Hello Future Friends,
I joined this site today after lurking for almost a year. I gleaned some very high-quality information in the time I spent lurking and researching the topics covered here.. the information I picked up in incremental viewing sessions was significantly life-changing for me, even without much diligence. However, I was immersed in my involvement on some more general boards, applying and refining my knowledge base in terms of topics like medicine, harm-reduction, support for recovering users, how to convey information for the positive benefit of other people... Anyway remaining in my former online environment began to feel stifling. I've heard it said that to refine yourself and evolve as a person it is vastly beneficial to surround yourself with people that are highly intelligent. So here I am.
All that being said, I have a range of drug experiences that really covers the spectrum.. with a preference for entactogens, classic psychedelics like LSD and Psilocybin, and Ketamine but including just about everything out there. I struggled with serious addictive drugs but overcame my desires to self-medicate and placate my general dissatisfaction with my existence.I strongly dislike the RC scene and steer away from it completely, and have spent much time advising others on the inherent dangers of casually participating in the use of research chemicals. Herbs and healthy living appeal to me greatly and plant-sourced psychoactives seemed to be a logical progression in expanding my consciousness. I have been particularly intrigued by DMT for quite a while but also Peyote and cacti. Morning Glory seeds have been a part of my potential selection all along but overall I am ready to take it to a deeper level and look deep within myself.
This website is really impressive and seems highly functional. I admire the level of intelligence and respect among users that's demonstrated here and found everything I read on the introduction page to be appealing and sensible. I'm going to methodically pursue the topics covered here and can tell that the members are highly supportive of one's efforts to accurately learn as much about the subjects expounded upon here and themselves as possible.
My background is that I was raised in suburban America by a corporate commuter and a homemaker in a hostile, dysfunctional environment. I was a prodigious student, gifted or whatever you want to say and I didn't really place much importance on the opinions of other people, preferring to explore the world firsthand and making my own conclusions about things based on my experiences. I also have a learning style that interferes with my ability to share the common interpretation of the world or make assumptions, I am really literal and see things mechanically, even people and emotions. I hesitate to call it a learning disability because I harness my differences and they seem to be strong abilities in many ways.
My experiences with the world at large have led me to some powerful convictions. Some define me but others aren't actually that important to me. Exploring all kinds of religions and spiritual ideas has laid a foundation for a deeper understanding that seems to be beyond the issues of modern society and everyday affairs. I'm not an introvert or antisocial- but I prefer not to interact with most people on a superficial level or engage in mundane activities. Being alone is preferable to me than being in a crowded room. I like music quite a bit but don't have any use for television; quietude appeals to me the most these days. Nature and solitude are tranquil.
I love people, I'm just not
in love with them. I'd rather draw pictures with the mentally handicapped fella at my public library than shake hands with Ellen Degeneres. Don't tell her I said that, I don't want to end up on her show somehow or have her knock on my door with a camera rolling. I don't care what prizes I could win and oversized novelty checks would make awesome paper airplanes.
My kitty knows me better than anyone right now. She met me a few weeks ago because she was a starving stray and I had the dish of milk deal going. She was all beat up and pregnant too so when she finally trusted me enough to come into my place, she didn't leave. She was neglected and abused- she was missing some head whiskers, looked mangy and dislikes when I move the pillows or lift up a magazine to read it or use the broom. I think her last owner was always beating her and whatnot, so we're a good match. I'm not sure when she is gonna pop but I am looking forward to a few more kittehs and it's springtime so the mice are trying to get into my apartment for some reason. Creating a cat army seems like a great solution.
My kitty is little so I am kinda thinking it's her first litter. Her name is Ichiban which means "first" in Japanese... cuz she is the head of the family. Ichi means number one. Her other names are Chi (dragon in Chinese), also Ch'i (fundamental life energy that flows in orderly ways along meridians, or channels, in the body), Itchy (like the cat on the Simpsons that gets repeatedly tortured and maimed and killed, also she loves being scratched), Chee-chee and Cheech. She likes Chee Chee the best. She's always known how to smoke cannabis with me and expressed a desire to so her former city life hasn't been all bad.
So anyway like I was saying my kitty is awesome. She's so polite- she won't go anywhere unless I tell her it's ok. She sleeps next to my head but never on my face. She asks permission to come up onto the bed or couch and chill and she always says Maaah when she comes up. She almost never stops purring if we're chilling or even if I look at her. She talks back to me when I talk to her. She really overdid it on the catnip the first time she used! She learned her lesson and doses small now or abstains. She's sussing out the mice already and I'm looking forward to praising her efforts and admiring every kill.
Other hobbies I have and stuff I like are skateboarding, BMX bikes, mountain biking, jumping off high things (usually into water,) climbing stuff, moving fast, being underwater, cooking whole foods, saying unexpected things to strangers with such confidence that they can't resist my powers, wearing secondhand clothes, laying on the ground, cosmic stuff, microscopic stuff, movies, comic books, electronic dance music, drumming, digeridoo, any other instrument, pianos, philosophy, physics, the mechanics of the Universe, dancing, running, catching bats with pantyhose and a tennis ball, spearfishing, caves, trees, mountains, squirrels, things that fly, birds, animals, anything that's alive, anything that is related to the medical field, lawnchair balloonists, lucid dreaming, self-induced trances, art, music, orbits, Orbital, confronting stalkers extremely loudly on the street, ignoring traffic, laughing when someone tries to rob me, computers, and daydreaming about hacking the win-for-life scratch games. I like brewing Kombucha tea, eating fermented food and yogurt, hitting a gong and yelling something, drinking water and green tea, throwing paper airplanes off of tall buildings, growing plants in my window, seeing for miles, scanning the sky for UFO's, rooting for the underdog, being in old buildings, blocking combinations of punches, picking up other people's trash that they threw on the ground while they watch and acting like it's as routine as breathing, gambling when the odds are in my favor, completely ignoring politics, the economy and current events, inventing, balancing, stretching, and focusing. Oh yeah exploring consciousness in every way possible too.
I might sound a bit self-indulgent but I figured maybe you'd want to read a list of fun things. I'd give it all up instantly for eternal bliss surrounded by love and light.
So anyway, that's me. I look forward to hearing your cats' names!
sØrce attached the following image(s):
(64kb) downloaded 180 time(s). chi chi.jpg
(71kb) downloaded 14 time(s). dmtnexus.jpg
(417kb) downloaded 14 time(s)."The world is his, who can see through it's pretension...see it to be a lie, and you have already dealt it its final blow..." -Ralph W. Emerson