Good day ladies and gentlemen,
We have quite the artistic community here. As such, I believe we should compose ourselves as artists! We have plenty of great threads that show art, how to create art, but we are lacking in threads critiquing art.
Now, I don't mean critique in the sense of "Damn, yo' pichuh sux, yo!" More like honest to goodness critiques of style, form, technique, etc., talking about the work as a whole.
To me, this is very beneficial in many ways. Often, others will see things I miss, and so I get a lot more out of a work by reading another persons critique. It also helps for the viewer to get ideas on how to do things, as well as helping artists learn what works and what doesn't.
I know we often give (well deserved) props to those who make some great work in the Art Bin and Gallery, but they are often short and to the point. This thread is meant specifically to delve deeply into works on an individual basis.
Who's art am I suggesting be critiqued, you ask? Well sit down, and lemme tell ya!
Everyone! (Everyone who is open to criticism, that is!) So, a good policy would be to ask someone in advance if you can give them a critique. Also, critiques of famous work are welcome.
And by no means, do you have to know a ton about art. It can be simply what you like about a work, or what you don't, things you notice, and so on. This is meant for everyone!
My last pitch is about how great it would be for us to develop our nexian styles (especially us who are still new to art). Obviously, much of the art created here is of a trippy nature, drawing on experiences from times on the high psychonautical seas. Well, lets cultivate that! We have incredibly diverse skills and styles, but we are all nexians, so lets richen our artistic culture!
Without further ado, I humbly offer all of my works up to be critiqued.
Be an adult only when necessary.