1) If you are curious about it, why not?
2) Extract yourself. There are various plants that cointain it and which can be used for extractions. Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark (MHRB), acacia species and psychotria viridis and several more. You will have to find a source that suits you on your own, since we do not talk about buying or selling these materials.
3) Physiological side-effects for after the experience: none that I know of. Physiological side-effects during the experience: teary eyes, yawning, tachicardia (quickened heart beat), and very rarely nausea and vomiting. The latter is really quite rare and IME mostly occurs when you smoked it the wrong way (i.e. burning it). When taken orally it's far more common but is seen by most as a process of purification and not as something negative.
Psychological side-effects after the experience: lots. Though I wouldn't really call them side-effects. It's kind of the reason we take it - it changes your view, your perspective, or at least it has the power to. It can bring up stuff your subconscious was hanging on to for a long time, it can put your beliefs into question, it can make you see things you didn't know where there (concerning relationships, your life's situation, etc.). It can also be quite traumatizing and leave you rattled and uneasy after a bad experience. Most here will tell you though that these experiences are actually very rewarding because they teach us lots of things we otherwise would never have found out about ourselves. Some people experience the feeling of absolute truth in an experience and become somewhat delusional / confused after this, but with a bit of integration and sound reasoning they usually end up learning from those experiences and overcome their delusions / confusions.
Psychological side-effects during the experience: you will go through emotions you probably never realized existed nor can be explained in any manner with our typical vocabulary. Emotions can be enhanced from extreme euphoria and the feeling of epiphanies to absolute terror.
It's an amazing substance and the good and the bad experiences are valuable if you are interested in personal development, spiritual development, psychological work, exploring your own mind or exploring unknown territories of consciousness / the universe.
4) Yes, bad trips exist with all psychedelics. Unlike what the media might want us to believe though, long lasting effects such as "becomming stuck in a bad trip forever", are myths. You might get scared during an experience but you come back down again from that.
Some things that are real dangers are: becoming traumatized from the experience and needing quite a while to recover mentally from it. In small amounts this can be a very positive experience when you finally come out of it, but can interfere with your funcioning in society should it be an extreme case. Granted, extreme cases of this are very rare. The more common is that it's like one of those bad nightmares that you end up thinking about for days until the haunting feeling leaves you.
Halucinogenic Persistant Perception Disorder: Some people report having long term visual side-effects after ingesting psychedelics. This is most common with LSD but it *can* happen with DMT an other psychedelics as well. There seems to be no conclusive studies concerning what causes this exactly and it's quite rare. Those that do report having it IME don't feel like it's an obstacle or something that bothers them. They report seeing very slight visual effects similar to low doses of psychedelics. Apparently some get these effects to a degree that it becomes bothersome to them, but I have never met anyone first hand who complained about this, so it seems to me to be a rather rare symptom, even with LSD users.
Also if you have a family history or personal history of mental illness psychedelics can trigger something that is referred to as a "schizophrenic break" - but this only seems to occur if there is a latent psychosis already present.
If you need any more information on anything specific, the Nexus community probably has most of the answers for you. Good luck and godspeed on your way.
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. ---
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