Hello members of the nexus. I've been observing many threads of this forum online and I couldn't help but to join. I wanted to formally introduce myself and try and become a valuable member of your community. Truth be told I am rather new to the forum scene in general joining my first one probably not even a year ago as a result of needing help with mushroom cultivation. I do still greatly love them too but I'm immensely interested in other psychoactives too. I have always been different than the average person in society and prefer naturalistic things over technological stuff. That meaning I'd rather spend my day fishing than playing video games. Horticulture has always been my biggest passion aside of caring for animals. My dream is to someday own a completely self reliant organic farm with all manner of everything. I want to be part of the preservation of these sacred species and to create a domestic wealth of these plants so all those that are interested have an opportunity to experience these things if they so choose. I do agree that psychedelics are not for everyone because some people just don't have the interest or don't have the right mindset etc. However I do believe for those capable and/or willing etc that they should be legally able to take entheogens as long as they maintain themselves and don't harm or disturb anyone. I do also realize that even under sitter supervision not everyone even those with great experience cannot always keep themselves together but that can in should be part of the experience/teaching of which ever substance. That being said I have never freaked out but have had to ride through some not so desirable times during experiences but I love just that meaning sometimes the "bad" is the most good done. Sometimes to be on the edge of ones sanity is just where one needs to go to really appreciate coming back to normality. Saddly I have not tried the ever so intriguing DMT but I have that possibly of so hopefully soon. I do have great experience with a few things and stuff but not the DMT. Someday I will get there but it will make itself available when the time is here. I'm not a super accomplished grower of entheogens but I'm aspiring to be someday. I do however have many projects underway which includes Mimosa hostilis, Lophophoria williamsii, San Pedro, Trichocereus peruvianus and bridgesii, Syrian Rue, Psychotria viridis, A. peregrina and/or colubrina, Rivea corymbosa, assorted morning glories, and poppy. No sale of any of which aforesaid plants will take place but trades to help expand other collections and my own are welcome. Still haven't found all that I wish to nurture but I hope to someday help to preserve species I haven't come across yet. All seed of which will be offered of any serious person whom assures me they are willing and able to take care of properly and diligently. No need for compensation on my end as im doing what i feel I'm here to do...spread the love. I recall my first ever entheogen experience of mushrooms where I was told by some random voice I had found the secret that many long for and that this isn't wrong to do. Never have I felt so accepted but not by people by reality in and of itself. I know that I'm here to spread this message which is that there is much more than the eye can see and the mind can grasp. Psychedelics helped me to see beyond the box and into the endless infinity that surrounds us. Another major point I want to express about my beliefs is that although certain things can be done for fun this isn't their proper usage and although you may of had a full on feeling of orgasm from every single cell of your being on one occasion doesn't mean the next will be as pleasant especially if your taking it to get messed up and party at a concert or something as you may or may not loose your marbles and have a bad time. So much more to say but that should atleast give you all a base for why im here and what I am about. Peace new family