sorry in advance i suck at writing
one night my two roommates(j and c) and i and our friend(b) decided to smoke some dmt. we had two different batches of DMT, one poorly(?) made brown dmt that only i had smoked before that caused tinnitus, and a new white powdery batch that a friend had gifted us a gram and a half of. we loaded a joint of some good bud with about 100-150mg of the white stuff. we lit the joint and passed it around a few times till someone put it out. this was a great trip with amazing orange, red, yellow and gold 3d cevs flowing around my brain I'm complex higher dimensional geometry. after we had all returned we chilled for a bit then emptied the remainimg half joint into a new paper adding more buds, white dmt and then some brown dmt with it. we lit this and passed it around. i rember taking 5 large hits before everything went crazy. my vision split up into fast moving kalidoscopes. inside each kalidoscope i was boucing around the walls and imto my friends heads I could see myself through j's eyes through c's eyes through b's eyes. like endless windows of my friends perception and mine all mixed up and kalidoscoping on everything, this continued for a min till I closed my eyes. and was greeted with with similar cevs has the first joint but with the addition of multiple shades of blue mixed in with the original colors