Sublingual administration sounds ideal to me and I've searched and read quite a bit, but still have a few questions. First off, how stable is DMT-acetate in water? One preparation says to use 50% water and glycerin. I thought I remember reading DMT-acetate isn't very stable and that the glycerin is to help preserve it. Is that the purpose of the glycerin?
Second, does anyone know anything about NMT heavy mixes and how well they would absorb and store in such a mixture? Does NMT form NMT-acetate as DMT does? There does not appear to be any information on this on the forum. I'm guessing it pretty much works exactly like DMT due to how similar the molecules are.
Lastly, does anyone have any tips on how to keep the tincture under your tongue w/ out saliva building up? I don't understand how to swallow saliva w/ out swallowing the tincture. I mean most your salivary ducts are under your tongue...
She's real. She's got red lips.