As something, now completely separate from that coarser level of vibrations which our physical senses operate on.
As something now separate from that coarse level of vibrations which our sexual hankerings operate on.
As something now separate from that level which our emotions operate on.
From that level which our mind, audible, subtle, and subconscious operates on.
That something will express this:
There are trillions of trillions of stars which our instruments, both organic and technological may be able to detect.
You, a human being are a container for all of those stars.
Every one of them is important, and connected to your existence.
As you come to regions of space which are closest to where you have the perfect conditions to support this moment, the planetary formations within the gross and subtle worlds become more "important"
Jupiter protecting the planet from asteroids, the moon perpetuating the momentum of life, the sun sustaining life.. etc
These words you are reading express Ideas.
The microcosm of those stars in man is represented by the nearly infinite combinations of thoughts, ideas and words which the human mind can conjure up.
As you come to regions of internal space which you are closest to at this moment, you find that there are gross things which point you directly towards this moment.
If you actually looked, if you are continuing to look. (like trying to see the whole room in front of you and around the periphy of the moniter)
There is nothing of the mind between you and this moment.
However, there may be things existing in the subconscious mental world, or on the level of emotions, or sexual hankering which are between you and the look.
This is why centering your energy at the naval is useful.
If your energy is truly centered, when you think the word "look" with the intention of looking, there won't be any question of "did I look"
Not because you know if you looked or not, but simply because the vibration which seems to say (in the subtle and subconscious planes) "did I look?" is simply destroyed when the energy is centered in the naval.
One soon moves past the naval, into the solar plexus.
The solar plexus is not afraid of death.
Watch your naval if youre ever about to die, it will certainly react. It will likely create vibrations that will consume your entire body in them.
Your heart, your solar plexus, will never create those vibrations. It is really an empty thing that likes only to serve the higher levels.
This is one of my favorite stars.
But the curious thing is, I like the stars which produce the brightest light.
This isn't because I like stars; I like light.
In fact my favorite star is
Be is the sun.
"And god said, let there be light."
A sentence which in itself, contains the golden mean.
A sunflower shows the fibonacci sequence, a mathematical equation which shows the geometry of the golden mean.
Be is the sun.
If you say Be, and the implications of that actually occur (not thinking about it, mind you, although to ponder the word Be is helpful beforehand)
"To be, or not to be. That is the question." (6 and 4)
Being; to be, is something which is independent of time, however for the sake of prologing the experience of Be. About three seconds after using Be, inhaling and then exhaling.
Hold. Not an agressive hold, but a light hold light you might an egg.
To spend a little time with your internal sun.
If you are successful up to this point, suddenly, what to do?!
Three seconds, inhalation/exhalation.
The word back is meant to return to the solar plexus, that thing which does not worry. And with the support of centered naval energy.
Back doesn't require much. Simply a Back to Be with a little tidying up of the internal space.
Three seconds, inhalation/exhalation.
/ Be \ / Hold \ / Look \ / Back \ / Look \ / Be \
The reality of the situation is none of those words actually exist, but there is a nessecity to occupy the mind with something tiny in order to make space for presence to enter the human vessel.
With the completion of these 6 steps, 4 breaths.
Hitting the final Be, Light begins to seep in.
Moving into silence, the sound of the breath, each little breath.
It is truly inexpressible. the human body creates so much light when this thing is done successfully and with heart. With one's total being.
"Once he reached
the sea coast, he lighted a fire and threw
himself into it. From his ashes his heart
came forth and went up to the interior of
heaven." The legend of Quetzocatl.
This sequence is lighting a fire. I would even suspect, because this formula
is so universal, that quetzocatl knew of this sequence.
I would suspect that the egyptians knew of it.
And the thing is, even though it takes extreme dilligence to get it to work, it actually works!
Center the energy, bring it up to the heart, Make Be act, proceed through the sequence with Heart and Soul Present. Reach Be, and the fire is ready.
Dissolve in the light, and let it consume your whole being.
Sit in silence and look at the world around you some more.
"If at first you don't succeed, try and try again."
It took me 7 tries today to make it work.
After that I could make it work about 6 times in a row, each time the light consistently flowing, and my being becoming lighter and lighter. This energy stays with you forever, you know.