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I have this tendency to withdraw into this anti-society isolation and I just want to be alone which means I can't and won't do public tripping. I am prone to come up anxiety and nausea and I just want to be in a nice comfortable dark room to minimize simulation, and have access to water, fruits, and regulated room temperature. I live with roommates who are most certainly not trippy people, and would probably take me to the hospital against my will if they witnessed me tripping not knowing what's going on with me.
I was thinking about renting out a hotel room to trip out in. I would prepare in the afternoon by doing some vigorous exercise followed by a light meal of fresh fruits. Renting out the hotel room in the evening and eating the shrooms once I get "comfy". The lights go off and I would simply meditate until it's time.
I have some concerns with this but I don't know if they are worth getting hung up about.
Such as I will be alone. I'm worried about getting into a laughing fit and possibly people in adjacent rooms could hear me? I am also honestly afraid of the dark. I never had the chance to trip out in a dark room before. Are people still afraid of things that go bump in the night when they are tripping? I'm fantastic at staying put when I'm peaking because I'm lost in my mind but once I get out of that phase I know I will probably want to venture out of the room to go outside but I'm also concerned about getting lost within the hotel and causing a scene.
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what are you exactly planning to trip on ? illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 121 Joined: 14-Feb-2013 Last visit: 12-Dec-2018
Jin wrote:what are you exactly planning to trip on ? shrooms, in the title mate  anything posted buy this account is 100% fiction
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Posts: 1817 Joined: 22-Jan-2009 Last visit: 04-Aug-2020 Location: Riding the Aurora Borealis
I would avoid unfamiliar places like that while tripping.
But if you are determined, I would at least look for a hotel that looks pretty empty, and when you get your room ask that you have a room away from other guests because you're very tired and don't want to be disturbed, good night's sleep, etc.
As Jin asked, what and what dosage are you planning on taking? I would definitely avoid a massive dose in an environment like that.
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Posts: 1817 Joined: 22-Jan-2009 Last visit: 04-Aug-2020 Location: Riding the Aurora Borealis
2jttz wrote:Jin wrote:what are you exactly planning to trip on ? shrooms, in the title mate  There are many types of psychoactive mushrooms  Cubensis?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 121 Joined: 14-Feb-2013 Last visit: 12-Dec-2018
Dioxippus wrote:2jttz wrote:Jin wrote:what are you exactly planning to trip on ? shrooms, in the title mate  There are many types of psychoactive mushrooms  Cubensis? Touché, didn't think about it in that sense  anything posted buy this account is 100% fiction
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 908 Joined: 06-May-2012 Last visit: 07-Mar-2020
Welcome to the Nexus Sycamore! I love to be outside when I trip. If you are going to in a hotel room, I would recommend a small dose. Being in unfamiliar environments can be kind of weird and out of place while tripping for me. Everyone is different though. And I have the same question as everyone else. Do you know what kind of mushrooms. I know that if you are in the US then they are probably cubensis or liberty caps. 3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF!!!!FFO TSALB ...1 ...2 ...3 My grafting guide
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How nice of a hotel is it? If it's a nice hotel with a big room, good scenery, pool, and hot tub with minimal guests, I would say keep your dosage low and go for it. If it's just a cheap hotel with a tiny room, you might go a little crazy.
Posts: 67 Joined: 14-Mar-2013 Last visit: 02-Oct-2016 Location: Adrift in the ocean
Greetings Sycamore,i too share your love of a solitary trip where i find that doing so allows for a clean full on trip undisturbed and uninfleunced,when istarted out it was usually done at festivals and still but i more prefer it my room with privacy like qaulity time with the self in nature always never dissapoints. Hotel rooms you are entitled to your privacy and a space where other attendants tend to mind their own business anyway bursting out in laughter could mean anything you might be watching something funny etc and if you put up a "Do Not Disturb"sign and lock your door you'll be safe. There is always the faitfull outdoors where a nice forest has alot of silent company from the trees which is great for something like shrooms or what can be an intensely powerful pilgramage is climbing a mountain it does wonders,this id reccomend at daytime though because at night it can be scary when tripping. Wish you a happy journey The lives of all they occupy their eyes in dismal gloom the all-piercing,dead oculi - mirrors of our doom Oblivious to the trespass as you gaze into the black the demon of surveillance insultingly staring back Into you,they own your every secret, your life is in their files the grains of your every waking second sifted through and scrutinized,they know your every right. They know your every wrong,each put in their due compartment - sins where sins belong
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3207 Joined: 19-Jul-2011 Last visit: 02-Jan-2023
imo i would go for a drive to a place in nature i can be left alone in over a hotel ANY day. (not-so)sterile boxes don't make for a particularly spectacular setting, but that is my opinion. you will probably have an amazing time no matter what, however, so if its hotel or nada, go for the hotel. My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
 veni, vidi, spici
Posts: 3642 Joined: 05-Aug-2011 Last visit: 22-Sep-2017
I think shrooms in a hotel room sounds horrible, i would wait til it warms up and then get a nice big rucksack, fill it with a tent and all your essential items and then get your groove on in the great outdoors, you can become surprisingly isolated with just a short walk. Imagine a fire alam in the middle of a hotel room session. INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
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Posts: 1856 Joined: 07-Sep-2012 Last visit: 12-Jan-2022
I think you need to be able to go outside when you want. It can be a little stifling, being stuck in a room, especially on drugs.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 908 Joined: 06-May-2012 Last visit: 07-Mar-2020
Changafarian wrote:There is always the faitfull outdoors where a nice forest has alot of silent company from the trees which is great for something like shrooms or what can be an intensely powerful pilgramage is climbing a mountain it does wonders,this id reccomend at daytime though because at night it can be scary when tripping. Wish you a happy journey Yes! Self in nature is the way to go in my opinion. Very serene and peaceful. Always ended up for a good trip for me. Just as long as you aren't TOO far away, but also not too close to society. 3... 2... 1... BLAST OFF!!!!FFO TSALB ...1 ...2 ...3 My grafting guide
Posts: 1077 Joined: 26-Mar-2012 Last visit: 15-Jan-2016 Location: Far, Far Away
I certainly understand the wanting to be away from others on deep shroom trips... I completely feel you .... I agree with the others though, I'd probably take a tent in the woods over a hotel room. A strange room might freak me out when I focus back in between the waves of weird - plus what Hug46 said... not being able to leave would TOTALLY freak me out. Last time I took off all my clothes and went and sat in the snow in my back yard... it was great... not so much had I been at a hotel. Anyway you decide, I wish you well ad a fabulous trip  Pup TentacleYou are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.Robert Anton WilsonMushroom Greenhouse How-ToI'm no pro but I know a a few things - always willing to help with Psilocybe cubensis cultivation questions.
Posts: 1808 Joined: 29-Jan-2010 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: in the universe
2jttz wrote:Dioxippus wrote:2jttz wrote:Jin wrote:what are you exactly planning to trip on ? shrooms, in the title mate  There are many types of psychoactive mushrooms  Cubensis? Touché, didn't think about it in that sense  thanks for the love and Support guys , however i was a bit distracted last time i saw this Post , as some other topics on the Nexus were occupying my mindspace and i could hardly concentrate , when the shit hits the fan , it kinda distracts us i guess , all those shit particles flying in the air its really hard to concentrate anyways coming back to the point of this post , well no matter what you do make sure you have some music with you and something like a sketchpad aswell , may i recommend forest trance , no matter what enjoy your trip , if camping in the jungle don't forget food and ample amount of drinking water , or drink from a stream if appropriate also go sober and check out the whole area for a day before tripping as to know whether people pass that place or is it mostly deserted or what , decide whats good for you , try making your trip as comfortable as possible , remember it kind of programs us i feel a strong sense of deja Vu right now , i don't know why so .............. illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2 Joined: 07-Mar-2013 Last visit: 26-Mar-2013 Location: Beyond Visible Matter
Oh my!!! that fire alarm thing is exactly the kind of event that would scare me!!! I'm eating some golden teachers that are drying right now. I'm going to grind them into powder and turn them into a dark chocolate treat It's just so cold right now, spring has been leaning back from the line over here. I'm starting to talk myself out of the hotel room now for the sake that I can move about. From previous experience on smaller doses (2g) I get this uncomfortable edgy feeling where I just need to walk. I don't know where I'm going, but it feels like I'm going somewhere, and once I get to this place (I never actually get there) the restless feeling will go away. I could see how being trapped in a room could be bad if that kind of trip surfaces as I may be to hesitant to leave the room in fear of getting lost/caught. I'm looking forward to going a little further than shoreline, I will maybe just wait till spring.
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Posts: 4733 Joined: 30-May-2008 Last visit: 13-Jan-2019 Location: inside moon caverns
With mushrooms i tend to get both - the need for a safe environment and the need to walk and explore nature. The biggest risk would probably be to feel trapped inside the hotel or being afraid to walk the floors to get some fresh air. The thing is, we can't tell what pushes your anxiety buttons. I for instance, can walk around cops on mushrooms - no problem. I find them rather hillarious and infantile (especially on mushrooms)  I also had to watch grieving parents come into a shop, asking to hang out a death announcement - their son died of a drug overdose. Surprisingly, this didn't make me freak out, just feel very heavy and empathic...i sort of realized the drama we're living in.... That being said, a hotel room would perhaps not be the most perfect setting. I'm also waiting for spring as this has been the coldest march since 1885 or something. It'll be warm enough in 3-4 weeks...we just need to be patient.
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Posts: 3 Joined: 26-Mar-2013 Last visit: 03-Apr-2013 Location: usa
i too have a tendency to want to avoid people. but..... my best experiences have been with a few trusted friends far out in the woods away from everything and everyone else, with at least one non-tripper. nature has provided me with incredible insight to myself. just something to think about if that is an option for you Once you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change
Posts: 537 Joined: 10-Jun-2012 Last visit: 09-Apr-2024 Location: Ata
I could see a hotel being OK if it was one with outside entries for each room and if it were near somewhere cool to go walk if you want to and not have to walk through a lobby. I would look for that. Nagdeo

Posts: 5257 Joined: 29-Jul-2009 Last visit: 24-Aug-2024 Location: 🌊
if your that worried about it i really would not do it your first time in some random hotel room do you share a room with someone or something? i would just do it and lay in bed the whole time. or find a secluded and safe place in nature on a warm sunny day
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"