SWIM recently came down from a big DMT dose..
He really felt the need to call me and ask me to post this for him before he forgets.
"Why?" I'm not sure... I suppose the DMT "told" him to.
I'm sure some of ya folks can understand where he's coming from.
There's more to this but, SWIM insists only the first half get's posted now until a response is seen.
Again, "Why?" ... Who knows. Dimitri told him so and, SWIM likes to listen to him out of faith.
SWIM has noticed that [only] with higher doses (like, out of this world), his eyes get so moist that he actually gets tears running down his face sometimes.
He tells me this never happens when he vaporizes doses that keep him in this world though.
He recently introduced a close, trusted, and DMT-respectful friend to an out of this world experience and noticed that
while his friend was in this other world, he also developed a few tears running down his face.
On another note, SWIM noticed that any scratches or cuts he had on his body seemed to BURN before "leaving this world" but, this gave way quickly, leaving these scratches and such even less painful than before partaking in this odd substance.
Are these things you guys have also noticed?
SWIM has been watching many DMT videos... Some of which mention healing/diagnosing with this substance..
During SWIM's last experience, he asked the "DMT energy" if there was anything wrong with his body.
The energy soon formed a spear in SWIM's left side like, from the front-left of his lower stomach, towards
his spine in the back ...
SWIM was so freaked out that he had to ground himself and ride the rest of the trip out.
Once it wore off, SWIM started feeling around that area ... Nothing in the front or side seemed to hurt..
He questioned whether he was "just tripping" or whether it was something internally wrong.
SWIM decided to feel his back in the same general area, where the "spear tip" would have been, and WOW,
what pain but, only when he pushed on it ... This could be SWIM's spine or just a pulled muscle or alike.
Due to SWIM's job, he could easily further damage whatever it is unless he's careful. He's glad that "something"
happened causing him to feel around... The last thing he needs in to wind up with a jacked back like so many others
in his trade do. This could have been his sub-concious warning him or, purely the DMT "knowing" ...
Interpret that as you will, Though I'd just point it out.
SWIM wishes DMT was legal...
SWIM has NEVER seen his friend feeling/looking so happy and peaceful, even after smoking massive blunts and banging his quite sexy girlfriend then yada yada yada.
SWIM says his friend left feeling enlightened, repeatedly thanking him for his "shamanic" (as he called it) introduction to this substance... AKA, SWIM wasn't like "here bud, try this!!! you'll get stoned like a mother fucker!!!!"... Instead he told his friend that if he didn't treat DMT with respect, he'd have a hellish trip, he also created his ideal DMT "set and setting" to aid his friend in a mystical experience, etc... This was intentional so that his friend would view this substance with respect instead of thinking of it as a recreational drug.
SWIM has always been a skeptic.. A year ago, to tell SWIM a 'drug' could be so spiritually opening would make him laugh in your face...
Now SWIM has the mentality of a hippie vs his previously quite violent ways.
SWIM hasn't been in jail ONCE since he started using DMT.
It's not like SWIM likes to call himself bad-ass but, he's had many run ins with the law that his newly found
beliefs and views prevent him from repeating.
...For reasons like that SWIM wonders why countries ban DMT...
I'd personally sum it up to SCARED, IGNORANT children running our governments...
Seriously, how many of these guys even know what DMT is...
I mean, if these mindless fucks saw a commercial that said "DMT makes you kill rabbits and shove them up your mother's ass", they'd believe it. I'm sickened by our world anymore ..
Meanwhile, SWIM's accomplished things with DMT that jail, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, therapy, etc. have never even come close to resolving. Whether this is caused by a truly strong "drug" or, if DMT is truly spiritual ... The results are none the less the same.
It's not like people run around shooting eachother to get a 'fix' and they also don't (to my knowledge) drive around 'drunk' running fuckers over... SWIM's also never heard of any ill DMT side effects like cancer like tobacco causes..
I'll stop here to prevent spending all night typing SWIM's rantings ... Hopefully his point has been portrayed.
I'm sure he'll ask me to post the rest at another point which according to him, includes some deeper information him and his friend received during their journey.
Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend
who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself,
I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.