Hey all in the Nexus!
The forum here is awesome and so abundant with knowledge and positive attitude I finally collected the courage to join and am so glad I have!
My scenario is something like this:
This will be my first extract attempt (acacia confusa root bark), and I've looked over both thick light's and Kermit's teks which seem to have resulted in the most consistent results from Nexian to Nexian. I have procured all the materials and only need a few more equipment items (lye safe container, lye safe baster for pulls). I plan to use/create a tek using these materials-
ACRB (currently 50g, more on the way)
VMP Naphtha
100% NaOh
White Distilled Vinegar (diluted to 5% acidity)
Two questions I have,
1) should I consider attempting a small scale (50g) extraction to improve my knowledge and gain first hand experience before say trying a 500g (potentially very high yield) run?
2) thick light prepped their bark by freezing (breaking down cell walls and helping release elements is
my guess), but the bark I have is dryer than dust lol. Overnight in a glass jar only resulted in a cold glass jar. Suggestions?
Thanks to all!
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Ghandi