GVG). Hot air from the lighter is sucked in through a ceramic filter above a steel pad with DMT. The ceramic evenly diffuses the heat of the flame, blowing hot air over the pad which evaporates the DMT. The GVG has a steep learning curve and takes time to master, but works great when you do.


Use a torch lighter instead of a regular one. More heat is produced and the flame won't block the ceramic filter with carbon buildup. The Arc Turboflame comes recommended. Don't worry about the torch lighter flame getting too close to the ceramic filter. The GVG manual states that this is the method to clean it when carbon build-up forms from regular lighter usage. Regular lighters are not allowed to touch the ceramic while torch lighters are. Move the flame around, don't hold it on one position. Excessive heat differential could shatter the glass surrounding the ceramics. Always keep the flame away from the glass.


You can make a pad from a metallic cleaning scrub like chore boy, but this is not recommended. An original pad can be bought for the GVG which fits perfectly. People report good results. Another option is to buy the Volcano Pad. Made for another vaporizer it needs to be cut to fit the GVG. Compared to the GVG pad, the Volcano pad is less densely packed (more air flow), flatter and can be pushed further down (more separation from the hot ceramic). The original GVG pad is denser and higher which results in a smaller buffer between too little and too much heat. This makes it harder to operate (steeper learning curve) compared to the Volcano pad. Buy both pads to see which you prefer and cut the Volcano pad to the right size using the GVG pad as a reference. Use large scissors and make sure that every little steel splinter is off prior use. Burn each pad clean on a stove until glowing red, removing the shiny metallic layer.


- insert the pad in the gvg and place the dmt on top. cover the gvg with the ceramic stone.
- start inhaling by aiming the lighter at the ceramic.
- move the lighter up and down and adjust your inhalation speed to reach the correct temperature
- hold breath for 10 second and take another hit if you didn't get everything in yet
- after each turn use burn the pad clean on a stove from any plant oil residue

If the smoke is too harsh, the DMT burned. The trick is finding the sweat spot for inhalation speed and lighter distance. The amount of fire can be controlled by feeling how hot the device gets with the hand holding it and how dense the vapor feels on the lungs. Practice makes perfect.

Inhalation speed: the slower you inhale, the longer the air travels through the hot ceramic, the hotter it gets.
Lighter distance: the closer the flame, the hotter it gets.
Lighting duration: the longer you hold your lighter close by, the hotter it gets.

6.5 Direct e-mesh

Mesh RDA atomizers are connectable to e-sig modboxes and are originally used for "dripping" e-juice. E-juice is dripped onto a mesh (metal filter screen) which is bend over a cotton wick. The modbox powers the mesh, heating it up making the e-juice evaporate. For vaping DMT the DMT is placed onto the mesh without e-juice and with no cotton underneath. Because of this the method is called 'direct' e-mesh vaping. The advantages are no learning curve, one hit breakthrough and high consistency. Disadvantages are that you need to learn about e-vaping, find the correct gear and tweak with modbox settings. A modbox with a good TC algorithm giving a stable temperature is a must have. A poor TC modbox will pulse the temperature, raising and dropping it too much.


- 75-100W sub-ohm capable Modbox of with good temperature control (TC)
- 3.7V 18650 type IMR batteries from a well-established manufacturer
- Mesh RDA (eg. search on aliexpress)
- Stainless steel 100 micron mesh sheet (between 80-150 micron works)
- Optional: glass drip tip to cool the vapor


- Temperature Control mode @ 190-200°C
- For a SS316 mesh: TCR 090-110 with a 45W limit.
- For a SS304 mesh: TCR 140-150 with a 60W limit.

Use the manual TCR setting. If this option is not available try the SS (stainless steel) preset. In this preset the TCR is preconfigured by the modbox manufacturer. You might need to adjust temp as this can variate. If your modbox doesn't have TC, or if the TC mode doesn't work well try Wattage mode. For Wattage mode use inhalation speed to control temp. If the vapor becomes too dense inhale faster to cool the air more.


- cut the mesh to fit in the RDA
- burn the mesh clean on a stove prior first time use
- insert the mesh into the RDA
- insert the correct settings on the modbox
- lock the resistance at room temp
- power the mesh at 250°C for 5 seconds prior first time use

- load the spice on the mesh, don't go over 30mg
- pulse to melt the spice @ 100 deg C
- place the cap on the RDA and fully open the air holes
- set the vaping temp, press fire and inhale
- you should get everything in within 10 sec
- hold your breath for 10-15 seconds
- if you didn't get everything in repeat

6.6 e-Cigarettes

E-cigarettes converts electrical energy into heat to vaporize a liquid mix composed of propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerine (VG). Refer to the next section to learn about the basics and terminology. The benefits of DMT e-cig vaping is easy administering, stealthy, no bad taste and nothing to shatter or spill. The disadvantage is that it's not possible to measure how much DMT a hit contains. Disadvantage: the device can block, destroying the atomizer resulting in burned hits. You can't easily take long and powerful hits, which makes the device best suited for sub-breakthrough dosing. It usually takes +4 hits for a breakthrough. Another disadvantage is that the dmt oxidated in the ejuice, turning red overtime and decreasing in strength. Instead of using freebase DMT, DMT salt can also be used. This can be created by adding the right amount of food grade (citric) acid to the dmt infused ejuice. The advantage is that it tastes better and that it doesn't oxidate.


Atomizer + tank
A relatively small tank is preferred (2ml) which can be refilled from the top and isn't prone to leakage. The atomizer coil needs to be low ohm to be able to vaporize sufficient amounts of dmt per hit. A 0.2-0.3 ohm atomizer comes recommended.

Modbox + battery
A 0.2-0.3 ohm atomizer can be powered with a 50-100W modbox. Preferably get one with variable temperature control (TC). For sub-ohm vaping batteries are a crucial component. 3.7V 18650 IMR batteries from an established brand do the job.

e-Juice + dmt ratio
Buy e-juice without any nicotine. A 0.2-0.3 ohm atomizer used for DTL (direct to lung) inhalation usually requires a VG/PG ratio of 70:30. You can also use a ratio of 50:50 to 30:70 VG/PG. Usually a 1:4 (weaker) up to 1:2 (stronger) DMT/ejuice ratio is used. One gram of PG (roughly one ml) can dissolve 1 gram of DMT, while DMT doesn't dissolve in VG.


Keep the air holes fully open. Check the recommended Watt range on your atomizer and experiment to find the sweet spot. If you use Wattage mode use around 20-40W. TC mode set the temp to 190-210 C. If you want to use temp mode buy a stainless steel coil and use a TCR of 090-110 for SS316.


When you add ejuice in a new atomizer let it settle for 10-15 min for the wick to soak. Check the position of the wick holes. Make sure that the juice level doesn't drop below these openings or you will risk getting a burned hit. Inhale deeply, but stop when you feel the smoke intensity increase. You can pulse power while inhaling.

6.7 Dabbing

Dabbing is a method of consuming concentrated oils by dropping a small amount on a hot surface and allowing it to vaporize. Refer to the next section (Additional smoking info) to learn about the basics and terminology of dabbing. The advantage of dabbing is that you get the full dose in one hit. The disadvantage is that most dabbing devices don't work very consistent for DMT. The DMT can get too hot which influences the experience for the worse. There are many reports of people getting "hyperslapped" with dabbing due to high temperature burning the DMT. Also, holding hot elements has safety concerns.


Rig: a smaller sized bong with a (larger holed) single percolator and a male joint. Or buy a male-to-male cross-over.
Maintain low water level. If you already own a bong, try to use that one.

Nail: a seasoned Quartz domeless female nail (banger) with carb cap. Same size as the bongs joint. Or buy a cross-over.
E-nails are perfect for temperature control, but more expensive.

Torch: a large butane torch. It's more expensive than propane, but recommended for Quartz nails.
A Turboflame Arc Lighter or similar sized will be too small to apply sufficient heat.


Dabbing is all about timing and technique to maximize either flavor or efficiency. It requires some experimentation and practice. Every nail is different and has its own properties. You must experiment to find the optimal temperature. Some say heating the nail red hot and waiting for the moment it switches from glowing to colorless (maybe after 10-20 seconds) is the optimal time to dab spice. Others report heating a seasoned Quartz domeless nail for 11 seconds and waiting 18 seconds works.

Some report that a cooler nail will cause smooth vapor and ensure nothing gets burned. They prefer having their nails too cool over too hot. A carb cap is used to compensate for lower temperatures. One user says he loads the nail up cold and slowly heats it, waits for the vapor to start and throws his carb on. The best to do is start with a low temperature and work your way up. Observe the chance in efficiency (harsher vapor, less effect, more burned residue) and find your sweet spot.


1) Heat the nail manually with a butane torch and let it cool down to the right temperature.
2) Start inhaling just before loading the dmt onto the nail. You want to get everything in one breath.
3) Use a dabber to load the DMT onto the nail. Don't use a piece of folded paper, the DMT will melt into it.
4) As soon as you place the spice on the nail, place a carb cap on.
5) After about 5-10 seconds of inhaling you should get all the spice in.
6) Hold your breath for 10-15 seconds.
7) Have someone give you a hand to place the device away.

6.8 Wax atomizers (not advised)

Various brands such as Yocan, Longmada and Saionara sell wax atomizers for Cannabis concentrates. These have modbox connections and coils which heat up ceramic or metal elements. Unlike traditional e-sigarette atomizers e-juice liquid is not required. Wax atomizers heat by convection on a solid plate. The internet is full of DMT wax vapes success stories, but also full of reports that these devices to not work well at all. Users promoting wax vapes are usually new to DMT and lack experience with better devices.

6.9 More info

- DMT vaping guide
- Time frames for smoking, and tolerance
- smoking DMT vs oral DMT/ayahuasca
- Ayahuasca vs. Changa
- Changa DMT-Nexus wiki

- The GVG
- VG VaporGenie: How to use, where to get, advantages, etc
- Recommendations for torch lighter with GVG

- DMT salts for e-juice
- E-liquid success: An express ticket to the Alien Pool-Party

- E-mesh method
- The direct E-mesh thread
- Convection perfection: high speed E-mesh

- The Spice Rotator: easy & smooth DMT-Dabbing
- Dabbing DMT: the way of the future
- Official Dabbing Thread

Update: continue reading below..
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The Observer
#12 Posted : 12/31/2012 1:10:54 AM

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Thumbs up
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention by using totally fictitious verbiage...........

The above refers to the fictitious 'I'
olympus mon
#13 Posted : 12/31/2012 2:40:45 AM

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arcanum wrote:
Not sure about the political correctness of your preface,

Confused wtf?

Op-Awesome work and this is what makes this place so amazing. This has the potential of much more than just a thread to be lost in the archives. Keep working out the minor changes and see what happens.

Amazing job mate!
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
Troubles Breaking Through? Click here.
The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
Ice House
#14 Posted : 12/31/2012 7:49:15 AM

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some one,

Your contribution is amazing, wow. Wonderful job!

Thank you! I am still taking it all in.


Ice House is an alter ego. The threads, postings, replys, statements, stories, and private messages made by Ice House are 100% unadulterated Bull Shit. Every aspect of the Username Ice House is pure fiction. Any likeness to SWIM or any real person is purely coincidental. The creator of Ice House does not condone or participate in any illicit activity what so ever. The makebelieve character known as Ice House is owned and operated by SWIM and should not be used without SWIM's expressed written consent.
some one
#15 Posted : 1/4/2013 10:37:20 PM

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7. Additional smoking info

7.1 Changa teks

Making Changa from 10x Caapi leaf

Step 1 - boost some Caapi leaf

Option A) boiling in water:
- place 9g of Caapi leaf (or powdered vine) in a pot and add water
- bring to a slow boil or simmer for a couple hours adding water to keep the level consistent (or do multiple boils)
- filter and discard the plant material
- simmer the volume of the liquid down to a low level
- add a fresh gram of Caapi leaf (or other herb if you can't find) to the reduced liquid
- simmer the liquid into the leaf, evaporate the last bit of moisture dry
> now you have 10x Caapi leaf

Option B) soaking in alcohol:
- place 9g of Caapi leaf (or powdered vine) in a jar
- add 96% alcohol or IPA and close the lid
- let it soak for +2 weeks (1 month)
- filter and discard the plant material
- place the jar with the solution in a warm water bath (double boiler), use an electric heater, no open flame
- simmer the volume of the liquid down to a low level
- add a fresh gram of Caapi leaf (or other herb if you can't find) to the reduced liquid
- simmer the liquid into the leaf, evaporate the last bit of moisture dry
> now you have 10x Caapi leaf

Step 2 - add other herbs
- add the 10x Caapi leaf to a blend of herbs chopped to a good consistency for smoking
- if desired boost some of the other herbs as explained above
- a herbal blend example is: 50% 10x Caapi + 25% 10x Blue Lotus + 25% Mullein
> now you have the herbal base for Changa (note: this can also be smoked separately if DMT is vaped pure)

Step 3 - infuse with DMT (Warm Water Bath Tek)
- weigh the amount of herbs and DMT you want to combine
- a common ratio is 1:1 (1 unit of DMT to 1 unit of herbs) down to 1:3 DMT/herbs
- put the herbs in a shot glass and carefully spread the DMT evenly on top of the herbs
- place the shot glass in a bowl of boiled water. Don't get the inside of the shotglass wet
- the hot water outside will heat the shot glass and melt the DMT into the herbs
- covering the bowl with a towel creates steam which helps to melt the DMT faster
- repeat with additional sessions of boiled water if needed
- remove the shot glass from the bowl when the DMT has completely melted into the herbs
- mix well and let it cool down
- see: "Warm Water Bath Tek" for more info and pics
> now you have Changa

Note: DMT can also be dissolved in 96% Alcohol, IPA or Acetone. Add the DMT solution to a blend of herbs and allow it to evaporate. This will take much longer to dry than the 'Warm Water Bath Tek' explained above.

From Harmala alkaloid extract

Step 1 - obtain Harmala Alkaloid extract
Option 1) From boiled down powder
- reduce Caapi leaf solution (as explained above) without adding any new leaf
- evaporate the remainder of the liquid and scrape up the powdery residue
Option 2) From a proper extraction
- refer to the Nexus Wiki for various Caapi /Rue extraction teks
Option 3) From an online shop
- various sites sell it (search)

Step 2 - infuse with DMT
- dissolve the Harmalas into a solvent and add DMT (use about 40ml solvent per gram of DMT)
- alcohol or an other form of ethanol can be used as the solvent. Eg: 96% Alcohol, IPA or Acetone
- a common ratio is 1:3 Harmalas/DMT up to 1:1 Harmalas/DMT
- add the solution to a blend of herbs on a dish (usually 1:1 DMT/herbs)
- spread the herbs out evenly, about 5-10 mm high
- if needed, add some more solvent so all leaf is well covered

Step 3 - evaporate dry
- once everything is soaked up, fluff it up and let all traces of solvent evaporate
- place the dish somewhere where it will stay undisturbed for several days
- it can take four days for Acetone to completely evaporate and the leaf to dry
- once dry, the leaf can be weighed. It should be heavier by the amount of alkaloids that it was enhanced with
> now you have Changa

More info

- How much harmala's to put in Changa
- Solvent free DMT enhanced leaf - warm water bath TEK
- The Art of Changa, a guide to making the perfect blends
- Changa: A smoking blend containing Ayahuasca and other herbs
- Easy Guide for Changa Preparation
- A Guide to DMT Enhanced Leaf (Changa)

7.2 e-Cigarette info

An e-cigarette is a device that converts electrical energy into heat to vaporize a viscous liquid composed of vegetable glycerine and/or propylene glycol (e-juice). Every e-cigarette has at least three main components: a power source, a tank and an atomizer. The atomizer sits in a tank filled with e-juice and exists of a coil surrounded by a liquid absorbing material called a wick. The coil is electrically heated by a power source, heating the e-juice turning it into vapor. The wick regulates the flow of e-juice to the coil. This produces the right amount of vapor at a reasonable rate.

What you need

Mod Box
Make sure that the modbox can handle sub-ohm vaing. For DMT 40-60 W is sufficient. A 100W box able to power a 0.5 ohm coil gives plenty of over-capacity for vaping at around 50W. The batteries will run cooler than a 50W box. Look for a Mod Box with a large range eg. 10W-100W. This enables you to find your preferred spot. A good Mod Box displays voltage, watts and coil resistance. Some Mod Boxes support both variable Wattage and temperature control. Certain metals increase in resistance when the temperature goes up. By applying power and measuring to reach a known resistance at a certain temperature, a mod box can reach and stay at that temperature.

Sub-ohm Clearomizer
A relatively small Tank is preferred: 1.5 - 2ml. Allows for experimentation with spice concentrations. Also saves on making large amounts of spice to mix in. 2ml should be good for 10+ hits. Buy a tank that can be refilled from the top, this is convenient. Also, make sure the tank isn't prone to leakage. Coils come manufactured in OCC's or RBA's. Your Clearomizer will come with them included. Make sure the resistance is 0,5 ohm or less. Coils can be made of different metals such as Stainless Steel, Nickel, Nichrome, Titanium and Kanthal. Some can be used for temperature control mode (Ni, Ti), some for wattage control (NiCr, Kantal) and some for both (SS). Nickel and Titanium can release hazardous chemicals when heated over a certain temperature, that's why they should only be used for temp control. Note that no one talks about this danger for titanium dabbing nails. Preferably get a SS coil.

For sub-ohm vaping your batteries are the most crucial component of the setup. Only a few lithium battery types are sub-ohm capable. Batteries can either be high storage capacity (mAh) or high drain capacity (Amps). High storage requires less charging. High drain gives more current. Sub-ohm coils should only be used with high-drain batteries. ICR (LiCoO2 or LiCd) batteries are usually rated for their higher storage capacity (mAh). They are often unable to safely deliver the amperage needed for high power, low resistance devices. Being high risk, ICR's are commonly sold with protection circuits. IMR (LiMn) batteries allow higher drain rates compared to ICR's. This makes them much more suitable for low resistance devices. IMR batteries use safer chemistry than ICR's and don't have a protection circuit built in. Note that they should never be discharged below 2.5 volts or cycle life/performance will be reduced. Packing your Mod Box with 3.7V, 30A MCD, 18650 type, IMR batteries from a well-established manufacturer.

PG (Propylene Glycol) and VG (Vegetable Glycerin) are odorless liquids that are combined with flavor to create e-juice. They produce vapor when heated, which allow them to be inhaled. PG is a petroleum by-product. The fluid has no odor or color, and is less viscous than VG. In vaping it is used to provide a ‘throat hit’. Some users claim is similar to the sensation experienced when smoking tobacco. It also carries flavor more effectively than VG. VG is a natural chemical derived from vegetable oil. The hit from a high VG fluid is a lot smoother than with PG, making it more suitable for sub-ohm vaping. The increased thickness of VG means it can reduce the life of Atomizers quicker than PG-based juice. High ratio VG liquids clog up coils more rapidly and will not work well in certain tanks. Reports of what works vary from 50/50 to 70/30 PG/VG. This is atomizer specific.

7.3 Dabbing info

The Leidenfrost effect

The optimal dapping temperature for DMT probably occurs the range of the Leidenfrost effect. The Leidenfrost effect is a physical phenomenon in which a liquid, in near contact with a mass significantly hotter than the liquid's boiling point, produces an insulating vapor layer keeping that liquid from boiling rapidly. Due to this ‘repulsive force,’ the droplet hovers over the surface rather than making physical contact with it. This makes it vaporization by convection. The Leidenfrost effect occurs when the DMT jumps and pops like hot oil as it instantly poofs up in a cloud of vapor on/above the nail shooting droplets which poof into smoke before they touch anything. This is said to occur in the 250°C - 350°C range. Temperatures below the Leidenfrost effect could result in the DMT either oxidizing on the nail, or vaporizing incompletely leaving residue. While at too high temperatures the DMT will no longer "hover" on the vapor but contact the surface and burn /degrade.

Domed nails vs domeless nails vs e-nails comparison

Domed nails:
+ helps to hold in vapor
+ protection from hot nail
+ heats up quickly
+ cheaper
- dome must be slid in place, additional action
- dome can break, more fragile
- harder to place spice on
- cools down quicker, less time for functional use
- less air flow, less efficient for DMT

Domeless nails:
+ easier to place spice on
+ takes longer to cool down, more time for functional use
+ more airflow, better for DMT
+ carb cap holds in heat and vapor
- longer to heat up
- no protection from hot nail, more dangerious
- more expensive

+ eliminates the need to use a torch
+ precise and constant temperature control
- much more expensive

Use a domeless nail (banger).

Nail material comparison

Glass: breaks very easily and doesn't last long. Retains the least amount of heat.
Ceramic: more prone to breaking; retains heat the longest; reported to have worse /harsher taste compared to Quartz.

Don't use glass or Ceramic.

Quarts vs Titanium:

+ cheaper
+ much better flavor, less harsh hits
+ impossible to overheat
- takes longer to heat up
- retain less heat, less time for functional use
- shorter lifespan and more prone to breaking

+ virtually indestructible - impossible to crack
+ heats up quicker
+ retain heat longer
- must be re-seasoned after several uses with spice
- risk of overheating and burning the extract
- worse taste
- more expensive
- health risks from inhaling hot metal vapor (Titanium dioxide is a possibly carcinogen)

Use Quartz.


Some say Titanium can be seasoned by heating with a torch then cooling with cold water. Others say this is not good and that it's best to season it with what you will use it for. Quartz also need to be seasoned. Do some lower temperature DMT dabs until it gets gray and opaque. Some mention seasoning with Coconut oil, but insufficient information is available.

Torch fuel comparison

+ very cheap
+ larger tanks and more efficient: lasts longer
- will damage some nails over time, especially Quartz

+ no damage to nail
- smaller tanks and less efficient: more refueling
- expensive

For Quartz use Butane.

Note: a large torch is needed to light the nail. An Arc Turboflame sized ligher is too small.
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#16 Posted : 4/8/2013 4:36:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow, this is very comprehensive - Excellent work!
I am a piece of knowledge-retaining computer code imitating an imaginary organic being.
some one
#17 Posted : 4/14/2013 5:37:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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8. Other routes

8.1 Sublingual Harmalas

Harmalas is very active sublingualy both in freebase and salt (HCL) form. In theory freebase is less effective than a salt as salts are easily soluble in water. Salt are more stable and remain potent longer. Salts can cause more build up of saliva and accidental swallowing. Freebase doesn't have the bitterness and aftertaste of salts. Advantages pre-dosing with sublingual Harmalas and smoking DMT separately versus Changa:

- it reduces the amount of vapor/smoke you need to inhale
- changa on its own is inflexible, you can't play with the dose of Harmalas afterwards
- there is a maximum ratio of Harmalas you can insert in Change in order to have sufficient DMT and herb
- it's nice to be "Harmala'd" before launch so you are not totally sober going in, reducing pre-flight anxiety
- vaping freebase combined with sublingual Harmalas is better for your lungs compared to smoking Changa (less burned smoke)


A good way is to "paint" the Harmaloids under the tongue. Do not simply pile or puddle the Harmaloids under the tongue. Use a finger to spread it out and rub it in, or spread it by working the tongue around. Hold the tongue down firmly. Don't let saliva dilute it. Preferably swallow minuscule amounts rather than allowing saliva to buildup and dilute it. Hold it for 15-20 min. Do not talk. Afterward spit it out and refresh your mouth with a drink.


Usually a dose of 20-30mg Harmalas is taken sublingually followed by smoking DMT 20-30 minutes later.


Harmalas slows down the onset of DMT, but the peak is just as intense. Taking a breakthrough dose of DMT after sublingual Harmalas will not extend the breakthrough by much, but will extend the come-down period. If a "normal" DMT breakthrough without Harmalas lasts 4 minutes followed by a 5 minute comedown, sublingual Harmalas can give a 6 minute breakthrough and a 10 minute after glow. Sublingual Harmalas is effective for at least 2 - 3 hours after administration. Users report that smoking/vaping Harmalas or taking it sublingual is similar.


Large dosages of sublingual Harmalas can cause nausea just like oral use. It's good to have an empty stomach. Don't eat food high in tryptamines for the day and avoid alcohol. Don't combine any form of RIMA administration with psychoactives such as antidepressants, stimulants and SSRI medication.

8.2 Sublingual DMT (not advised)

Freebase DMT administered under the tongue does not rank high on effectiveness and causes burning sensations. Some users report success with sublingually administering 30mg DMT Fumarate combined with 30mg Harmala. This is based on limited accounts, so more data is needed.

A method reported to work by one user is 'complexing' freebase DMT with | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |. Complexing means making a water insoluble molecule (DMT) water soluble, by "wrapping" it inside a water soluble molecule (HPCD). Sublingually administering complexed DMT doesn't burn and is easily absorbable through the mouth tissue. This route only works in combination with oral THH and sublingual Harmala. THH can be created from Harmaline, which can be separated from Syrian Rue extract.


To complex the DMT mix it with the HPβCD (| High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |) at a 1:1 molar weight ratio. Molecular weight of DMT = 188g/mol, plain HPβCD molecular weight = 1300g/mol, use a 1:7g weight ratio to DMT. If you use 2-HPβCD its molecular weight is 1500g/mol, use a 1:8g weight ratio to DMT. Use 10 drops of water for less than 90mg DMT. Use 12 drops used for more than 110mg of DMT. HPβCD can hold 1000mg per 1ml at room temp, 1ml = 20 drops, 0.5ml is 10 drops. So 10 drops (0.5ml) can easily hold 500mg alkaloids, however, this amount is doubled with hot water, so 10 drops of hot water can easily hold nearly 1000mg | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | complexed alkaloids. 12 drops of hot water to hold 110mg DMT complexed to 770mg HPβCD works fine. Adding more water beyond 12 drops makes it more difficult to hold under tongue.

Place the DMT, HPβCD and water on a spoon. Mix mash & scrape it all back and forth for 2 minutes using the end of another spoon. Either administer the contents directly by licking the spoon with the bottom of your tongue, or suck up the liquid into a 3ml syringe to store it in the freezer (defrosts very quickly at room temp).


- Drink the THH and wait 45 minutes.
- Administer the complexed DMT and the Harmala together sublingually.
- Keep the mixture under the tongue and protect it from getting diluted by saliva.
- Spit the mixture out after 15 minutes, do not rinse your mouth clean.

If you feel the need to get rid of any saliva before the 15 minutes is over, simply tilt head forward and relieve the built up salvia into a cup while still holding any remaining HPβCD DMT under tongue.


Oral THH: 50-300 mg (individual dependent, start low)
Sublingual Harmala: 20-30 mg
Sublingual DMT: 40-80 mg


Beautifully intense visual experience lasting around 90 minutes.


HPβCD is reported to be able to cause hearing damage such as tinnitus. Damage in humans was observed with doses ranging from 50 mg to 900 mg intrathecal administration. It is not certain whether sublingual administration with the mentioned dosages is a risk.

8.3 Buccal

Buccal administration is achieved by placing a substance between gums and the inner lining of the cheek. In comparison with sublingual tissue, buccal tissue is less permeable resulting in slower absorption.


A method reported to work by one user is mixing 1 gram Virola calophylla resin with 60 mg of Calcium Hydroxide and adding a little water. Virola bark contains N,N-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and other tryptamines. The Calcium Hydroxide increases the pH to above 9 which is required to absorb everything better. Add just enough water to form a clay. Roll it into a long capsule like shape and put it in your cheek. Slowly suck on it for 10-15 minutes.

8.4 Insufflating (not advised)

When snorting DMT, preferably a salt form such as DMT Fumarate should be used instead of freebase. It's reported that the effects of snorting DMT are weak and the pain is very intense (not worth it).


Crunch the DMT Fumarate to powder. Weigh the desired amount and lay it out in a line. Use rolled up paper to administer. Don't inhale too strong. Snorting DMT can be combined with Harmalas. Administer the Harmalas orally and wait about a half hour before snorting the DMT. 40 mg Harmalas taken orally is reported to be sufficient. 20-30 mg Harmalas taken sublingually should work as well. Although not commonly done Harmalas can be snorted and are very active this way. 5-15mg is sufficient. Harmalas are active through other ROA aswell.


Snorting DMT without Harmalas:
Low: 50mg, medium 70mg, high: +100mg

Snorting DMT with Harmalas:
Low: 10mg, medium 20mg, high: +40mg


Snorting DMT lasts longer than smoking. The onset takes 5-10 mins. At 10-15 mins the plateau is reached. The peak lasts 30-45 mins. Snorting DMT combined with Harmalas prolongs the duration and increases the effect.


It is unknown what health consequences snorting an alkaloid such as DMT can have on nasal passages, especially long term use. There have been reports of bloody snot after snorting. Although speculated, it is not known if snorting a salt form (DMT Fumarate) is less damaging than freebase. Snorting burns which is a sign from the body that somethings not going smoothly. Considering the possible health issues of snorting it's better to choose an other ROA.

8.5 Plugging (not advised)

Plugging is the anal administration of substances.


Don't use freebase, convert into DMT-salt eg. DMT Fumarate. Use pre-boiled water (preferably distilled). Dissolving into vinegar, orange or lemon juice should work too. Add baking soda to reduce the acidity.


Cocoa butter is a good vehicle for introducing substances this route. The melting point is below your internal temperature, but above room temperature. This makes it easy to handle because it's solid prior to administration, but it rapidly melts once administered. Or make a 2-5 ml solution and insert via a needless syringe.


Harmalas: 1/3 to 1/2 of an oral dose
DMT-salts: start with 100mg, add 50-100mg, 250-300mg is considered very high
Brews: 3g Mimosa + 3g Syrian Rue. Note: +10 ml liquid might be hard to keep in


This route bypasses the first-pass metabolism and liver. Administration without Harmalas will have effect. But the intestines also contain MAO. Plugging DMT is therefor 3x less active when taken without Harmalas. Most users report that the DMT is less potent than orally. The effect of Harmalas is 3x more potent than orally.

Effects start at about 20 minutes with a powerful initial body load, the peak lasts 1 hour with an afterglow of several hours. The pharmacodynamics of plugging vs. intranasal administration seem to be very similar. There are no unique effects compared to other methods. It is reported that the plugging route does not burn or hurt. It also eliminates some nausea due to no stomach irritation. However it can still give a bloated feeling and it's possible to get nausea just from the vertigo of high amounts of RIMA.


The pH of a brew should not be detrimental to tissues. However, a large dosage of acidic Mimosa brews may not be good. Adding baking soda reduces the acidity. Note that substances going in this rout don't get filtered by the liver. They go right in to the bloodstream. Plugging is closer to injecting than swallowing. Being less active than orally and oral purging being considered medicinal, the plugging rout is not recommended.

8.6 IV (not advised)

DMT can be injected, but it is not recommend. If one is going to do it in spite of contrary recommendations, then take care in making many purifying steps (several recrystallizations /washes). Make sure it has no solvent or other chemical traces in the final product (redissolving the recrystallized product in USP grade acetone or ethanol and re-evaporating, scrapping and letting it dry completely before converting to fumarates in a sterile solution, etc.).


Intravenous: moderate dose: 0.2mg/kg; very strong dose: 0.4mg/kg
Intramuscular: 1mg/kg
Subcutaneous: 60-100mg

For the first try, take at most 0.2mg/kg, preferably less.


The effect is the same as a high dose of vaporized DMT.


Don't inject by yourself. The onset of the effects are so quick that one might not be able to take out the needle in time, accidentally ripping their vein out while in hyperspace, or putting it down too near and rolling around/puncturing oneself. The only official research done with DMT by Rick Strassmann used FDA-approved ultra pure DMT fumarate. The quality of home extraction products is questionable, one may have solvent traces and other impurities that could be uncomfortable, painful or dangerous to inject.

8.7 More info

- Changa vs sublingual harmalas + DMT
- Sublingual harmalas freebase or salt
- Sublingual dmt furmate bioassay
- | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | DMT part 1
- | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | DMT part 2
- Snorting works
- Preparations to make insufflated DMT more tolerable
- So I snorted some freebase
- FASA safe for injection

Update: all feedback below has been edited in the posts above..
some = one | here = some | there = one
#18 Posted : 11/13/2013 5:48:24 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 210
Joined: 08-Feb-2012
Last visit: 11-Oct-2020
I know this is an old thread but I just wanted to give a shout-out to OP some one. Excellent resource and I've never seen any other source comparing all the different routes of DMT/MAOI administration in this way - which is what I was just looking for and knew I'd seen in the past, but couldn't remember where. Re-found this thread and just had to say something.

Much appreciated!
#19 Posted : 12/20/2013 8:44:56 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 557
Joined: 12-Jul-2012
Last visit: 01-Jan-2021
some one wrote:
Formosahuasca is a brew made of Asacia Confusa...Dosage

Acacia: light 2g, moderate 3g, strong 4g. With 0.5 tbsp Rue.

Acacia without RIMA: light 9g, moderate 12g, strong 15g (15g = 5 tbsp)...

Its a year later now, and in that time most first hand reports of A. confusa usage differ markedly in dosage from what is stated here. People seem to be using from 7 (light or moderate) to 20 (strong or very strong) grams of ACRB with rue.
The '(15g = 5 tbsp)' part is somewhat suspect. One user here weighed his ACRB powder in at 9 grams per tbsp and the USDAs average of the weight of cinnamon (which shouldnt be far from ACRB powder density) is 8 grams per tbsp.
Were the above quoted gram doses calculated from volume with the assumption of there being just 3 grams per tablespoon?
What would be the up to date consensus on light, moderate, and strong doses by directly measured gram weight?
#20 Posted : 12/20/2013 10:41:32 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 648
Joined: 06-Apr-2012
Last visit: 01-Apr-2017
Location: Old continent
This is a really great work!
Much appreciated Thumbs up
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