We've all been shocked and terrified by the many newsstories of people
being arrested & persecuted for manufacturing DMT. First mostly in the US.
Then in the UK and in Germany. (maybe DMT-busts in some other countries?)
UK has banned the import or sales of MHRB. Australia making plans to ban
1000nds of DMT & mescaline bearing plants & cacti, including Acacia;
their national symbol. Malignent madness like this has been plentyfull
in the last 2 to 3 years
But let's focus on some positive developments that have been occuring as well
in these same years:
Peru: decriminalised Ayahuasca and declares it it's national cultural heritage
Brazil: did the same for Ayahuasca, some time before Peru did I think.
Equador: did the same, or at least I caught rumours of it. Can't be too sure.
Portugal: decriminalised drugpossession (in quantities clearly for personal use)
Colombia did much the same, but for cocaine, amphetamines & RCs like LSD and 2CB too. (Strange bunch
...but still a step in the right direction)
I think Portugal was the first to start this new trend of applying "reason"
to drug policies.
These are certainly forward, bright decisions & have
caused me to consider Brazil, Portugal, Peru & Equador to be desirable
locations to migrate to if my own country becomes too unbearable to live in.
It certainly seems to be working at it.
"Reason" is becomming less populair
here every day.
But I would like to make a list showing all countries that are changing their
drug policies for the better & explaining how they're doing it.
I'll just start with this brief list and expand it with new country names &
information about their drug policies as I find more info on it.
Peru decriminalises Ayahuasca and declares it it's national cultural heritage
Brazil did the same for Ayahuasca, some time before Peru did I think.
Equador did the same, or at least I caught rumours of it. Can't be too sure.
Colombia did much the same, but for cocaine, amphetamines & RCs like LSD and 2CB too. (Strange bunch
...but still a step in the right direction)
Portugal "Even if there are no criminal penalties, these changes did not legalize drug use in Portugal. Possession has remained prohibited by Portuguese law, and criminal penalties are still applied to drug growers, dealers and traffickers
Individuals found in possession of small quantities of drugs are issued summons. The drugs are confiscated, and the suspect is interviewed by a “Commission for the Dissuasion of Drug Addiction” (Comissões para a Dissuasão da Toxicodependência – CDT)"
Small (or personal or noncommercial) amounts mean:
25 g Cannabis (herb)
5 g Hashish
2.5 g Cannabis Oil
0.5 g Pure THC
50 µg LSD
1 g MDMA
2 g Cocaine (Hydrochloride)
0.3 g Cocaine (Benzoylecgonine)
1 g Heroin
1 g Methadone
2 g Morphine
10 g Opium
1 g Amphetamine
0.1 g PCP
(I didn't list Holland but they still have some good drug policies: Each household
is still legally allowed to grow 5 Cannabis plants & (after banning magic mushrooms)
it is still legal to grow & possess magic mushrooms for personal use. However politics &
media have been slipping into a more repressive, prohibitionist approach the last 5 years
or so)
I'll expand the list untill we have a neat, clear list
of countries where one day perhaps extracting & consuming Entheogenic compounds will not be
seen & persecuted as a vile crime against Civilisation. Perhaps one day people like us, Psychonaughts who use Entheogenic plants/compounds, could live in a country where we could
grow or buy our plants, acids, bases & solvents, extract our precious compounds and ingest
them out in the open, peacefully, without any paranoya whatsoever. I don't care if people
mass-producing/extracting psychedelics & trying to make a fuckload of money off of them peddling them to anyone & everyone are still harshly persecuted: They deserve it.
As long as cultivation, preparation/extraction & possession of Entheogenic compounds will
be legalised in some countries I am a happy man. And that is exactly what appears to be happenng in the countries I listed.
Can you guys here help me gather information about these countries & the specifics about
their more sensible drug policies?
Any new developments in the drugpolicies of these countries: If you know of any news, do share. Also if you know any other countries that
are changing their drug laws & policies for the better, do share it here.
Help me map the "Entheogen-friendly territories" on this planet.