Greetings Nexians
I've been luring on the forum for over a half year, but seeing as I wasn't 18 years old, I wouldn't be allowed to be here in accordance with the rules
Luckily, it's my 18th birthday today.
I've never really been into birthdays nor do I really see the need for them. It is however one of the few annual times that you can be with friends around the table.
I've yet to come across DMT, sadly. 3 weeks ago, one of my friends told me he could get DMT from somebody he knew. I obviously became very excited at first, but he has some issues with lying, so it pretty much just keeps getting postponed, as with most of the drugs he says that he can get.
But I've sought to try DMT for over 2 years now and I'm really just waiting until the right time comes by. I've waited for 2 years already, so I don't feel like I'm any sort of hurry.
Apart from DMT, I've only tried few other drugs, but I've done a lot of research on all kinds of different drugs the past 2 years and often find myself to be helping people out with drug related questions.
I also feel like I've come to a new stage in my life.
I've been interested in meditation, conciousness, awakening etc. for quite some time, but deep down I never really felt that any of it was true, due to me being fairly sceptical about many things. But I gave it a chance some months ago and slowly started meditating and listening to Buddhist monks on Youtube. It was all quite hard to understand, but I tried.
Recently I discovered Osho, Mooji and Alan Watts, who I found to be much better teachers in almost all aspects. Now I really started to understand the various concepts people were talking about, and I've overall gained a lot of insight from them.
The best things about it though, is that it has improved my life greatly. This applies to many areas of my life, but it has especially helped me on my way through depressive behaviour. I've tried taking the thought processes that these gurus/teachers talk about, and it has certainly had a major impact on me, in a very positive way.
I could write a lot more, but do not plan on making a novel on my own life anytime soon
So I'll just end it here and with that hope that I can be considered part of the forum along with all of you wonderful people out there.