So it has been more than a day since my initial experience with DMT. I have been reflecting on the moments after I lit my GVG
for the first time. I felt that I could barely hold in the first hit, like I was going to cough it out for sure. I was able to resist, and as I
did, the effects washed over me in a wave of soft red. At that point I felt I could how in that hit with no effort at all. I felt as though I
no longer had to breathe at all. I tried to count to 20 but quickly abandoned that, and eventually my ego persuaded me to exhale.
With the breath leaving my lungs, I felt a rush of energy into my body and I laid back and closed my eyes. I herd the most
Amazing sounds. Like an alien warble fluctuating up and down, and what sounded like drips in a large amptheatre. I was in a
Room with huge arching and moving beams all around me, they had patterns that traveled throught them. I felt an intelligent
Presence all around me, speaking to me, but it was hard to connect with what they were saying. It felt like they were one, but
Many. I struggled to keep my mind from wondering from the moment. As my thoughts drifted so did the environment. There was
A frequency that I felt was sent by the intelligence, as my thoughts stayed in the present the frequency was steady and pleasant.
As my thoughts drifted towards fear, or my ego, or the whereabouts of my body ect.. The frequency went down or up. I think this
May have been a way to tech me how to balance in this new environment. It was like tuning in to a connection with them. That
Night while peeing into the toilet in the dark, it reminded me of that frequency. Anytime I would drift off target the sound would
Change, telling me to correct my position, hehe. Anyway, the initial experience was over fairly quickly, but left me feeling joyful
And relieved. I wonder, was this some sort of waiting room to hyperspace? Or was I still a great deal away from the entrance?
Space is a thing, not a place where you put things.- Terence McKenna