"Down Under" being Mexico, not Australia. Now a citizen of these United States, though my parents are still considered "illegal", but they do not care and neither do I. I only got my citizenship so that I do not live in fear of deportation. Fear is no good.
I work in landscaping, which is a polite way of saying I mow lawns for a living. I do other peasant labor, mostly outdoors.
A basement is my kingdom. There is a beautiful dog to keep me company, Cain, who killed his brother Abel long, long ago and felt so bad about it, he chose to incarnate into the form of a dog, forever in service to humans. It was a very rare thing to go from human to dog, but it was Cain's choice. This is, however, his last life as a dog, for he has served us well.
In my Basement Kingdom there is a wooden box I built, my Meditation Chamber. I am a dreamer, working on lucid dreaming and astral projection. I have had two lucid dreams (where I control the dream), and one astral projection.
I have done mushrooms many times, LSD a few times, salvia a few times, DMT hundreds of times in various forms. I smoked weed every day for ten years, but quit.
And now I'll quit this intro.
Fear, belief, love phenomena that determined the course of our lives. These forces begin long before we are born and continue after we perish. We cross and recross our old paths like figure skaters; our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.
---David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas