I think a lot about life, purpose, and the world/solar system/galaxy/universe/multiverse we live in. Every now and then I have some breakthroughs. Like, what if amnesia is our memories and feelings from our past lives that we repressed? Not reincarnated, but respawned. We could very well be "the Sims" for some intelligent lifeforms in the universe. We're just characters in a video game for them, and neither of us know it. We live the lives of soldiers in Call of Duty, and what if they believe they are behaving on their own free will rather than through electrical impulses from a controller. People talk about video game universes like the Fallout universe, Skyrim universe, and CoD universe. What if these were actual universes? Yeah they're just games, but how much does it take to start a universe? We haven't even set foot on Mars, yet. What do we know about the universe? How big or small, or fast or slow will a universe develop? Think of a universe as a baby. The Big Bang(lol) started it, and it just kept rolling after that. And we're just this baby's protons, neutrons, and electrons doing our own shit and not knowing anything about how small we really are. With all our knowledge about the universe, who says a simple idea couldn't be what sets one off?
The limits of the universe are mind boggling. And it's always expanding? If you were to reach the end of the universe, would it look to be stretching back? My personal theory is the edges of the universe are ultrasupermassive black holes. Black holes that make the supermassive one in the middle of our galaxy look like the size of an election in comparison.
These black holes will gobble everything and rip its victims atom by atom across countless galaxies. However, the day an intelligent species can find a way to survive these holes and pass through them.. What could be on the other side? Literally nothing? No color; not even white. Just simply: nothing. Or could there be more?
Perhaps it's happened already. The universe is so unfathomably huge. It takes us 2,500,000 years to just SEE a planet in the Andromeda galaxy, which is RIGHT NEXT TO OURS. There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on Earth. In one square meter of sand, there are an estimated one trillion grains of sand. In the Milky Way galaxy alone, there are roughly 100 billion stars! Imagine an infinite and expanding number of these galaxies all in ONE universe. Now imagine an infinite and expanding number of these universes in a multiverse. And how much farther after that? Entire universes may be virtually the exact same as ours, but different in some almost insignificant way.
What if you traveled to other universes in your dreams? Your body can only go the speed of light, which is painfully slow in the grand scheme of things. I don't doubt for a second it would take a googolplex of years traveling at 186,282 miles per second, if even, what with this ever-expanding universe. But the speed of thought is crazy. And I'm not just saying quick-witted people think fast. In fact, I think the more appropriate phrase would be thinking far. When someone sleeps or meditates, he removes all the distractions and allows his body to rest while his mind can expand freely. I strive to expand my mind whenever I meditate and to reach a state of mind wherein I can cast away my materialism and worries, and instead become more in touch with the universe and the nature of everything around me; observing and fascinated by the questions of why and how.
Everything we do and everything we've done, not even as humans, but as the some of the inhabitants of this particular universe is virtually nothing in comparison to the multiverse. Every universe may have a purpose. Who knows what role we play in this multiversal grand scheme. For all we know, there may be universes created from simple dreams, and we visit these universes every night when we sleep through some metaphysical connection that transports your thoughts and senses through multiple universes into this personal dream universe. Ever try running and it felt like you were 1000 pounds? That's sleep paralysis. Your mind is way too far away from your body to effectively perform actions. Waking up a sleeping person rips their mind from this dream world and forces it back into the body in a splitsecond. No wonder people will be pissed. And people always have similar dreams, and many times dreams share a common setting. What if everytime you dream, you see mere glimpses of this dream universe, your universe. Created by all your thoughts and loves and pains and memories (It would be pretty funny if this is how Inception could happen lol). Perhaps you can't remember it by the time you get out of bed because the farther you go, the weaker the connection, or the more your brain wants to protect you from going mad over this precious distant paradise that's always just out of reach.
I've used "perhaps" and "what if" a lot in this because I'm just throwing out these ideas and possible explanations. No I'm not entirely sure of my theories, or anything for that matter, and I'm not preaching the Codified Laws of The Universe or anything. I know I sound pretty crazy. I'm saying that dreams can create universes haha. But if you look at the history of everything, chaos and randomness have resulted in the lucky breaks against pretty astonomical odds we've gotten. What if we got a bad roll of the dice and got hit by some planet-sized asteroid that wiped out all life on Earth forever? Well, there's a universe for that.
I've never taken DMT, but I really hope that it could open my eyes to the wonders of the cosmos. I just want to use my first time to smoke as much as possible before it hits me, and then immediately break through to the universe of the fantastical and bizarre and unimaginable.