Greetings, Animusignotus,
Thank you for posting. It was an interesting read. I was left with conflicting emotions, but I can see that you are an intelligent person struggling to deal with the burden of fear and sadness.
I haven't had your experiences or lived your life, but I do know what it is like to deal with extreme sadness, and be very afraid on a continuous basis.
Happiness can be pretty elusive, it's the gold ring, the holy grail that many of us spend our whole lives searching for and seeking.
animusignotus wrote: The way the world works, the way evolution works, it is cruel. The wider the eye opens the more the ratio of suffering to blissfulness seems to skew for the worse. But there is an ascending theme to it. As if we can keep crawling through the muck of this negative world, one day we shall earn freedom.
Reading this made me see just how sad you are....and I cant relate to this bleak point of view, I have shared it in the past. You know what helped me? I stopped watching the news. I stopped reading it (unless someone shares an interesting story on another internet community/network, so I cannot get away from it entirely, as the news can be rather important. I just stopped the daily routine of viewing it.
And instead, went for walks in the forest and felt the peace and quiet, let myself become quiet so that the animals resumed their daily routines of foraging and ''talking'' to one another (well, the acre or so of trees the land that urban designers put, or not cut down, in the suburban bedroom towns), Drove my car out into the country at night time and watched the stars by myself. Allowed myself, even in a big city, to enjoy a sunset or a sunrise. I also stopped watching TV . Now, I cannot stand to watch one second of any commercial.
I see commercialism as you see the world, so many people just being brainwashed into's no wonder that the zombie apocalypse memes, tv shows, movies are so popular - they are portraying or reflecting the human race as it is now - zombified brainless dummies who's only motivation, drive, purpose is to consume.
It's easy to allow oneself to get down by all the evil and negative aspects of humanity's current condition.
I wonder if what you meant by freedom from it, was death? Since I consider freedom to be a permanent condition, not just a temporary one.
animusignotis wrote:However I am far from fulfilled. My fear has kept me from venturing deep into hyperspace, there is a certain point in which a powerful dread overcomes me, the room darkens, and I call it a night. Also I have no girl who can share in my experience and happiness with, often times when using less potent and visual psychedelics, such as lsd, I will cry for hours, mourning what I have lost, even mourning over the fact I am mourning when I have been blessed with all that I need and more.
I had a similar experience after I took a similar substance (LSA) I cried because I recalled every single painful moment in my life that I had forgotten for 35 years, they were all coming back one after the other, each memory I thought I had dealt with or completely suppressed in my subconscious, came out. I cried for hours and purged and purged, I lost a lot of fluid that night, and got extremely dehydrated. I believe that if you cry while under the influence of LSD or LSA, I think it means that it is something you need to do. You needed to cry. You need to feel, to really feel and experience the pain that you had put aside, even pain that you thought you had dealt with reasonably, when it comes out, I think it's because you did not allow yourself to experience it. I think that when someone has been subjected to a certain amount of pain in their (early) life, they become intolerant to any more pain, they have reached their capacity, and any new pain gets simply shoved down and placed in the ''forget this'' bin in our brains, or gets a good dose of apathy instead, or better yet, good old denial. ''This doesn't hurt at all''.
And if you really had all that you needed, you would not be sad or crying, because pain comes from either not being able to meet our own needs, or someone being able to meet our needs but rejects us, neglects us, ignores us for whatever reason. When we have all of our needs (not wants) met, we find peace, we find what we are looking for. The most basic of needs that most humans have is to be loved and to love. And we usually look for love outside of ourselves, we usually look for love in someone else.
Psychedelics just point us in the direction we should go....Are you scared of what they will show you,? From reading others experience with DMT, it can show you that you don't need to be afraid, that fear itself is our biggest enemy. Facing our fears, takes a lot of courage, encouragement and determination but also support.
Like Vodsel said, meditation can really help you to just quiet the constant chatter of thoughts, (I've never been able to make them silent, yet, but I can focus myself from hearing them so loudly). You might learn a lot about yourself that you did not realize before.
I know that having someone we love in your life, can make us think we'll be happier. I know that feeling of being alone, and lonely and needing someone. I was with someone who was supposed to be that person, but I have never felt more alone and sad than when I was with them. I tried finding love in others, but, that was just a bandaid. It did not fix the part in me that was broken or missing. I learned to find solace and comfort in being alone and by myself. I was not as smart or as wise as others, I had to learn that lesson the hard way - being with someone who treats you like they hate you sure made singleness look like paradise. I hope you can experience the positive side of being single, and see it's perks.
Face your fears. Have a sitter with you always. Relax your mind.