Sorry. I totally forgot about that Vepris Ampody topic, so i scrapped V.Ampody
off of the list.
I'm not familiar with Desmodium Pulchellum. Wikipedia has almost nothing to say about it.
But being a Shrub with a 5-MeO-DMT content of up to 0.2% it's very interresting.
Since you, pinkoyd, said Desmodium Pulchellum is so common in the US...Do you know if it's
a plant that could survive long, dark & cold winters(indoors protected from frost) and
short unpredictable summers? Or would it need growlights to survive?
Then what remains is to gather more information about these plants:
Dutaillyea drupacea
> 0.4% 5-MeO-DMT in leaves[33][53]
Needs botanical/Cultivation information & Chemical Analysis.
Testulea gabonensis:
0.2% 5-MeO-DMT, small quantities of DMT,[55] DMT in bark and root bark,[53] NMT
Needs botanical/Cultivation information & Chemical Analysis.
Punica granatum : Pommegranate
![Very happy](/forum/images/emoticons/grin.png)
"DMT in root cortex;"[63] The dried stem and root bark of the tree contain about 0.4-0.9% alkaloids.[72]
Needs Chemical Analysis.
If you, Vodsel, or anyone else who can perform GC & other chemical analysises, want to go and do a Chemical
Analysis on Punica Granatum there is 1 part of the plant that is aware in most any grocery store on this
planet: The Fruit. Pommegranates are delicious to eat, but I'm getting more & more curious to find out the
Chemical composition of the fruit's leathery rind & the pale-yellow membranes that separate the fleshy seeds
into compartments. If you have a Gas Chromatographer at your disposal, dry, grind and Chem Analyse some
Pommegranate rinds and let us know what you find.
I'm almost kind of tempted to buy 5 Pommegranates, enjoy their fleshy seeds, dry and powderise the rinds.
Then buy some NaOH granules & a bottle of Naphtha and just perform a simple STB on those rinds.
Then separate the Naphtha and put it in the freezer to see if anything will precipitate out.
If you are so blessed to live in a sunny location where Pommegranate trees grow wild, then you could try and
sample some root and stem bark for Chem analysis too.