A wonderful day I wish you all!
Finally, after reading here for quite a few years, I decided to register as a new Nexian in order to participate at the Entheogenetic research.
Let's start with introducing myself. I'm mainly a software developer and computer scientist, born in Germany and still living here (currently in Freiburg), although I had been living in french language Belgium (Liege) for around three years.
Besides this I am very interested in studying mathematics and physics for sake of private research. I also love make music (Psytrance) using ImpulseTracker.
My interests in entheogens started to arise 13 years ago because of my starting interests in shamanism, esp. after reading Jim DeKorne's "Psychedelic Shamanism". I now have experience with Ayahuasca (Baanisteropsis Caapi and Syrian Rue with Psilocybine Mushrooms as DMT antagonist), Magic Mushrooms, Mescaline, LSD, DXM, MDMA and, of course, the beloved Mary Jane
During my experiments with entheogens, I never had any bad trips, even in extreme large doses, probably because I always take huge caution of a proper set and setting. But more on this later, when I'll post some experience reports.
Currently, I'm doing a port from Terence McKenna's "Timewave Zero" software to UNIX operating systems (development done on Ubuntu Linux using wxWidgets cross-platform GUI library and OpenGL), also adding fancy new stuff added like rendering the TWZ using complex number arithmetic (see
here for a introduction of what complex numbers are in case you aren't familar with them).
I did this by applying Jim DeKorne's theory that consciousness itself is the 5th dimension. Since the input parameter of the timewave is 4th dimension (time) and the result is novelty (caused by consciousness), I thought what happens, if I define the complex number as following:
z = x+twz(x)i (with twz(x) being the timewave zero function result of x and i being imaginary unit with i² = -1)
The reason I use the TWZ result for the imaginary part is that it's the 2nd dimension (vertical axis) of the complex number, i.e. one dimension above the real part (which is time in the TWZ function).
While studying the Timewave, I realized that the TWZ is actually a holographizer function, i.e. it causes any discrete input data set to become a hologram in a fractal fashion, meaning you get a steady function having it's input data set repeated over all scales, just like the geometric shape of helix vortices is repeated from quantum sizes to "normal" human sizes upto galactic relativistic scales (spiral galaxies, etc.).
BTW, the cause of this project was the integration phase of a really insighting Scletoria trip after 1 1/2 years after the actual trip had taken place. I will post a very detailed report on this soon.
I hope, I can aid the entheogenetic community here with scientific exploration of the psychedelic realm. I believe to have made profound insights on a mathematical / physical scale which might take general psychedelic research a huge step further.
So that for a small introduction of myself, I will soon post some OGV videos of the current development status of the new TWZ software as well as the link to my SVN repository in order to check out latest development in case you are able to compile the new TWZ software on your own and want to try it for yourselves.
Kindest regards and bliss & love to all of you!
Best regards,
:-) Basty/CDGS (-:
Shamanism, breaking the barriers of the physical world.