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Warning, DXM is an addictive substance. Frequent use can cause temporary memory and concentration problems. The medicine described below containing DXM also contains other substances that may be harmful for your organism when taken at doses in which the DXM becomes psychoactive.
Call me "ace" that is not my real name it is my internet persona. Anyway i have been robotripping, or dexing for about a decade now. My brain is probably fried. I have blasted through the taking some and having to lie down stage, i actually do normal daily activities, even go to work. (though now i am jobless) we will get to that stuff in a bit. To start off i heard about doing this from *dont remeber who* in Texas. I had just watched the Matrix and Morphious was like take the red pill to break free and know whats up. So i took some Coricidin cough and cold. *i didnt know that was horribad for you* i tripped and it took alot out of me, i was totally incompasitated. thats what i started calling it *getting incompasitated* instead of being wasted *drunk* or high *weed* or Faded *weed and drink*. Any way i have some serious addiction problems right.. whatever like you never got drunk or high!
Ok back to my trips. Well at first it was just being messed up and seeing lights and you know listining to music. Then i did it when i was in the military and i swear to God i like future tripped! I am a lucid dreamer, and do drugs to limit the Deja Vu i get. (sorry i know i ramble) But the point of me saying this is because i pretty much am now sure i was blessed with a limited amount of Clairvoiancey. Though non of that is going to matter, and i will show you why in a bit. Anyway back to drugs, sorry to get side tracked. So i started doing it in my senior year in HS, then i joined the military and didnt do it at all for a year or so. Then i did it with the really hot chick Dana or "Babs" as i like to call her. Cause her last name reminded me of the pink bunny chick from tiny toons. Well i swear it was un like anything, i got up and started "moon walking" time slowed down and Dana got an aura around her. she said for her it was like XTC without the hornyness. I can relate to that right? Anyway i did it a few more times, and with each time i got less and less incompasitated. I would get up or force myself to get up, because it was more fun. *it is* trust me. *wait till you are able to have sex on it!* you will be hitin it like a porn star and she will be like oh your such a beast.. (sorry side tracked)
Well i continued my military career, and settled down with a girl, had kids. Still robo tripped every once and a while, but drank like a fish. Then Hurricane Katrina hit. I was in New Orleans at the time, it changed my life. I got put on meds for PTSD and what not.. anyway i actually tripped while taking those. It hink it messed up my brain or something because from there on Tripping became more like a reset button for me. If my i had issues with understanding something that happened in the past i would just sit down and back track while tripping and gain insite. I would did this until i scoped out and went over all of my life issues. So i gained a better hold of who i was. I even did it to reflect on just the days events. It still took alot out of me though, plus i was doing hardcore military shit on the regular too. Well i took a break, then for some reason found myself back on it. This time i was reading Enders Game. And i crap you not, it was like a light beam came from the heaavens and hit my brain! It was like God was showing me the light, right as i was reading! The book changed my life (not for the best, and yet i became a better person) I confessed all of the lies and cheating i ever did to my wife, and friends. *not a good idea* (but it if you want to get all those demons out, its hard work but it works) People will forgive you. My wife did (for a while at least) anyway that is another can of worms. Well once i did that i blasted through Enders Serires and even Robo Tripped in airports and on planes! It was hella fun. The DArk side of it all though is i got Divorced, got kicked out of the military for wanting to kill myself, and now live with my parents! But thats all good, it dont mean anything! Everything is going to be great, because well
1. DXM is approved by our Higher powers!!! i always knew it was! It takes you to other realms and makes you a better person. (ive expeienced everything from meeting extra selestials, to time stoppage, to being able to control both sides of my brain independantly, also i had crazy visuals of hallways shrinking, Chamelion like sight, color waves, color spashes (Colors and sparkles usually in dark rooms with headphones) uh, getting lost in the mirror in a bathroom, Meeting the guy on the other side of the mirror and almost being pulled in by him, CRAAAZY shit that shouldnt happen on DXM! (i think that whoever makes it did something to it) and this is why they did it.
http://www.youtube.com/w...UUjGpyaFt010cxAUczIHPF7wWatch the whole thing if you want, but if you want the meat and potatoes about DXM go to min 4:02 and watch! i was like no Fing way!!!! i knew it all along!! im glad i made the right choice and i will see you guys in a better place when its all hashed out! I have goodness to spread in my neck of the woods though, hope you guys take me in and show me some love!