unansweredquestions wrote:
Hesus, I am actually planning to do a pretty extensive trip. Its been a long time in the works! However, im fortunate enough at the moment to have pretty good access to the continent and I am hoping to take full advantage of that!
UNANSWEREDQUESTIONS, I too am planning an extensive trip, on scholarhip to do independent research on water related issues throughout Peru. I will be arriving to Lima next week (June 1) and studying fog harvesting, meeting with universities to attend studio classes (I am a Landscape Architecture student), and visiting museums. By the 15th I will begin the Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu (camping in Aguas Caliente and visiting Machu Picchu during the solstice). While in the Andes I will be studying irrigation practices, new and old, and terraced farming techniques. From there I will be going into the Amazon to study water purification. I will then finish my studies by visiting Uros, from there I will have an open itinerary through mid-late August when I must return to present my findings, observations, and experience. The only dates I am not flexible with are a FEW days from arrival in Lima through June 22 at Moray in the Sacred Valley.
At some point I am hoping to attend an ayahuasca retreat/ceremony. I have found some places that seem too good to be true, and others that are too expensive to even consider. I am currently considering the Sapan Inka Project and Ayahuasca Satsangha but still don't feel comfortable making this decision online, I feel I need to arrive, meet people and the trip will find me. Have you had any better luck finding legitimate retreats? I am looking for a low-tech, traditional, authentic experience. I don't want a beautiful building, wi-fi, toilets, etc. I would prefer a few day hike to prepare for the journey, camping under the stars, and true shamans, not showmen.
What are your plans thus far for your adventure? I would be very interested to meet up and discuss our trip at some point, should we cross paths.
find your way, for there is no other way