Hey to whoever asked in my last thread, it got deleted for putting prices on so ill avoid that from now on. Anyways, The whoe group seemed wonderful, I never picked up on the negative energy until after the first ceremony, and even then it just appeared to be a bad experience for them. It wasnt until what they said when they left that it became clear.
Of course for everyone who was a first timer, which was most of the group, we were all pretty nervous of what to expect during or first journey. We all sat in our spots, the maestro sang his icaros, and we all took our cups and waited. The very first thing that happened was this middle eastern fellow started to make whooshing and swishing noises, and I had no idea who was doing it because the lights were out. then right after that he started speaking in tounges, so the maestro came over and did his ventiada(blessing). We did not find out until a few days later he actually puched the maestros hands away as he pu him on his head. So that started the ceremony and before long others started crying, screaming, puking, the general releasing of bad energy that happens in most first ceremonies. To hear all that practically made me piss my pants although I was able to maintian control.
After that ceremony the demon guy who had a wife did not participate in anymore ceremonies and left a few days later. It wasnt until they got their boat ride out that he told one of the shamans. "Tell maestro Gume never to cross our paths again." That tripped him out so much he had to call off the day of silence and have a special talk with the group. We then learned that while a few were having a rest night 2 members were hanging with the other 2 bad ones, and out of ceremony they seemed completly normal actually very nice, but once he could hear the maestro starting his icaros from the ceremony house he began to shake and act possesed again. He then just turned his back towards the ceremony house and went back to normal. He said that the energy of the mesa(a blanket with stones,crystals,and sacred objects for cermony) made him feel uncomfortable. At some other point, I forget exactly what they said, but he mentioned having a deal with some sort of archangel.
I dont know about you guys but that was freaky as freaky gets for me. That was the first time ive been in the presense of such evil, and although I dont think that his wife was so bad, being that they were middle eastern I dont believe she had much of a say so in the situation(I mean no racisim thats just what my thoughts are.)