The only experiences that i've had that i can say were truly "BAD" were due to having bad reactions or potentially not so pure/clean products. There have been two times that i have had such bad physical reactions that I was genuinely concerned for my life. I had extremely drastic changes in blood pressure, a sense that my heart was stopping, it became extremely hard to breathe/hang onto reality, and i basically thought i was having a stroke or something. Both times were the scariest two moments of my life. These weren't the type of trips where you experience death subjectively through the psychedelic state/hallucinations. These were actual physical reactions that were so extreme/severe that I felt that my body was shutting down.
The first one was one of the few times i tried a synthetic cannabis blend called "Head Trip". I realized the first time that this was powerful stuff because i hit it 2-3 times and was so f**ked up that i got stuck at a friends house from 9:30pm until almost 2am on a weeknight because i didn't feel safe driving. I've never had that effect from real cannabis. So i stuck to just hitting it once until it was gone. I made the stupid mistake of taking a hit out of the cashed bowl that i had smoked the whole 5 gs of this blend out of and must have got a super condensed resin hit and within 30 minutes of hitting it i was stuck on the couch hallucinating and unable to move. Everytime i tried to get up i had the most severe head rush that i can't even really explain it. I felt numbness throughout all of my limbs and the numbness penetrated clear into my head so that i couldn't even feel it, and my whole mouth went numb as well. Again, it seemed like a mini stroke or something. My heart was beating so hard that you would have been able to actually see my pulse pounding in my throat. I was so scared, f**ked up, and unable to move that i couldn't even make it 20 feet into my studio to get my phone and call for help. I just laid there and tried to do breathing exercises and hang onto reality as long as i could. This lasted 3-4 hours and i finally fell asleep. I felt borderline retarded for the next couple days and haven't touched the stuff since.
The 2nd one was more recently when i did what i thought was 4 ho met and it turned out to be something else that i have yet to identify. I have plenty of experience with metocin and this was nothing like it. I smoked a large joint that was filled with a ton of keif as it was coming on and i instantly became extremely high. It was the most intense body load/buzz that i have ever experienced outside of the prior experience. After a couple hours of this buzz getting stronger and stronger to the point where i started spinning i started getting freaked out and got up to get some water. Fortunately my GF was there because after i drank the water i started spasming uncontrollably and it felt like my heart rate had dropped to 10 beats per minute. I could barely feel a pulse. This may have been an illusion because i had her check it and she said it was there and not too abnormal, but everything began closing in on my as if no blood was being pumped to my brain/limbs. Fortunately she didn't freak out, and neither did I, and she stook care of me for 45 minutes until this horrific experience subsided and i came back to baseline. During that 45 minutes i experienced the most horrible body load that was so intense that i was having an extremely difficult time breathing and talking. The whole thing was severely compounded by the panic attack that i began having due to the situation.
I felt really bad afterwards because my gf had never done any kind of drugs in her life until she started dating me and she began smoking a little ganja here and there. Not a big time smoker, but also not a hater/nagger that wants to try to change me. She also found my discussions on psychedelics very fascinating and showed interest in trying some psychedelic compounds. She actually tried mushrooms with me for the first time and absolutely enjoyed it. I hope this bad experience did not turn her off because it was such a strange and isolated incident that i didn't want her to think that it was even remotely normal for something like that to happen. I guess we'll see in the future. I'm lucky to have such an amazing woman in my life. No other girl that i have ever met/dated has ever shown any interest in all of the "wierdo" things that i'm interested in, especially when it comes to psychedelics and spirituality. Most that i've known have just not understood these things, and I can't say that i really expected them too. They were just conditioned to think negatively of these things and no amount of education could sway their opinion. It is simply incredible to be able to finally relate to someone on that deep of a level.
Sorry for the long post. I just wanted to share these two experiences and also point out that even after hundreds of psychedelic experiences i have never had a truly bad "trip". Even the more difficult/intense ones have turned out being great learning experiences. It has only been the times that I had severely negative physical reactions from what were likely tainted drugs that have truly been negative experiences. I have certainly learned alot about the importance of safety and harm reduction through these experiences and I will never accept any kind of RC from anyone other than my own very reliable source in the future. And even then I will always use every harm reduction technique i know to prevent something like this happening again.
Take care folks!