It was about 50mg of beautiful DMT crystal, white and flakey. Smoked through a bong with no water, cannabis on the top and bottom. I acquired it through a dealer but as I said I gave most of it away. My friend has one dose left for me, I think I'll be smoking it over Easter at a transformational festival.
I very rapidly smoked a joint of changa shared with that same friend, and it produced a BEAUTIFUL but mild experience that was sort of shared. The life within all matter became very apparent in this crystalline sort of sheet. It was a really interesting experiment. This DMT was given to me as a gift.
I started (and continued) my psychedelic career so to speak with LSD. A beautiful and yet abrasive and perplexing drug that never ceases to amaze me. I always sense the personality of the Jester in my LSD experience.
I've had incredible experiences doing self directed casual sort of emotional counselling with MDMA, and the combination of LSD and MDMA. Almost always ends positively for me.
Mushrooms have always been like a role of the dice to me, and have a dark shadow side. That being said I'm extremely excited for the upcoming season.
These many experiences have led me to a great passion for the responsible use of psychedelic drugs. I'm the kind of guy who takes LSD to work through my recent thought patterns rather than see the pretty colours (although it wasn't always this way), or rather than take MDMA at a rave and dance (although also really fun) I feel it's better used in small amounts to aid powerful and life changing conversations with fellow loved ones.
That Ontoseismic experience was very bizarre. I remember physically getting up out of my chair and trying to get the hell out of it, I was literally thrown back down as if with the force of a full grown human and was telepathically communicated with. This is what I wanted, so this is what I was getting and I was going to have to deal with it. I did it so callously. A momentary lapse of patience and judgement taught me a VERY good lesson.
After I accepted this, a warm glowing light filled me, a Buddha gyroscopically unfurled behind my eye lids as if saying, find your peace then come back.
Since then my psychedelic ventures turned into spiritual ventures. Alan Watts was a fantastic and well found guide to help integrate the experience.
I smoke a fairly large amount of Cannabis and also revisited this experience when I accidentally got very, very, very high in the same place. It was if someone took the flash of hyperspace and stretched it out and slowed it down in order for me to navigate the previous experience slower and more carefully to really get the message.
Anyway on I ramble. Thanks again guys
This is indeed a fascinating corner of the internet.
PS I'm 20 years of age also. I suppose that's relevant. Had a very sudden shift from being very against drug use thanks to the bad examples of an addict relative, to realising that the issue was not one that was black and white. Oh, quite the contrary